Honoring Puppers with the New Bot Implementation in DBD


Dear DBD Development Team,

I wanted to take a moment to express my admiration for the Warrior Puppers Charm you've included in the game. It's a wonderful gesture that shows deep respect for Puppers and his immense contribution to our community.

I have another idea that could take this tribute further, while also integrating seamlessly into the game's current mechanics. As you know, when a player disconnects from a match, a bot steps in to take their place. I'd like to suggest an occasional variation to these bot replacements: A bot that visually resembles Puppers.

By including this "Puppers Bot" randomly in games, we would not only remind players of Puppers' legacy, but we could also encourage the community to #PlayForPuppers, continuing to honor his love for the game. This addition would add a personal touch to our gaming experience and provide us with a meaningful way to remember Puppers.

I understand that implementing such a feature would take time and resources, but I truly believe that it would resonate with many in the community. It's a way of saying that even though Puppers is gone, he is not forgotten, and his spirit continues to inspire us in every match.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this idea.

Best Regards,



  • Jhn
    Jhn Member Posts: 4

    The intention behind the "Puppers Bot" is to honor Puppers and his love for the game, not to promote violence or harm. In the context of Dead by Daylight, being a part of the action is a form of tribute. The bot is not literally Puppers, but a representation that serves as a reminder of his contributions and passion.

    It's important to remember that in any game, especially those involving combat, the characters we play and interact with are not extensions of real people, but purely elements of the game designed to enhance our playing experience.