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The Event Exposed the Killer biased

Survivor can drop am extra pallet (that you have to get the stun with) which is super risky or block a window (useful at times) but a killer can shoot and expose us in chase or break a pallet and just go around. I can't wait for this stupid event to be over. The only good thing is the bloodpoints

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  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Kinda agree tbh. I wouldn’t bother using the invitation powers on survivor. They’re more likely to harm you than help.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    That was the only event that felt more survivor-favored, though. And even then killers could still use the Snowmen suits to their advantage,

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    Killers could the second year but that first year, killers got absolutely nothing fun to do in the event while survivors got a fun toy and a tool to use to their advantage

    I honestly imagine if they do this kind of thing again with survivors and killers getting these special powers, the devs will balance it better the same way they balanced the snowmen a bit better the second go around

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Likely. At least now both sides have had an event quite favorable to them.

  • Member Posts: 145
    edited July 2023

    Yeah because some killers are already OP. Not to mention their add ons and perks that outweigh ANY survivor add on and perks. But both event skills for a killer are almost a guaranteed down. Survivors better hope they play it right

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    It definitely feels cheap I’ve had plenty of times where a killer puts no effort into actually trying to outplay me at a tile and then they wait for bloodlust exposed

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    I agree the expose should not exist.

    But the pallet break is fine. its super strong but it only does anything if you put yourself in that situation. It only traps you if you chase yourself into a corner or deadzone. Its best usage is as a vault blocker on certain loops.

    also the vault blocker as survivor is super powerful. God vaults become insta wins lol.

  • Member Posts: 685

    The pallet break thing should have never been a thing. Such terrible design

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    You could just... start walking once you realize the killers going for the expose.

  • Member Posts: 5,762
    edited July 2023

    Actually, fragile pallets are super strong at higher than middle gameplay, pallet stun is always a biggest factor during chase after all, same goes for window block because lot of windows are basically forced vault for killers in unique tiles.

    Not going to say killer power is weak, but BL expose is also easily countered by literally just counting and standing still too.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Expose invitation is honestly not that great compared to pallet break. That’s the strongest invitation power by far.

    Second Snowman event was not killer sided. The Snowmen were useless in both sides and just used as a bit of fun.

    This is the only event so far to be killer sided.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    yeah every ability is pretty useful and cool in this event. The expose is the only over powering ability with bad counter play. You enter chase with the killer so now u need to get hit or else. Also It to many killers that have instant downs like bubba, billy, myers, and ghost face so if u just stop running to avoid BL u just die anyway. Merchant can throw up drone making u run and if huntress hit u with Hatchet up close u basically dead anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Ironically the expose and pallet break abilities made playing the weak M1 Killers like Trapper and Sadako more bearable

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    I haven’t used the exposed effect yet but I see there is a challenge for it. I’ve had several survivors run against me in pairs at certain loops using the pallet spawn amazingly effective. They would take hits for each other and switch out positions spamming the pallet spawn. It made for a humorous game a time or two.

  • Member Posts: 188

    yeah window closing IS NOT OP at all, for exposing surv you need bloodlust 1, which honestly spends a lot of time and you could down him for that time without it. I’m not saying about stupid new maps designs, like garden of joy main, where you can easily escape chase.

    While I kinda hate events affecting gameplay in such boring way(it’s better then just afk invitation collecting, but BHVR, you could come up with something much more interesting then exposing survivor and placing another pallet), they are kinda balanced.

  • Member Posts: 582

    Yeah just stop looping and give the killer a free hit, great game design

  • Member Posts: 77

    Other way around. Expose on BL1 is obviously overtuned but as long as you remember it exists you'll almost never see it. Pallet telekinesis, on the other hand, is absolutely busted. It's Carnifex on steroids for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    The main thing I like about the event is it's experimenting with features that could potentially be features.

    I do like the disposable insta-break pallets and can see them being used to weaken extremely strong loops in the future. I also really like the randomizer for perks and feel that should be a permanent feature.

    Everything else though feels pretty awful and overall I don't like these things being spammed while in chase. In concept though great ideas.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    People keep saying the expose is op but I have only encountered 1 killer who used it and it was right near the end of the game and it still did nothing because I outlasted it at a pallet.

    Plus survivors can't really get strong abilities due to the nature of the game being a 1v4.

    Just feels like some of you are just upset because you can't auto win with event abilities.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Oh no, both sides have special event interactions! Please, bring back snowmen that allowed me to tank hits and screwed the killer multiple times every game. That was so fun and fair.

    The exposed thing is stupid, no argument there. But really it's an event interaction, not a base kit buff to killers. It's meant to cause some goofy situations and I really don't see the problem here. Apart from that, blocking windows can literally end chases.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    I see your point. Its very impactful because it breaks faster than normal and is telekinetic. But typically you wont get a hit from it unless they are in a corner/ you use it to deny a vault (imo its strongest implementation; 2s of vault block meaning if you are within 8m you get the hit). If the survivor doesnt run themselves into those situations then they wont happen.

  • Member Posts: 421

    Only encountered it once so far, but the expose had the potential to make solo queue even more miserable than it regularly is.

    Had a long streak of bad games before that one, and that game promised to be a bad one as well as my teammates went down fast and no gens got done - just like solo queue. Then I got chased and was surprised how insanely bad the killer was. It was a killer that I am usually bad in chase against, but I ran this man for long enough that the two remaining mates (one was tunneled out of the match pretty early) had enough time to finish the remaining gens and open the gates ... and then I get exposed from an invitation (a second time, the first time I managed to outplay the killer long enough) and boom, down and camped in basement.

    By some miracle my teammates managed to save me and we all got out, had not expected this after they were struggling in chases I feared they'd just run out. It was still much too close to yet another frustrating solo game, after I did so well until then, just because of a stupid event invitation.

  • Member Posts: 145
  • Member Posts: 1,369

    Of course you would find having 3 hits fun. Maybe 4 if you had dead hard, which then 95% of players did.

    Yeah was about as fun as kicking the couch with your little toe.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Better than getting 1 shot downed? You forget that there also bamboozle for survivors and just able to set pallets around the map. Both suirvivor AND killer have to go out of their way to get the invitation but killer is usually impacted more because its the more time risky role.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    This is why I ran doc on the snowmen effect. Both shouldn't have been added. I'm able to wait out then expose a protector thus continuing the tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 60

    Can't forget the invite/envelope requirements either.

    Survivors? Make it all the way to end game and open the doors!

    Killers? Just pick it up and finish the match lol

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    yea killer is easy mode in this event. but hell i faced good survivors as plague and those fake pallets are annoying

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