Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Sadako Nerfed?

Read the patch notes, saw a bunch of cool buffs for Sadako then stumbled across these 4 points.

  • "Projecting to a TV now applies ¾ of a stack of Condemned to all Survivors not carrying a Cursed Tape (was 1 stack to nearby Survivors)."
  • The projection now has a 15-second cooldown. Since there is no longer a range limit on the Condemned effect, we need to limit how frequently this can happen.
  • Holding a Cursed Tape no longer passively builds Condemned.
  • Cursed Tapes can now be placed on any TV other than the one they were retrieved from.

It seems that they've nerfed one of the potentially the 2nd weakest killers in the game straight to the ground with these changes. A genuine fix would be to remove these 4 points and keep everything else



  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,279

    I think it's too early to say whether the changes will be a net buff or nerf. I'm reserving judgement until I can actually play it on the PTB (which I've heard is coming out tomorrow, but don't quote me on that).

  • SpiritsHusk
    SpiritsHusk Member Posts: 169

    Sure but looking at it from just the patch notes, it's a similar thing to the singularity where it feels like the survivors have WAY too much counterplay

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,371

    Grab a tape immediately to protect yourself from condemned. Once you see her lullaby pop up using the new accessibility feature, get ready to run to another TV, and if you’re Injured, deposit it to clear any accrued Condem.

    Then immediately grab a tape from the TV you just put a tape into and repeat. (Less certain that you can do this).

    Basically Survivors would want to hold tapes at all times to prevent Condemend from Sadako emerging from a TV, while being able to turn off TV’s at will and being able to deposit a Tape while in chase to prevent the Hooked condemend.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited July 2023

    condemn on entire team is big deal but having 15 sec of cooldown and 90 second cooldown TV along with 70 projection times is also a big negative. it means that you won't be able to teleport where you want to teleport because survivor can restrict your mobility but condemn survivors with TV's is easier.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Condemned is a joke now and the changes will only make it easier to avoid altogether.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 939

    I see more like Pig power.

    Now with this power, survivors are going to be slowdown because they are going to be busy taking tapes and may be someone die because of it.

    Just like pig you put the trap to slowdown and may be someone die.

    I mean it cant be worst that it is now i would rather take the new thing and try.

  • SpiritsHusk
    SpiritsHusk Member Posts: 169

    This is the thing, there's less slowdown now because you can literally put the tapes in ANY Tv, meaning you spend less time on it.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    The idea of the change is to get survivors to use the tvs and tapes more as a form of passive slowdown, which is definitely needed, but I'm skeptical how effective it will be.

    Sounds like the best way to play against Sadako will be to grab a tape from one TV and then move to a gen next to a different TV so that when you hear the lullaby, you can quickly deposit your tape.

    You'll want to be holding a tape as much as possible EXCEPT in chase, so it will be important to have info of when she's near so you can put it away early. Sadako chasing a survivor with a tape is pretty big because it can result in two stacks of condemned on them AND a stack on everyone else.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    That would be true if they kept the whole thing where you had to take the tape to a TV that is highlighted (usually a TV on the other side of the map) but they are making it where you can put the tape in any tv. Also they not touching the time it takes to interact with tvs so to put a tape in, it will still be a sec or two. Pig you have to interact with a box for a while to try to remove your trap.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 448

    I hate when we talk about Sadako because it feels like it's Schrödinger's Sadako: simultaneously the highest and lowest kill rate killer until you check the actual stats.

    Plus, did you just put Sadako weaker than Trapper or Hag? Because putting her below any of them is hilarious to me.

  • SpiritsHusk
    SpiritsHusk Member Posts: 169
  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 448

    I'm pretty sure Hag was mid range at best, at the very least according to the forums and the dev's stats.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    As a Sadako main, I feel she's being nerfed more than buffed since Survivors with tapes no longer passively gain Condemnation. Once Survivors hold tapes there is no reason not to just wait til I get to four or five stacks, return a tape, pick one up and get back on a gen.

    The teleport giving Condemnation is nice, but I more used it to find nearby Survivors so losing that tech will hurt. As for the Demanifestation, I do like Ill no longer be stunned and that it ends chase, so now PWYF will be a good meme perk on 2 Killers.

    Just overall I feel these changes will hurt her more than help, the only upside is that Condemn Sadako will be dead. Not a huge fan of that style. But just gotta wait to see how PTB feels and what comes to live

  • SpiritsHusk
    SpiritsHusk Member Posts: 169

    Easily a B tier killer, possibly A tier, and I also think with these changes she's still stronger than trapper.

  • SpiritsHusk
    SpiritsHusk Member Posts: 169

    not sure if the only strategy that will make her strong is being removed... Would be if her base kit was buffed.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,947

    You forgot the part where survivors can't get condemned by TVs as long as they hold a tape. Basically the tapes are now an equivalent to Singularity's EMPs. A hard counter to the killer's power.

    There are only upsides in running around with a tape as Sadako is not going to stack condemnation by hooking you anyway. She can't end chases fast enough to do so. And playing hit and run isn't going to work that well either when you have a 15 seconds cooldown before being allowed to teleport again.

    You take away her ability to condemn you with TVs and her ability to teleport. Which leads to her having to commit to more chases and wasting a huge amount of time. Which leads to everyone not in chase having the freedom to turn off other TVs, get new tapes in case they were hooked before and do gens. Which again leads to Sadako having less opportunities to use her power resulting in less chances to condemn survivors.

    They basically give survivors complete agency over Sadako's power in exchange for no bloodlust (pretty harsh nerf for a killer without a chase power) and the ability to withstant stuns while demanifested (not too great either).

    ARTRA Member Posts: 939

    Yes you can put it in any i know, but when i played against sadako most people didnt even need to pick a tape.

    Still, i want to see how it works.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    There are a lot of changes made to her so it's a little tough to guess how her power level will change. My instinct is that it is a net buff though (if you aren't a slugger). Survivors are heavily incentivized to grab tapes now but if you are the killer and win the chases and hook the survivor then it seems quite punishing. I do like that they are trying to get killers away from the slug strategy without making her weak. Good thing about Sadako is that there are so many "levers" in her kit. So if she turns out to be too strong or too weak there are plenty of ways to tweak her to get the balance in a better place.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    But it affects the entire map meaning you need 2 or 3 more tp to Condemn surivors but it's impossible to avoid it unless your holding a tape

    holding a tape and getting hit means you get a stack of Condemned And if you hook a surivor with a tape everyone gets a stack of Condemned

    The only nerf is the 15s timer on tp

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 705

    Everyone will be holding tapes. At the start of the match 4 tvs will be blocked ( assuming they do get turned off when the tape is taken out, right? ) so the attempt to apply condemnation via TP will be nulled.

    Sadako will fully turn into Wraith 0.5 with these changes as she will require aura reading perks in order to get the value from 15 seconds cd TP and hit survivors with melee so condemnation stacks do get applied. If she doesn't commit and switch target, then survivor will just deposit the tape to nearest tv and go pick another tape. Hence we get the cycle restarted.

  • SpiritsHusk
    SpiritsHusk Member Posts: 169

    It will be easy to host hold a tape and stick it into a tv when you hear the lullaby

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 680

    I was happy for the change for Sadako, and, with your point here, I see probably where the problem is or not

    1- the projecting now appli 3/4 stack of condemned to all survivor not carrying a Cursed Tape is pretty big, but, now, you can't know who was near you after your teleportation, so it's a buff, with a nerf

    2-the projection with a cooldown is a nerf, but don't forget your first point, IF sadako was able to teleport everywhere like now without cooldown, with the point above, she just full condemn everyone in no time... 15 secondes seems long, 10 maybe can be better, but we have to wait to test to see

    3- the tape don't passively build the condemn on the survivor... It's.. Strange, again, we have the same problem with Hux before his recent buff, what going to stop survivor to take a tape, and holding these all game, just for avoiding the build up condemned? Sadako need to find these survivor, ok, each survivor got a stack of condemn after the one who hold the tape was hook, or you got one when you got hit when you old one... But, don't think is "enough" , maybe a countdown where, if you hold the tape too long, a passively build up condemn are active again

    But yeah, the PTB is not there at this moment, we have to wait to test to see

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,476

    Long time ago perhaps. After recent nerf even Michi said he plays a lot less Hag. A semi good team destroys Hag.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,095

    I think it'll be more powerful.

    Holding a tape negates the teleport condemn, but if Onryo catches you out with a tape, that can be incredibly damaging to you, and your team if she hooks you.