We lost 3 chapters. Next patch will be more insane

forged in fog, tools of torment and end transmission all garbage chapters. Im done with this company lmao anyone else playing a different game rn?
I wouldnt say tools of torment is bad (Hell I main SM) but yea I guess Singularity sucks and Knight was alright.
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I quite enjoy playing AS Knight, but his gameplay against and Borgo are definitely misses.
The entire DM Chapter (besides the Survivors) is just irredeemable garbage, imo.
End Transmission is actually fire tho. Larry is strong, Gabriel is cool and the map is good.
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Tools Of Torment was horrendous how can you say Singularity sucks and then say ToT was good?
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yeah that's a bit weird. Theres a reason she's nicknamed the Dull Merchant. Singularity is unique, and in the hands of someone who enjoys the kind of playstyle he presents he can be incedibly strong, but not boring.
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It wasnt horrendous......
Singularity is boring to play because of how easy his power is negated by EMP and his power doesnt really give a high reward. IMO
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I didn't find any of them exciting. I like Hux, he's neat. Gabriel is cool and we finally have a fun survivor perk. When and if they nerf that is the day I quit.
But yeah skull merchant is just no. Please delete that thing.
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Singularity is boring to play but not hold games for 40 eons Merchant?
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It was pretty bad.
The community reaction is telling. She's legitimately more hated than ANY other Killer in history and I can't even say it's unjustjfied.
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I dont hold games for "40 eons" lol, cry somewhere else and stop painting every SM as a hostage gamer
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Ok cool, you will all complain, nerf her into the ground where she will never be played again. Great job, not everyone plays the same
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I've seen a singular non-hostage taker DM.
She was just a worse Knight.
Find Survivor, chase Survivor, drop Drone at loop, Survivor must leave loop, repeat. That's literally the same gameplay loop as Knight except you can't long-range Snipe people with Guards with Call To Arms AND drones are vastly inferior to Guards in chase
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I'd rather rework her into a more functional design.
If you buff anything in her current kit, her 3-gen gets stronger.
Her current design HAS to go. She needs a Freddy-style rework.
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So make her bottom tier like Freddy.....great Ill start finding a new killer main then
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You know precisely what I meant. Do not try to strawman, please.
Freddy received a total rework. SM should receive the same, her current design is untenable.
She's essentially Schrodinger's Killer. She's both extremely strong and extremely weak. You don't know which you'll get until you load in.
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I meeeaaaan Freddy rework didnt really do him any good, hes still weak, add ons suck, and has no power at endgame and his entire power is countered to a perk.
No ones Strawmanning anything, just say it clear and plain. You don't like SM and you want her out of the game just like everyone else lol
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I want her current, extremely problematic and weak, design out of the game. Don't you?
Freddy was actually pretty strong for quite a while there, not sure if you remember.
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The thing about the killers is that their playstyle doesn't have to appeal to everyone. If you only enjoy playing 5 or 10 of the killers on the roster, well that's plenty. You can easily hate 90% of the killers and still be a killer main (technically you only need to like 1, but that strikes me as incredibly boring).
It's different if survivors overwhelmingly hate a killer's playstyle. You can't have a viable game if players outright refuse to play against certain killers (DCing, running to suicide, going AFK), which is what happens a lot with Skull Merchant.
Singularity is new and unique. It definitely doesn't appeal to a lot of killer players, but seems to be really enjoyed by some if for nothing else than a change of pace. Balance is still an issue, but its also a killer that survivors seem to enjoy going against.
I don't want to change anyone's enjoyment of the game, but you're threatening to do exactly what those of us who hate Skull Merchant want you to do.
I wouldn't worry if I was you though. I think BHVR has thrown in the towel on the idea of major changes to her.
So far everyone in the thread is still talking about DbD, so if I was BHVR I wouldn't be too worried.
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There are hot takes... and then there is this.
I can't.
Its like saying VHS is still gonna kill DBD.
Opinions aren't wrong, but honestly, this might be an exception.
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Let me put it this way and explain why I like SM.
1) Intel is awsome and fun, its cool to look at a lil phone and track people
2) Its laid back gameplay she can help in loops and defend gens
3) Predator type claw
4) I can see some cool cosmetics for her
That being said I dont have a problem with chasing (no Im not relying on easy chases) and I dont have a problem with hardcore defending gens.
She checks of everything that I like, I have played other killers but guess what, they either lack gen defense or chase power. Console is limited to some of the other killers like Nurse, Blight, Trickster, Huntress, Oni, etc.
But when getting painted as "3 gen maniac that likes to sit in a game for 40 million days" its annoying and obnoxious considering that there are counters by just splitting up and doing gens.
I rest my case, berate me all you want for liking SM idc
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We get it you dont like a killer and berate everyone for even enjoying a fraction of her, move around already
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Honestly forged in fog was just bad. Bhvr have no clue what they want Vittorio to be, knight’s gameplay is just a flowchart and borgo is migraine inducing
Tools was pretty bad but it had some fun perks and a decent shelter woods rework.
End transmission was actually great overall though. Cool killer with a good power and alright perks
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If the community didn't play her in the "hold game hostage for 45 minutes strategy" me and 95% of the community wouldn't hate her.
It doesn't matter if you're the 1 out of 5 SMs that don't use that strategy, everyones view on her won't change unless a large portion of players stop using it.
Its also funny to bash on her because she sounds so much like "Dull Merchant".
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There's a difference between liking a Killer and thinking their design is healthy.
I LIKE Legion. I do not think their design is healthy.
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There is also a difference between exaggeration and real facts
"There is a SM we lost" No you just gave up at the sight of her.
"I have been in this game for hours" No you just arent doing anything to get out the game.
Same could be said for every other killer
"Infinite tombstone Myers is broken" It takes almost the end of the game to even pop it.
"Basement Trapper is broken" Mind your surroundings and don't get near basement.
"Mending simulator and Legion himself is broken" Split up.
Healthy or not, it all depends on the choices other people make and the predicament of the realm you play on
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Well, DbD is unplayable in the evening for me as I get lagged out, and Hollow Knight Pale Court just came out...
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I don't want to change anyone's enjoyment of the game, but you're threatening to do exactly what those of us who hate Skull Merchant want you to do.
Can't blame me when its nothing but backlash for selecting a killer.
It's different if survivors overwhelmingly hate a killer's playstyle. You can't have a viable game if players outright refuse to play against certain killers (DCing, running to suicide, going AFK), which is what happens a lot with Skull Merchant.
People hate legion but dont cry for him to get a rework so it just doesnt make sense.
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You're talking about balance, everyone else is talking about fun.
Infinite Tombstone Myers is perhaps related - its a boring game trying to avoid his gaze, no real chases, no hooks, just sit on gens. If you complete them before he gets the infinite, easy, but very boring, escape. But even then at least it isn't a game that is going to be particularly long.
People hate legion but dont cry for him to get a rework so it just doesnt make sense.
Legion does not have nearly the level of animosity that Skull Merchant does. There's more counterplay that doesn't rely on your teammates and, again, its not a game that is going to drag on.
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Smh.....fun but gets hated for it. Got it.
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I don't think you do get it.
Survivors don't find Skull Merchant fun. Whether you find her fun or not to play really doesn't matter for the game's viability. If people outright refuse to play against a killer, its not viable.
This is the difference between survivors and killers in game design. If 95% of survivors find a killer fun to play against, but only 15% want to play that killer, you still have a viable killer. Players don't have to choose a killer, survivors do have to go against the killer they are put in a lobby with.
On the survivor side, this is ultimately why Dead Hard got nerfed. Despite what survivors argued how it added more counterplay and action to the game, enough killers said it made the game less fun for them chasing a survivor trying to bait it out because it was in every match. It didn't matter whether survivors found it fun or not, it mattered whether there was enough killers who felt like it was ruining the game (in this case, BHVR thought there was).
Everyone has their personal dislikes that they vent and, for the most part, they get ignored because that's all they are, personal. But if there becomes a large number of people upset over the same feature, BHVR has to address it. The thing that will likely save skull merchant though is that she is rare enough of a play that its unlikely she's a priority anymore.
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I said I get it and will find another killer. Point blank period.
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On the contrary, I recently stopped playing overwatch and came back after a year long break
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knight and sm chapters were oopsies but end transmission is fine. singularity is just perfect; fun, unique, skillful and a strong killer. survivor is fine and his perks are, you already know. map is fine too imo at least.
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not everyone who plays skull merchant holds games indefinitely. I win games with her pretty quickly with out any gen defense. people just hate to hate. I've never played against a skull merchant who has done that.
the only time I've been held hostage by a 3 gen is against an infinite michael in garden of joy with a teammate who just hid in a corner. I love michael though and don't blame the killer because of a bad player. He was the worst because he left me slugged until a second before death and then would carry unless I wiggled off. I had to bait him into swinging while working on a gen to die. This was before they shortened the max game length too.
skull merchant is a better and more enjoyable killer to play than the knight. not better than larry tho he is goated.
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I disagree with Knight. After his buff I really think he’s very underrated. Knights who don’t 3 Gen are extremely fun to play as and against.
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Freddy was once considered a top 3 killer by many post rework. Forever Freddy was a nightmare
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And now they will kill Sadako :)
There is no viable killers left beside Nurse, Blight and Spirit (well not against a good team).
Playing Hunt Showdown but it is full of cheaters and ping abusers.
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lol Singularity called a strong killer. We do not leave in the same world... clearly not.
You know that you can remove its power the whole game to the point it will be able to use it once or twice during the whole trial ?
Singularity is a M1 killer 99% of the trial, then it is granted the right to use its power 2 times cause survivors are spamming EMPs.
I guess you are a survivor main... omg singularity and strong in the same sentence...
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knight is unique and fun (to play at least) and brought us (nwth + hubris) and vittorio was a cool and fairly popular male Survivor but i can see why some could dislike knight
tools of torment did have a disastrous unfun killer but Survivors and some of their perks were alright
end transmission has a very fun killer with a decent skill requirements and toba landing is an ok map only bad thing is mft but at least Survivors get to have something to play with for a while so singularity was definitely not a garbage chapter.