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General Discussions

What do YOU find fun in DbD?



  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited June 2023

    DBD shines when it plays out like the slasher films it seeks to emulate.

    The nastier it feels to play killer the better.

    The more desperate it feels to play survivor the better.

    That's why I like DBD it can be a really horrifying experience which is both thematically and mechanically great.

  • Member Posts: 203

    I'm a survivor main so I enjoy fun chases. Challenging ones that involve mindgames, looping, and being able to attempt to counter a killers power using skill and experience. However, that killer may be very honed at their skill and I may die, fine with it. Nurse, blight, spirit. All great in my books. Because these killers have SKILL. Wow, something I can respect.

    However, killers like Knight and skull merchant are ruining my game experience. Knight is especially bad. Please try and do better in the future. It's just awful and boring to go against. I don't want to be the person going gg next, but it is what it is. I understand some people like these killers, but many others do not. Such mind numbing gameplay, I can't even endure it. Not to mention 30 minute long matches that accomplish NOTHING but waste my precious time.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    Since we're talking rhetorical questions...looping. it's really the only fun I have nowadays and it's for survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited June 2023
    1. The chases, both as killer and survivor.
    2. Good quality teammates coming together in solo que and playing like were all belonging to 1 hivemind (rare but so satisfying when everyone knows what to do, can loop decently, has map/situational awareness, etc).
  • Member Posts: 47

    As Skull Merchant I like to use the chasing add-ons to time and position these in the most effective way, adapting to the pathing of the survivors, also using the tracking offered by claw-traps and drones mid-chase and the macromanagement these tools offer to me for a playstyle I kinda made mine.

    As survivor, Jane is... just important to me. Thanks to her being in game I can feel more myself, vent out and deal with dysphoria, but also celebrating my gender euphoria as trans woman. As gameplay, I enjoy the strategic aspect, the teamwork, trying to help my teammates as much as I can, translating Jane values in my playstyle :)

  • Member Posts: 313

    After playing since the start of the game my idea is fun is simply running random perks and trying to escape with them or kill the survivors with them. Pretty basic but im past the try hard phase and just take the matches as they come.

    I even use a roulette wheel to choose my 4 perks...... I kinda wish the devs would add such a thing to the game. 4 random perks every game.

  • Member Posts: 236

    I play for the fun of a good, fair game. Whether this means everyone does their best and is respectful, everyones being a shithead to each other for the fun of it, or people are compensated for d/cs or bad sportsmanship, (or my personal favorite when survivors throw their friends under the bus heheheh) I like when the game is an experience, and not a radical contest of cheese plays and glitch techs.

    People who hack into the game and ######### around will always be in every game, and i dont really have anything against the dev team for that, but in situations where i hear about killers facecamping or deathslugging for the fun of being a douche, or survivors going full gen rush at the expense of one or two of their teammates, it just doesnt feel like a game with other people anymore, it feels like speedrun simulator where everyone simultaneously thinks that its a singleplayer game that has no impact on anyone else, or wherein those choose not to play to compensate them.

    i think people ######### around with perk loadouts and skillsets and cosmetics and testing it out and finding something really broken or something that should work better than it does is really fun, and being befuddled when a survivor somehow breaks off into a sprint at mach 11 can be grating and annoying to people if it happens to often, but i love those moments of people not really knowing what theyre doing and just spamming nonsense to hope it works out.

    More customization, as a broad baseline for this game, would make it super fun for me to come back to. Making it easier and more accessible to pick exciting perk combos, make your character look personalized without having to spend 20 bucks or 200 hours worth of playing to do it, making this game into less of a hardcore competitive challenge and more of a spooky horror experience and/or goofy exciting combo finder with loads of customization is what id really like to see from this game.

    Being able to make your character look incredibly sinister, and being able to blend into the environment to jumpscare poor survivors would be loads of fun.

    Being able to make your character look ridiculous and goofy and being able to meme around and play goofy who's-gonna-be-cute-enough-to-get-to-live games would be loads of fun.

    Having something like a 24 hour daily [WE CRANKED THIS UNPOPOLAR PERK UP 300% WOAH] or every other day or on the weekends or something would be really cool to invite people to get to know all the perks, and experiment with different avenues of playing the game. Especially if there was a once a week or two new perk for killers and survivors that was just brand new, and was just out in the open for a week, and then tweaked a little; if both of these somehow landed on the same day as like a random chance thing that would be so much fun to just have this one broken perk that everyone uses that people are DESPERATELY trying to get a counter loadout for would be SO fun.

    Maybe im in the minority, but it feels like the community, and maybe a little of the dev team, take this game seriously much more than they would ever need to. Epilepsy warnings or flashy jumpscares can be difficult to replace or impliment with minimized risk, but that kind of stuff is what i love about this game.

    If im being honest, this game may just be too old for a hard pivot like that, or maybe there just isnt reason to make the game that way. But, thats what would seriously pull me back in. Thanks for reading. <3

  • Member Posts: 867

    It depends on my mood. I play both sides.

    As survivor, I love playing characters I identify with. Like this aspect is so cool in itself, being able to run around in a game that feels like your in a horror film with the thick atmosphere, lighting. I've been a horror film fan since a child when they used to terrify me. I enjoy playing supportive roles in games, and in DBD I'm the one unhooking and healing. I'm terrible at looping, but I enjoy the excitement of hiding and watching, staying alert, waiting to assist teammates. I also enjoy just hopping on a gen and having to look out for the killer, or the thrill of trying to complete a gen so we can escape, and attempting to rescue someone downed during EGC.

    As killer I have had such fun just chasing players around the map, the sandbox is great to play the scary boogeyman and have fun interactions, it's really fun to me teetering on that edge of "I could kill you but I won't, or will I?" I like that about DBD, you don't always know what to expect.

    I like to "spread the love" and not focus the same player over and over as I know that feels bad. Yesterday I had a super fun match as Sadako in RPD and got her Adept. The setting felt perfect for this scary ghost girl. Sometimes the maps and characters just align in beautiful ways; like Wraith feeling like a predator in the cornfields, or Trickster chasing around Springwood with ricochet blades, or Doctor making players scream on Toba, or The Dredge teleporting to lockers on Backwater Swamp with survivors in them.

  • Member Posts: 605

    as a killer I find pressuring generators by kicking them fun, Specifically, my favorite playstyle used to involve Tinkerer, No where to hide, Call of brine and Overcharge to ambush people at gens.

    Lately, due to the recent nerfs, that playstyle no longer works and I struggle with the current state of the game that has MFT and hope and BNP mixed in with Prove thyself.

    Gen time is really low and it feels like there is nothing I can do.

    What I find fun right now is face camping with Bubbba because at least it makes for funny interactions in after game chat.

  • Member Posts: 746

    rn not much but meme builds are fun when they work (which is basically never)

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    I find it fun when the admins of the game do nothing for killers who work with survivors. Even after submission with video, etc I see the same people not long later still playing. Should be a ban for a month - I bet that will stop that .

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited July 2023

    Considering 5 out of 7 of the things I find fun in DBD would get me banned, i'll provide you with two.

    1. Saving teammates from sticky hook situations in my SWF. Even better when you get em' with the footwork for a saucy juke or two.
    2. OG Ebony Mori
  • Member Posts: 2,412

    What is fun? When I get to actually play the game and not tunneled out at 5 gens

    When I don't spend the majority of my match time on a hook because the killer is camping

    Or every other match against any killer except Skull Merchant

  • Member Posts: 439

    As a survivor, I do enjoy being part of the team and making coordinated plays with my team mates, escaping chases that last quite some time, getting hooked after a little while to see and experience some chaos.. Such stuff.

    I most certainly hate being tunneled just because the killer lacks the experiences to mindgame, hide red stain, use powerful add-ons to gain some advantage, being slugged just because the killer treats the match competitively, and having survivors throwing the match just because they do happen to be in a SWF premade; I do get that it's fun for them, but they're literally ruining it to me and to the killer by removing the challenge from the match. I do also hate getting camped, but that's for another time.. Not even the killer enjoys it, although I've met some sadists who've told me about how much fun they had while they didn't move further than ~5m from the hook where I was hooked at the time..

    I don't like when the match is one sided or unbalanced. The killer is too good, plays boring strategies to gain the edge (tunneling, camping, slugging, ...), or the killer is too bad and can't get anything from the match. Both are equally bad, although the competitive mindset definitely ruins it the most despite having a killer who's too new and too much of a casual player to make the match fair makes me feel bad..

    When it comes to playing as a killer, I do enjoy some challenges. I do enjoy knowing that I still have a chance to make some impact by playing the game in a way to make it fun for everybody involved. I do despite of tunneling, camping, slugging, and so I do never use such tactics.. Which unfortunately ends up backfiring and having myself getting one hook after three or four whole minutes of all generators being repaired.. Only to have some survivors offering me „pity sacrifices“ or „pity points“ with the positive intention, that do only add insult to the injury. It feels as if I was being mocked and been made fun of, so don't do that.. Whoever does that.

    I also don't enjoy matches being over too fast in general, or when I'm so dominating as a killer that they can't get any progress on the generators, or have to sacrifice half of the team to get two or three generators done.. As that's when one plays hide'n'seek, having both of them trying to sell each other out, so one can take the hatch.

    It is a pity that most matches are decided way too often by the starting few hooks and generators, and so there are barely any comebacks.. Unless you're playing vabank with perks like Rancor or Grim Embrace, at which point the survivors can simply hide until the effects of the perk run out..

    I wish, the maps would get darker.. It's not a lot of fun seeing survivors across the entire map even though they're trying to be sneaky and wear the darkest outfits possible to slip past me. There's no fun in that, I miss the old Dead by Daylight with dark fog and actually a valid stealth gameplay.

    I sure dislike when I play the game well, but then killer just happens to win the chase because of a perk X or Y add-ons.. Times when it's a matter of half a second or even less that tells whether I get to vault the window or not, wacky hitboxes, and so on.

    I could easily burn all my Mother-Daughter Rings and other add-ons with Rin and achieve some easy victories, but where'd be fun in having them handed on a silver plate?.. Which applies to both sides, but mainly to the SWF premades running Brand New Parts or Commodious Toolboxes. Those are plain and simply boring players with competitive mindsets trying to win the match ASAP.. Probably youngsters with so much energy that they can compete for hours with other players, but us veterans do wanna have some fun after a long day, to have an escapism from the reality, you know?..

    Players with competitive mindset do ruin the game to players with casual mindset, and vice-versa.. But because the playerbase is too small, we're not getting Ranked X Unranked queues, as that'd also be abused by the competitive players trying to boost their egos by treating casual matches competitively and mocking survivors for being unable to escape them..

  • Member Posts: 675

    For me its playing a balanced match (as either side, since I do play either even though I have played more killer).

    What I define this as is a match where the map is balanced and in this case when I play killer, there is not a surplus of strong items and perks (mainly items, since perks by themselves are fine, but when comboed with items is where they can feel worse).

    I also love doing fun but viable builds (like discovering a unique perk synergy/power synergy with perks). I also love the techs some killers have like blight and wesker, we need more killers like them where mechanically they have so much you can do to outplay the other side.

    I think if I was to change one thing to make the game more fun it would be map design. Even if all the big maps were just shrunk and no tiles were changed I would be much happier. But in reality at least half the maps need some size reduction/tile changes to make things feel considerably more balanced. Indoor maps as well like Lery's have the issue of making half the killer powers useless as well and it can feel so bad to get a map like this when you are playing one of those killers.

    Overall still enjoying the game but this is what I think most needs to change.

  • Member Posts: 654

    I do find it fun to know that cosmetic content will not be vaulted for a full year for no real justifiable reason.

  • Member Posts: 331

    Wholesome interactions between me as killer and the survivors.

    I can never kill a Claudette that offers me a toolbox for her life.

  • Member Posts: 78

    I love being tunneled by a Wesker and then becoming 8% slower after 15 seconds of chase, this design choice has been very fun and interactive to be on the receiving end on. After all, he hit his power once so he deserves the hindered effect, in addition to his natural secondary objective slowdown and chase power.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I am very motivated by collecting things, so killer or survivor, win or lose, I'm happy if I did my challenge and unlocked my reward.

    But, as survivor, I have fun when:

    • I feel mobile and active; my objective keeps changing based on the circumstances of the match, and I have lots of tasks
    • I play a healer build and go for saves, or get to be the hero who picks everybody up
    • I sneak up for the EGC save -- even if I die, I just want to see if I can save the other person
    • I successfully hide from the killer by predicting where they'll go and search

    As killer, I have fun when:

    • There is a medium-length chase that I eventually win and the chase is based on mind games and prediction
    • I set up a trap ahead of time and get to watch it go off because I correctly predicted what people will do / where they will go
    • I snipe people I can't see with my birds as Artist, because I knew where they would run
    • I sneak up on people with stealth and scare them
    • I have a really specific plan and build to snowball pressure and the snowball starts going
  • Member Posts: 367

    Sadako gaming

  • Member Posts: 376

    Damn, you hit the nail right on the head here! Especially the point about darker maps, like DBD used to be like.

    I feel like Midwich might be the only good dark map left, where you could do some amazing sneaky plays on both sides

  • Member Posts: 13

    Soo usually Ill jus be playing killer unless I have at least 1 friend on to play with to make survivor at least somewhat bearable although playing with one friend only still feels akin to Russian roulette but cuz of how it's like 50/50 on whether I'm going to get two random teammates that are actually going to be efficient or at least know what they're doing or I'm going to get to dog water teammates that either hide in lockers and self care in the corner or crouch walk or jus sneak in general(even though they are not being chased at that point in time and are actually wasting time jus to not leave scratch marks that fade and completely disappear in 10 seconds 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ enough about survivor my matches in killer tend to very. . Whenever I play killer I have two rules one the first survivor that shows interaction like going out of their way to try and either communicate or interact with me I generally will drop Chase immediately and just go find somebody else I know that's not efficient but it's a dumb rule LOL but it leads to some memorable matches and fun times my second rule is whether or not a survivor DC's intentionally or unintentionally I usually will troll the remaining survivors and act like I just didn't notice the DC but once the last gen is done I'll usually just open the gate and let them go.

  • Member Posts: 450

    When I play survivor I enjoy three key features. 1 is the cosmetics, I love matching my outfits with my charms. When I wear an Attack on Titan outfit and charms on I play much more aggressive. 2. I like that I can play with friends (it is rare but nice to have that chance) and 3 I like learning how to outplay each killer I face.

    When I play killer I like that I am not taken out of the match early, I get more BP and I enjoy the perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,006

    Dodging a hatchet and then throwing a pebble at the Huntress' head is always fun. Booping da snoot is probably the best thing in the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,113
    edited July 2023

    I like "roleplaying" as a stealth killer and jumpscare people and generally just make them feel uneasy in a spooky fun way - like I'll play a match to try to win, but if there is an opportunity just to creep someone out, like just stare at then from around a corner while they work on an objective until they notice me and then dip out and vanish, I'll sometimes do it.

    There's a lot of sweaty killers and survivors, both. Sometime I just enjoy giving them a break from the norm to have some spooky fun. I used to run GM events and volunteer special events in MMOs, so setting up a scenario for other players to enjoy is a lot of fun.

  • Member Posts: 45
    edited July 2023

    Best part: Being an aggressive Killer that throws survivors off their game because I come at them quick. Knowing a survivors move before they make it and being around the corner when they run right into me after making some move they think was slick. Also holding down 3 gens (never played Skill Merch before you ask) when the games a grind and getting the 4K.

    Leaving with at least a 3K and being an Apex Predator.

    Worst part: Lagging in a chase, Bully Squads and falling on my face trying to be an Apex Predator because a teams just too good.

  • Member Posts: 138

    I'm playing less and less DBD due to killer nerfs and survivor being too easy.

    Lets read those new 'rework' notes to cheer me up... rework of oreo biscuit killer??? Hook grabs what???

  • Member Posts: 2

    I find playing killer to be quite a rush ! I especially love when the killers power makes the game fun and different! If their power is no fun to use it’s not enjoyable. Win or lose I love using tentacles as nemesis or vomit as plague or torment as executioner.

    As a survivor I love the chase and comradery amongst survivors. It’s fun playing a good killer with trustworthy teammates win or lose .

    There are laughable moments and tough ones but overall it’s the love of getting better and having fun! Experimenting and improving your game, trying new killers and survivors, and having fun with killers powers!

  • Member Posts: 91

    I like to overcome strong opponents, punish toxic players, experiment with builds and strategies.

  • Member Posts: 48

    I have a lot of fun as a solo que survivor going up against the hundreds of blights that 4k at five gens. It pushes me to play other games that are actually fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I love losing killers mid change with Lucky Break/Iron will and a cheeky juke

    Or messing with killers heads with Red Herring or Diversion (combo of both is fun).

  • Member Posts: 438

    Playing with bots, because matches are super chill, I can do whatever I want, and don't need to endure sweatfeasts or bming from players with power trips. Please implement killer bots.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    For survivor, to have a game where people are actually trying to do the objective and save people

    For killer, I don't want to a game where I have nearly every one of my actions gets countered. Not saying it's impossible to win as killer but pretty much every game is just a miserable experience now even with getting 4ks. I just want killer to be fun again (and that cam be games you get 0Ks)

  • Applicant Posts: 5

    This is my pure definition of fun in DBD 🤣

  • Member Posts: 96

    As a mostly survivor main I strangely enjoy sitting on a Gen and attempting to get all great skill checks. I usually play with my duo or a full swf though as I've noticed that if I'm playing solo Q and I'm in chase then nobody seems to be on Gens.

  • Member Posts: 39

    As a killer I enjoy making some cool play like corraling a survivor into a bear trap, getting a crazy snipe with Huntress or Slinger, doing some cool rush combo on Blight, or just doing some cool mind game.

    As a survivor I enjoy being chased by the killer and outplaying them. Nothing in the game is as satisfying and hilarious as baiting a Wesker into vaulting a window.

    Bad loops design kinda takes a bit out of it. Chasing a survivor around an insanely safe loop like the Baham preschool is frustrating and it's ridiculously boring as a survivor. Jungle gyms, maze tiles, 4 lanes, and double window tiles are all very fun to run as there's a lot of mind game potential and they're not too one-sided.

  • Member Posts: 979

    I've realized from watching streamers play the PTB with Nicolas Cage's perks and this chapter's Made For This that a strong source of survivor fun is from perks. The survivor role can't express themselves through unique powers like killers have. Maybe more perks that could lead to fun and interactive ways so survivors don't feel like M1ing a gen is the only thing to do on a map.

  • Member Posts: 31

    I just have fun and enjoy bumping around as blight and getting those satisfying flick hits 😊

  • Member Posts: 637

    As a survivor main, I think almost everything I’ve enjoyed about the game even at my lowest points is team interaction and playing with someone who could save my life or whose life I could save. I like little things like nods at teammates at the beginning - I feel like it’s saying “we’re gonna okay as a team for each other right? Good!” lol

    I ttaditionallt have loved the variety of gameplay for survivors in that, I can be in a team where someone might be really good at aspects of the game that I’m not (looping, flashlight saves etc) but I can still contribute and bring value through team perks I bring or choices and decisions I make that can complement the team.

  • Member Posts: 120

    Things I enjoy playing as Survivor:

    1. Being chased! The best part of the game by far. 1v1ing the killer and trying to outsmart each other is so fun. I enjoy having a fair showdown with the killer.
    2. Cosmetics. It feels good putting an outfit together like a fashionista, and getting a compliment from teammates or the killer too!
    3. Maps. I love new maps and seeing you guys rework old ones after a period of time has passed. It really keeps things fresh and entertaining.
    4. Being scared. I don’t get scared often on this game anymore, but a good Ghostface or Myers… LORD HAVE MERCY!
    5. Playing with intelligent teammates that actually do the objectives, and do what is necessary to keep the team afloat and on track to escaping. That can mean taking hits for a tunneled teammate, even so far as going down for them to buy more time while the other two teammates split up, one gets you up while the other takes another hit. It could mean pressuring a Gen even when somebody is getting chased nearby, or sacrificing a hook state to complete a crucial chokehold Gen. Intelligent, compassionate plays. I am impressed whenever I see someone actually using their brain. I am also impressed when someone KNOWS that I have been carrying, and they risk their own hook states to save me. I appreciate them going out of their way to show their own appreciation.
    6. Goofy teammates. I love them. I will sacrifice myself for them.
    7. FUN perks. CHASE perks. Gen perks are mind-numbingly boring.

    Things I DON’T enjoy playing as Survivor:

    1. Camping.
    2. Tunneling. I don’t need to explain these two. They NEED to be tackled as problems and punished. We need to get these methods as close as possible to removal from the game.
    3. Unintelligent, selfish teammates who don’t play at my skill level. I play to win. It’s how I have fun. We can joke around in-game and still stay focused on winning.
    4. Bitter killer mains who decide to tunnel me out of the game, hit me on hook repeatedly or camp me to death because I ran them, and now it’s a 3-man out. I’m not going to BM you; I don’t go out of my way to make the killer’s experience miserable either. But I WILL sweat if need be to survive. It’s not personal.
    5. Terrible unsafe pallets or pre-existing dead-zones. I understand a dead-zone created by the fault of the Survivors. I do NOT understand a naturally existing dead-zone. There should be no reason an area of the map only has 1 or 2 pallets, and cut off from the rest of the map. Those are going to be used up fast, and we’ll need to do that Gen stuck right in the center of a dead-zone. If the killer knows about this, it’ll be the first spot they go to exploit and defend. As for the terrible unsafe pallets, a great example is Garden of Joy, where there is a pallet in the center of the road with hardly any space to loop it. Why does this pallet exist? Only an amateur killer would fall for that joke of a pallet. I get making pallets more risky, but pallets like those are just ridiculous. That’s not risky, that’s plain foolish to even ATTEMPT to use. I’d be better off just holding W.
    6. PING. PING. PING. I don’t know if the dev team has noticed, but the ping has been AWFUL lately. I don’t know if it’s because individuals are abusing lag switches or VPNs, or it’s something to do with your servers, or even both. But it HAS to end. I’m tired of getting sucked back through a window that I’ve fully vaulted with feet on the ground, hit through a window when my feet are on the ground, hit when I’ve vaulted over a pallet already, hit when I’ve slammed a pallet down before the swing was supposed to connect. It is incredibly frustrating. I don’t experience lag spikes or anything except on this game. I have great internet. I know it ain’t me. Hit detection NEEDS to be made neutral and not favor any side. Please look into this.
    7. Killers like SM, Knight, Blight, and Nurse are boring to go up against and need to be either nerfed, or reworked. The fact that the community knows how busted these killers can be in the right hands, and just says “Against a good ____ there’s not much you can do” is bad game design. There should ALWAYS be balanced counterplay. I should not be having to dodge a Blight bumping SEVEN times, when he can just break pallets anyways with his rush. Remove that ability! He shouldn’t have BOTH. SM should NOT be able to hold a 3-gen. She should be able to put a maximum of 2 drones on Gens. Knight should not be able to patrol hooks at all with his power. Period. There is NO reason a killer like Knight should be able to sit right by the hook, place a patrol down in front, move back and forth at the hook, rinse and repeat. This is trolling, because it is extremely unfun for the Survivors to go against.
    8. Lockers next to window vaults. Why? Garden of Joy has this. Why are the lockers incredibly close to window vaults at jungle gyms? There is no logical reason for this. This needs to be removed. I was looping today and got caught trying to vault a window, and ended up jumping in a locker instead. I got downed because of this. Stop putting lockers too close next to windows please. The distance of the killer shack lockers next to the window is PERFECT. That is how it should be.

    Things I enjoy playing as Killer:

    1. Killers with a lot of mobility or speed. It’s fun. I like playing as Wesker. I see why Blight is fun, I don’t play him though. Bumping/rushing more than 3 times is way too much alongside being able to use one of the rushes to break pallets.
    2. Successfully defeating a team fair and square, no scummy tactics used. It is very satisfying to know I outplayed 4 other humans and was honorable about it too.
    3. Chasing Survivors. I love the thrill of it, where I can say “come out come out wherever you are!” Or “one way or another, I’m gonna find ya. I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha!” To myself.
    4. Baby Survivors. I often have cuteness overload and pity them, and let them go after hooking twice.

    Things I DON’T enjoy playing as Killer:

    1. T-baggers. There needs to be a cooldown on crouching, at least 3 or 4 seconds from the time you stop crouching (aka lift your finger off the button). You can crouch for AS LONG AS YOU WANT… BUT, you’ll now wait 3-4 seconds to be able to crouch again. This is fair. It also increases the risk for Survivors.
    2. Feeling powerless against a thousand-hour, sweaty SWF squad because they have all of my movements monitored and countered via voice chat before I can even ACT. This is also because I play fair and don’t want to rely on scummy tactics to force a win. I want them to have fun too.
    3. The lack of fun killer perks. Survivors have more fun perks to use while killers don’t really have any fun perks to use except NWO, sometimes NOED for the lolz, and Blood Warden. Again, Gen perks are boring.

    Thanks for listening! ❤️

  • Member Posts: 51

    As a killer main, I like interacting with weird killer powers and facing survivors who know the power and can have a close game with me. I always root for survivors when they actually know a gimmicky killer I'm playing or chase me really well. I always give hatch/exit gate to the best player.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    When I play killer, I like to confuse survivors as much as I can using what I know I can do. Either that, or make them think they are safe and have the upperhand when I actually have a trapcard (like fully triggering Pentimento while not running Plaything, gets them almost everytime, or I've managed to hook 2 people and down a 3rd when having 2 stacks of Devour)

    As a survivor, I like to confuse killers as much as I can using what I know I can do. Or I play extremely casual most of the game untill I am dead on hook and suddenly take them for an unexpected ride. Before I would be the most predictable survivor ever, at the end I suddenly hide/crouch between environmental things without the killer seeing me do it and then I run away with them being confused. Not as effective as my killer trap cards, but effective enough to buy enough time to let the final generator be finished.

    Right now, I kinda dislike that the rift between killers seems to be growing again, while 1 year ago the gap was significantly smaller. I dont really know what caused the shift in that. Maybe its perks affecting killers with different amounts of impact, maybe its maps having been rebalanced a little bit. But right now its either high mobility killers who love to tunnel(which isnt fun), 3-gen maniacs (hag, skull merchant and knight), or high mobility killers that are stacking so many slowdown perks that it doesnt even matter if they camp or tunnel(and some of them still do).

    And while survivors have access to a lot more info than 1 year ago, there almost feels like communication between survivors is a requirement if you want to do well. I know there are some things in the works, but the fact that a hooked survivor can still not effectively communicate that they are being camped to teammates or what general area they are if they are being tunneled is pretty much crucial these days.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Personally, I would love to see someone like Ellen Ripley enter the mix. Arguably the most kick-ass final girl in horror.

  • Member Posts: 628

    I used to play killer primarily. It was easier to not rely on other teammates or get taken out too early of a match.

    But I haven't played in months. I think my last match was Dredge during the Knight chapter. Less motivation to keep playing and games weren't as fun. I watch videos on YouTube to support Spookyloopz and Negoose, but even then I get bored more easily (not because of them, but the gameplay)

    I moved onto Splatoon 3 and Pokemon as my main games. S3 especially is more dynamic, faster matches, casual/ranked modes, co-op, more customization, free updates every season, etc.

    I don't really have an interest of coming back, and Nicholas Cage seems more non-sensical (I get it that people find him funny) and it's not really a motivator to jump back in (even with the new exhaustion perk- risk vs. Reward idea is good though)

    Im not knocking anybody or going on a soapbox, just giving my 2¢

  • Member Posts: 475

    Being Slugged with randoms.

  • Member Posts: 18

    I like playing thematically, which I can really only do as GhostFace and at lower MMR.

    Traveling around the edges of the map and standing behind survivors on a gen until they finally notice me. Slowly walking around unsafe loops when a Survivor is exposed and catching them when they're otherwise safe because I'm messing with their timing instincts. Waiting by the corner of the exit gate, crouched, and grabbing them off right before it opens and activating Blood Warden as soon as another one finishes opening the gate. Waiting behind breakable walls and popping out of them when I hear breathing or gen repair on the other side (Gideon Meat Factory is great for this). If I get an insane lead (~8 hook states with 5-4 gens left), I'll disappear until there's only one gen left which lets the survivors get some points AND builds tension, which sweaty red rankers no longer feel.

    As a rule, I don't ever hook survivors a third time. It serves three purposes: 1. Everyone stays in the game until the end, which is more fun for everyone and everyone gets more points; 2. It keeps me from pipping, and therefore keeps me from playing with Twitch sweats; and 3. Staying at a low MMR enables me to play the way that I do, and allows me to use my powers for good as someone who's been in red ranks a lot before.

    I just wish we could kind of go back to the way the game felt back when it was new. Now that we're all used to it, it's no longer a horror game. It's hide and seek with extra steps.

  • Member Posts: 1,373

    I like having a variety of builds instead of made for this hope adrenaline with a tool box every game

  • Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2023

    Survivor: Cleansing/Blessing Totems, Chases, Deception (Red Herring, Quick and Quiet, Diversion, etc.), altruism (healing, unhooking, saving)

    Killer: Chases, Harassing survivors working gens while in a chase, stealth, grabbing survivors

  • Member Posts: 1,145

    when i play dead by daylight i have fun by:

    as killer - roleplaying a killer and outplaying intelligent survivors (that aren't cheating obviously, but are just good). combining perks in bizarre ways. feeling that i genuinely scared someone irl - but like in a positive way. i just want to feel like what i imagine someone who's really passionate about haunted house choreography feels when they manage to put on a good show for some guests.

    survivor - as a survivor i honestly get pretty bored super fast. generators have gotten old so I tend to look for weird things to do in the trial. obviously this means doing things like chasing the killer instead of running from the killer. or pretending i'm sir david attenborough narrating wildlife documentaries as i aimlessly roam around waiting for my death or for the rest of the team to somehow escape. the 4% escape is hilarious. nic cage's voiced lines totally get what the game is about. i do that stuff irl. "Power Up! Power Down! Circle Around! Open that gate!"

    both - trying a new map or a new character. new mechanics are AWESOME! like ACTUALLY new mechanics. totems, breakable walls, uhh... glyphs? are there other new mechanics?

    archive and pass - getting free **COMPLETE** cosmetics and bloodpoints. Nothing iritates me more than unlocking a pair of pants to a costume that requires the other parts to be unlocked on the premium path. if you're going to give me free cosmetics at least give me full outfits. sure - keep the cool stuff on the premium path, but if i get free stuff please make it completed sets.

    streams - i like seeing the reactions of others to my own gameplay. it adds a human element.

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