I just saw the perks
This is hand down the greatest chapter to have ever chaptered in the history of chapters.
The only negative is I see no reason to ever buy anything else as I would have no reason to ever run any perks that aren't these three but BHVR knew that ART was more important than profit and did it anyway.
I salute you Cage and BHVR!
You wouldn't think it possible to distil the entire essence of Nic Cage into three perks, but here we are.
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They all are weird and wacky just like Cage and I kinda dig it lol
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Cool wacky meme #########
Im all for it for the first celebrity character
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Wow what a pile of #########.
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I genuinely don't care about Nic Cage (respectfully) but holy ######### these are fantastic??? I always get bored out of perks and end up using none but these perks are the best thing to ever happen this is going to be fantastic
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These are great. Honestly, I wouldn't even be mad if someone used Plot Twist and got found. That's hilarious.
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I was prepared for some insane OP perks to sell the first survivor DLC.
But no just a few fun random perks.
Cant complain, Dramaturgy looks fun for gambling. And is usually better than bad. I mean exposed does nothing if you can do it in any place of the map at any time away from killer, and scream does nothing during chase but may alert the killer if you are far away, but running a little longer and a random item looks fine.
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where are you seeing these? cant find it
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Dramaturgy might be too strong atm.
I just saw Otz get this item from it
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This is how you design perks! More of this and the game will be more fun.
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He obviously just got really lucky with the add-ons...
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look good! none of his perks are to strong and they all gimmick base definitely cage style. behavior did well
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Nic Cage deserves a lavish gift from The Entity for gracing us with His presence
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You shouldn't be able to pull double iri addons from the perk. This would mean survivors could pull BNP as well.
Also just a fun meme thing you can do is that you can deactive corrupt at the start by using No Mither and Plot Twist.
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They look really fun but I think one or two may need to be tuned down slightly, they seem busted in the right situation.
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I genuinely have never been excited for a survivor or their perks but here we are. After seeing him in PTB and seeing Cage's perks I want to play as him even more now.
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Dammm i thought it would have a rarity cap or something, thats insane.
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They're pretty funny. I can't see myself using them but they're definitely unique. The gamble perk is interesting - either it pays off or it doesn't.
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It seems random. I dunno what the likelihood of pulling a rare item + double iri add-ons is, but I can’t imagine it’s very high. Not to forget that medkits aren’t exactly good now. And BNP is getting nerfed with this PTB so I don’t really see anything that could overpower survivors, even with the best draw.
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Definitely an instant buy for me. Love the silly perks, please give us a similar killer too.
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No Mither and Plot Twist counters Corrupt Intervention, that's amazing.
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Med-kits are the only items with 2 iri add-ons.
Unless my math is embarassingly wrong (which I admit is very possible) The probably of this happening are 1/4 perk effect * 1/5 item * 2/13 add-ons (for med-kits) = 0.00769. Otz just got very lucky.
And BNPs are getting nerfed, so getting one because you got lucky using a perk that risks you getting exposed is really not that big of a deal. It's a meme perk anyways, it's not like people will run it to try to get an OP item when they could just bring one.
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It should imo. Syringe and BNPs are very strong addons to just get for free on a perk that can used an infinite amount of times.
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BNPs are getting nerfed, but the change is that they remove 10 seconds of progress on the gen. If survivors can farm BNPs off this perk, they can in theory reduce gens to have less than 30 seconds of solo repair to be completed.
I think allow iri addons from this perk is going into danger terrority for a perk that comes off as memey.
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that’s my thinking. Why would a survivor gamble maybe obtaining an item like that when they could just bring one?
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So my current build on every character for probably years at this point is:
We'll Make It, Saboteur, Diversion, Any Means Necessary.
I've yet to find perks worth taking any of those off until now so I'm sorry..... but We'll Make It has to go
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I would run plot twist whenever I'm the last one standing. I rather just take myself out.
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Yup. Bring your own and skip potentially being Exposed instead.
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Chance of getting a BNP is 1/4 * 1/5 * 1/11 = 0.0045
How would anyone "farm BNPs" off a 0.0045 probability ? Not to mention it causes the exhausted status effect and can't be used while injured or exhausted.
Like there's no way you actually think that's a viable strategy, even if you're always healthy and hit the jackpot everytime you still need to wait 40s between each BNP, so no even in the most crazy scenario you can't possibly do a gen within 30 seconds.
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If it's EGC and I'm the last one, I'll commonly stop once the killer finds me. Using Plot Twist instead would be hilarious to my childlike brain
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It would be funny to me even when I'm killer seeing this. Now we just need a perk that let us hooked ourselves now.
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It’s the same hysterical antics every killer main screams when they believe survivors may get any kind of perk that isn’t immediately clear garbage. I don’t personally like meme perks or find them functional. But because Oz pulled a rare item with a **less than 1% chance** the perk is broken. Lol.
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I am going to run all 3 of these every single match until they stop being funny
And even then, I'll probably still run them anyway because perks like these are my jam
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This got me thinking, imagine they gave us the Finisher Mori and there was a Skull Merchant. Everyone could just Plot Twist and legitimately end the game lol
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Exhaustion doesn't prevent the perk from being used again once Exhaustion wears out. We also don't know what the actual odds of pulling any item + any addon is.
It's fine if we don't agree here. I'm just listing my only concern about the new perks and that's being able to pull Syringes and BNPs from a perk for no real cost. These addons become far more valuable if you pull them for free since they normally consume the item they are attached too.
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You are just overacting, he was just super lucky with this med-kit.
Now he got this. Very busted perk indeed, let's nerf it because killer fellows does not even let us have meme perks.
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This perk is essentially a give up perk to me. Running this with no mither and just toss myself to the floor.
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We need nic cage asap.
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Yeah, and I'm pretty sure Otz just got a broken key in his next game lol oh no, too powerful
Edit: just saw someone posted about it above
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Thing about rolling the dice is that sometimes you roll a six
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That's some crazy math here. Say you brought BNP and start a gen. You shave 10 seconds off. Then You activate your perk and get another BNP, you shave off 10 more secs (a little less than current BNP), now you are exhausted for 40 seconds and you can't get an item twice in a row. Your Scenario is not even likely. At most you could shave off 20 seconds.
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Imagine being mad about a meme perk (some people don't like Blastmine buff), when there's a lot more RNG in game like gen spawn, survivors spawning all 4 in the same tile and killer having Lethal Pursuer, survivors spawning separately on gens, getting 4% lucky with your own unhook that are way more impactful and happen way more often.
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Watching the perk in action more. It's just Dead Hard for Distance, but when healthy. It doesn't also need to have a chance to give survivors BNPs and Syringes.
It's hardly "just a meme perk".
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You can't get an item twice in a row. So there's no point entertaining this point. If you get an item, then after 40 seconds you're twice as likely to get an effect that is detrimental to you.
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It's not DH for distance because you can't get it anytime you want. You have 25% chance to get that effect. You can also get exposed while healthy. So using this perk while healthy in a chase is pretty stupid. So no it's not DH for distance when healthy.
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Ya’ll are arguing over the perks potentially being OP and I’m still trying to fathom that they’re legitimate. What a fudging world.
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You get 25% movement speed for 2 seconds at base with a 1/4th chance to have that extended to 4 seconds. It is Dead Hard for Distance when healthy.
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He hates crows >:(