Devs why do you add 15 seconds of CD to sadako's TP?
I understand that, if when you do a tp you add 3/4 of comdened to all survivors, it requires enough TPS to introduce the 7 fragments.
Also, if the survivor goes to a tv, will all stacks be removed?
In addition, you are taking away the ability to move around the map, I don't understand it very well, probably this value should change when it is officially released.
Condemned is having the range limit removed, according to the changes being made. Also TVs turn on faster than before.
I think the idea is to force Survivor to manage TVs more but keeping her Condemn in check at the same time.
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so you cant get 6 condemn stacks instantly at the start of a map.
just tp tp tp tp tp tp tp tp tp and boom instamori soon enough
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Where did you hear they turn on faster?
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In the recent dev update. Sadako is pretty much getting a full rework.
As part of that, the time for a TV to turn back on after projection has been decreased from 100 seconds to 70 seconds, but the time for it to turn back on after a survivor turns it off has been increased from 60 seconds to 90 seconds.
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I thought you mean the TVs turn on fsatrer at the start of the game
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The reason is there is no range to get stacks anymore. So Sadako can't spam her teleports to get easy stacks. 15 seconds can be reduced to 10 seconds maybe. But this cooldown needed.
But Survivors have so much power to negate her power. This is the biggest issue i see with her.
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more hand holding for survivors
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Oh, I see. No I think that's staying at 30 seconds, they didn't say anything about that.
Honestly though they should reduce that to 12-15 seconds.
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You wouldn't be able to anyway as theres 7 tvs and you'd need 10 tps.
105 seconds for 7 tps, then 70 for a reset, then 1 more 15 tp cd for 190 seconds. Survivors would have to do nothing for 3 minutes and 10 seconds before they'd get condemned.
Condemned is really hard to balance, and I personally feel like it will always weight killers' power budget down.
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Not letting a killer near instantly mori survivors is handholding? Lol
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Survivors can deliver any tape to any tv.
Sure Sadako can try to spam TP over and over, but I'm more than sure survivors will just deliver a tape to nearest TV and get those stacks off in no time. If anything, she will become annoying to play against compared to what she is now.
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Don't forget about the new tape changes too
If she could Tp 7 times with no cooldown and then find someone with a tape and hit them twice they would be mori-able.
15 seconds is a bit too long imo but I do agree there needs to be some cooldown
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Is that new? Before you could only take a tape to a specific TV, usually on the opposite side of the map
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It's the part of the upcoming changes.
Devs believe Sadako players will just spam TP and try to build up condemnation since it will become global and to combat it, they will grant survivors ability to take any tape and deliver to nearest tv. In reality, this will mean that Sadako will be losing stacks very quickly and very often while will build up stacks quickly only if she will focus one survivor and consider tunneling someone out.
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I know that if you do TP, you condemn ALL the survivors, but, what I mean, are you perhaps taking away mobility?
It will be necessary to see it in practice, because seeing it in number and in text is confusing.
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Exactly, I think that after the text, I understand that the survivors are going to disable it even more than before, is what I understand, because if they don't decide to go on TV? I think 3/4 per TP every 15s, I don't think I can put enough pressure on that survivor to force him.
We will have to see it...
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maybe from 15 to 12/10 as suggested but the CD is needed if she now applies condemn by just teleporting.
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Very rarely do you need to teleport back and force between complete opposite ends of the map. I think this wont hurt her mobility that much, but will instead focus on just forcing Survivors into a secondary objective.
One thing is certain, Save The Best For Last is 100% going to be meta, since hooking a Survivor with a tape gives all Survivors at stack of condemned, so interrupting tape transportation will be key.
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- Not really even if she teleports 7 times that's only 5.25 and if they are holding a tape then they aren't gaining stacks from her teleporting "Projecting to a TV now applies ¾ of a stack of Condemned to all Survivors not carrying a Cursed Tape (was 1 stack to nearby Survivors)." So you can't teleport and 7 time and find a survivor with a tape if a survivor has a tape then that means you can only teleport 6 times and they aren't gaining condemned.
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can you even pull a tape from a disabled TV? My concern is that without the cooldown in place if she just spams teleports as much as possible all the TVs will be off and therefore survivors wont be able to pull tapes from them, eventually condemning everyone with absolutely nothing they can do about it
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it is already key to playing Sadako... if your good at her. interrupt tapes is integral to her gameplay.
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Because Condemned should be gained more "naturally" on all Survivors instead of bringing it to one Survivor and get them out of the game as fast as possible. So they removed the Range Requirement, but on the other hand they increased the Cooldown to not make it too oppressive.
And IMO this is the right thing to do. Killing Survivors instantly by condemming them should be a rare thing, Condemned should provide some Slowdown (which is does with those changes, because even if you dont have to go to a specific TV, you will still waste time delivering the Tape) and not a somewhat reliable Insta-Kill method (like you gained with the Condemned-Strat). Basically similar to Pigs Headtraps - a threat, but not a very likely death.
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1 survivor take the tape will remove 3 stacks on them, and remove 2 TV for Sadako to teleport. It sounds like a huge negate to her.
But I think people forget that the other 3 survivors also get stacks and they dont have TV to remove the stack.
They will spend alot of time to find TV and remove stack, wasting more time than youre not able to teleport and walking.
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Carrying tape survivors increased stack over time already? Or they remove that feature?
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It's going be removed
- "Holding a Cursed Tape no longer passively builds Condemned."
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STBFL is already a good pick, most people already run it, but I think now it is going to be even more necessary than before because of the rework.
I mostly use addons to boost the invisibility, it can make her a monster on certain loops, sadly, the only "effective" form of anti-loop she has requires addons, because basekit she is significantly lacking. Im curious as to how the Manifest/Demanifest changes will affect this.
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Im curious as to how the Manifest/Demanifest changes will affect this.
it won't change at all. there is nothing in documented changes in base-kit for invisible. they might even buff the numbers on these add-on's as I would imagine these add-on being classified as Under performing.
I am more concerned where they write Overperforming. You know what happens those add-on's, right? Wink wink.
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If the underperforming addons got changed to debuffs like Oblivious, Exhaustion, Hindered, Action speed penalty etc for Survivors who are holding tapes, these would help nullify the “hold tape almost all game” strategy.
I would also like to see more area of effect debuffs when Survivors are near a powered or depowered tv.
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I get why they did that, since spamming global condemn would be too strong, but I don't like it very much, it makes Sadako less fun. One of the best things about Sadako's power is the freedom and quickness to move around the map, hit-and-run and apply pressure. To compensate for that, each TV has a cooldown of its own.
But now Sadako has a large cooldown on her power AND the TVs still have a cooldown on top of that. To make it worse, the time they stay disabled after being turned off by survivors is EVEN HIGHER now.
Seriously, Dredge can teleport around the whole map, with far more spots to go to, 3 times every 12 seconds, with an add-on to reduce it to 8 seconds. During nightfall, the cooldown is just 4 seconds, with an add-on that can reduce it to 1,5 second! Meanwhile, Sadako can teleport only once every 15 seconds and every teleporting destination becomes unusable for a whole minute? That just doesn't sound fair.
Not to mention that it will be far more punishing now to teleport to the wrong TV (specially when there are 2 of them aligned and you accidentally target the wrong one). Went to the wrong place? Now you will have to wait 15 seconds before going anywhere else. Ironically, a Mint Rag buff was announced for exactly the same reason.
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We all knew it was coming eventually. They love adding pointless cooldowns to weak killers and weak perks
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Well yes, that’s exactly what they would do. Because why wouldn’t they? It’s a no brainer. Seems like a justified countermeasure.
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They also made it impossible to apply any condemnation via TP if survivor has a tape, which most survivors will do anyways so it's 15 sec on TP cooldown. That's nothing but a nerf to global presence this killer could have.
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I think you get it now if you hit survivors, and all survivors receive condemn when even one is hooked.
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Yes, which makes her essentially an M1 killer who has to tunnel if she wants to condemn anyone ever at all. The tapes essentially protect survivors from condemnation via TP and can be used to reduce accumulated stacks in no time.
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Someone at BHVR has some fear that Sadako will become a very oppressive Killer if left unchecked. This was evident from her current design whereby teleporting to tvs have a longer cooldown than Survivors turning them off, penalizing her for using her power and her Lullaby when demanifested and movement speed slow when manifesting despite being an M1 Killer.
This fear seems to have carried over to the proposed remake of her by making it easier to get rid of Condemned and adding a cooldown to her tp.
Hilariously enough, there is a playstyle oriented around Sadako not using her power with the Oblivious and Blindness addons and walking around manifested. It is so much easier to get that initial hit as compared to projection similar to Freddy in the Dream World.
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In trying to circumvent a problem, they've created another one? Sounds about right. lmao.
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Hello from Japan, Sadako is the only reason I play Killer. I am relieved to see a lively discussion about her here.
And I have touched her in one way or another at PTB. My general comment is that there are a lot of stressful points for those of us who have used Sadako.
The first is the addition of a cool time for the warp to the TV, and the second is the change in the curse specifications.
The addition of the cool time is naturally stressful for those who have used Sadako in the past. Also, the options of where to fly to have less mobility than before. Secondly, the curse specification has been changed from Sadako being able to actively apply the curse by her own choice to a more passive specification that depends on the survivor's actions, which is boring to play. I felt it was boring to play.
I felt that it was boring to play. This is very stressful. And the positive elements of the curses that the management thinks will replace the curses currently leave little room for us to intervene, and all the parts that Sadako users used to enjoy using are now gone.
The warp recast is now just a Dredge, the ghost chase is accelerated after embodiment, and the add-on Wraith can be used to break the board faster.
Everything is half-baked. The PTB adjustment has eliminated all the good things about Sadako.
However, I understand the weakening of add-ons such as Ring Drawing and Iridescent Videotape, which are better suited for crawling configurations and are too strong. However, if we want to get rid of the bloodlust during the ghost, we do not want to weaken Reiko's Watch, which many Sadako users used to enhance their chase ability. There is now no ritual where the survivor in the ritual is not wearing Made for This. One of them always wears it. This makes the chase time longer than ever.
Everyone in the Japanese Sadako community is of the same opinion. If the adjustments are made as is, it will generally eliminate all of the fun that Sadako users have had with her.
Please let her remain the beloved killer that Japan is proud of.