Please revert the change to Wiretap

The 50% of repair progress is not worth the extra 40 seconds of the perk being active.
One of the reasons Wiretap feels so good to use is that 33% of gen is relatively easy to get at the start of a match, allowing you to strategically place Wiretap on a gen in a good tile set and get perk value. The 80 seconds it provides right now is more than enough time to get value out of the perk before having to leave a tile, adding on an extra 40 seconds won't help you any more than the 80 seconds of aura reading Wiretap already provides.
The justification for why this extra 17% of repair progress is being added on is also not the best, as it is just being done to "normalize the activation requirements and text descriptions between Blast Mine and Wiretap." Nerfing an already underrated perk to "normalize" it with a completely different one doesn't really make much sense to me.
I mean, in these exact same patch notes, Smash Hit is having its exhaustion cooldown reduced to 20 seconds instead of 40 to make it more appealing to use. Why can it leave its "normalized" exhaustion cooldown of 40 seconds, while Wiretap needs to be changed so it can be "normalized"? It just doesn't make any sense, inconsistencies like this in perk changes just leave me feeling frustrated.
Wiretap has become my favorite perk in the game, and these changes hurt the perk more than they help it. Please revert the change!
Now realizing I should have put this in the PTB Feedback section of the forums
How do I move it over?
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Counterpoint: I want to advertise my Blast Mine stuns to the entire team. I like the durations being the same.
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Oh yeah broadcasting a Blast Mine is a wonderful thing to watch, but the 80 seconds already gives more than enough time to do that.
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I understand why they did it, but the change to Wiretap definitely feels like a soft nerf.
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Yes but Id prefer if both perks worked the exact same. Not to say that I have OCD, but them being different bothered me, idk why.
It is a nerf, but I dont really mind it, it's not that huge of a deal me though.
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I feel like the heart was in the right place for the change, but the extra 22% gen progress to charge it is just not worth the extra 40 seconds. The best case scenario would be Wiretap going back to 33% charge and keeping its 120 seconds of activation, but I know that would probably won't happen. I would be happy with it just staying as it is right now in the live version of the game.
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Maybe they could change it so clicking the activation button on a gen just uses whatever your gen perks were from left to right on the selection screen? That way you could put on Blast Mine and activate Wiretap when you know the killer is coming. It would also allow you to Blast Mine into a repressed alliance which would be GLORIOUS! Idk just thinking of a way to get the best of both worlds.