No Made for this nerf in the midchapter?

It'll be nerfed, just not for another two years.
It's funny - Thanatophobia was nerfed just 2 weeks after it's buff because it was seen it almost every lobby and was "overperforming" - yet, almost every lobby I'm seeing at least 1 or 2 survivors running Made for This and we've still yet to see a nerf.
About 1 lobby in every 10 I don't see it used. I sure wonder what the pick rates are for MfT.
I genuinely don't understand how people say they can't tell when survivors are running it, to me it's blatantly obvious but I do have close to 5k hours, perhaps the people who can't tell don't have as much playtime?
27 -
It's pretty uncool, yeah.
10 -
Hon3st might take ya up on that offer everyone hats skull merchant because she has easy speed ups that anti loops
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Using nightlight stats it's the 6th most seen surv perk at 17.18%. Funny, since I see at least 2 almost every match, and see an even amount of matches where 4 people are running it and 0 people are running it, so for me it's more like 50% pickrate.
But yea, I can pretty much instantly tell when im versing someone with MTF. Thankfully after I p100 knight I'm putting all my BP into skull merchant to get her p100 so I can get infinite exhaustion add ons and geo readouts. So MFT wont be an issue for me until it gets nerfed.
4 -
Trust me, if you hate MFT just 3 gen with loose screw and you'll never notice it. I've played an absurd amount of skull merchant since MFT dropped and I barely notice it in game.
However if I dare switch to another killer like knight or trickster I just get screwed over by the perk unless I run mindbreaker every map.
0 -
They literally told you they weren't nerfing it and you thought they would anyways because of... whining?
39 -
Damn yea imagine if they listened to feedback about the perk that would be craaaaaaazy.
21 -
It's likely not an issue, the vast majority of players get no value from it. I wouldn't mind if the Endurance was gone though.
Unlike 3-genning Dull Merchants.
35 -
I rarely see mft these days. If i am lucky i can see 1 mft every 4-5 games.
I dont know if it is a region thing but i barely see it these days, most people i know switched back to sprint or lithe unless they are like doing some no mither challenge.
2 -
Yeah! Just like Nurse, Blight, camping, tunneling, Skull Merchant, Knight, Bubba, etc, etc. Remember when they listened to feedback on any one of those things?
21 -
Because the majority of Survivors ran Exhaustion-Perks before and do get more value out of Sprint Burst or Lithe compared to Made for This.
IMO there are only two types of people who would run Made for This:
- REALLY good Loopers, basically people most players wont really encounter in their games
- People who just did not run an Exhaustion-Perk before and use Made for This now
Other people tried MFT because it was new or because Content Creators jumped on the "OP-Train" and called it OP, comparing it with some of the most broken things in this game (like OP did in one Thread with old DS, old MoM, Omega Blink-Nurse, old Spirit and other things).
12 -
I'm a decent looper, and I tend to avoid using exhaustion perks. I find them too restrictive. MFT is an ideal perk choice for me since I often find myself in situations where I would've made a pallet with even an extra 1% boost. I'm not super skilled at the game either. I play casually with a friend late at night for fun.
I always take unnecessary risks. Someone's being tunneled? I'll try to take aggro. Someone's being camped? I'll attempt a save, unless the killer is Huntress, Trickster or someone with an insta-down. Is the perk strong? Absolutely. Is it overpowered, though? Definitely not.
6 -
You mean the highly-divisive feedback that's not at all unanimous? That feedback?
17 -
Then the bigger issue is how feedback is taken in and used, because there's valid complaints for all of them including MFT.
0 -
The only divisive part is how much you want the perk nerfed, not whether it should be nerfed or not.
Even people who defend the 3% think it does too much for 1 perk slot due to the endurance and haste effects.
Personally, I want the perk absolutely obliterated into the ground, but I wouldn't of minded just a slight nerf to show that they at least understand it's very/too strong.
3 -
It doesn't need a nerf, in general it doesn't cause much problems.
13 -
Gotta keep the survivors happy and 2 escapes per match average or else they'll riot in the streets
3 -
Not that simple. There's plenty of reasons why it doesn't need a nerf at all.
But let's pretend your point is true, they would need way more time to gather all of their data + player feedback to do a proper rebalance of the perk so they don't have to waste time revisiting it later due to missing the mark.
If the perk is owning you that bad just don't play tbh. If survivors could tolerate pre-nerf eruption for several months, killer players will live through something that's weaker.
7 -
They said they are monitoring it and they also said perk is not problematic atm. And you expected nerf for it?
10 -
Agreed on the Endurance being a bit much. Also weirdly unrelated to the perk? Like if it was a healing perk I'd understand, here it just seems like a bonus just because.
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By itself it's not much of an issue, The issue is when it stacks with other haste effects i find.
1 -
The last time we saw stats was 9 months ago, iirc.
Survivors had a 39% Escape Rate.
Also, are you suggesting that a 2K, 2E is unreasonable to want?
17 -
Yeah, having 110% Movement Speed in Endgame is too much. But this is more due to Hope than Made for This and you were already quite hard to catch during Endgame with Hope before Made for This was released.
Other Haste-Perks are too specific IMO to be called problematic. Yes, you have stuff like Bloodpact, but this requires two Survivors to run with each other all the time. And the Killer can negate this by going after the other two.
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And I want Knight and Dull merchant obliterated because they remove any skill from the survivor side, but we can’t have what we all want 🤷
5 -
If they listened to all the feedback they’d never be able to do anything because everyone wants conflicting things. MFT doesnt need a nerf. Hearing about how much you hate it for the millionth time is getting old.
7 -
I think they worked on this midchapter already before the Singularity came out and Made for This feedback was collected. Most likely, it is based on the data they collected after 6.7 (which came out two months ago). I'm thinking this because we're seeing some Hag add-on buffs, and it was a patch that nerfed her, so they had to monitor her afterwards.
With this in mind, they're probably still collecting data at the moment and will nerf it if necessary in a month or two, in time for the next chapter or the midchapter after that.
2 -
What skill besides sitting on a gen and looping tiles? There are multiple killers that force you away from loops so dont nail it down to just 2 of the "boring, easy, no skill" killers. Doing gens doesnt take anything but doing skill checks for 90 sec.
1 -
I'm so angwy the devs didn't do exactly what I demanded I'm gonna spend my own time and money playing their game! And I'm also gonna purposefully drag games out as long as possible, ensuring that for 30-45+ minutes nobody else will have to play against me. That'll show everyone!!
12 -
bro nobody is forcing you to play the game
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Kinda hard to tell when the people complaining are the same ones who always complain about everything, nothing new to see here
5 -
Nightlight only shows what others upload to it, which is just a small portion of the DBD playerbase.
4 -
Consider the following:
1 -
They’ll keep it as it is for as long as they can because it’ll encourage people to buy the new chapter. Considering we just had arguably the biggest flop of a chapter in Dbd history (ToT), it at least incentivises people to buy the new one.
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How I look at the survivors running Made for this after I force them into my loose screw + strobes 3 gen (they can no longer get value from the perk)
3 -
Me when
3 -
So then strip the Endurance part of it. Not like your average survivor is getting much value out of the secondary effect anyway. I personally don't see MFT as a problem. At the average skill-level, both survivors and killers make enough mistakes that it balances out. At the lower end of the skill scale, you've got survivors who go down in 15 seconds. At the higher end of the skill scale, you've got survivors who would run you for multiple gens even without MFT.
3 -
I would say remove the 3% aspect of it, or nerf it down to 1%. Too much of an impact with decent survivors.
0 -
It's a 3% increase in speed mate.
Remember vault build?
Remember when you had a 15% increase in vault speed with spine chill?
Remember dead hard?
Dead hard is gone. Got obliterated.
Remember Decisive Strike? Remember how annoying that was?
Also gone, significantly weaker now.
imo the meta is pretty heavy towards killer in my experience.
if you want free wins just queue up tombstone myers with hair strand and start stabbing people to death, you'll go highest MMR and go with 3ks or 4ks every game, doesn't matter if it's an SWF or nothing.
quit complaining.
10 -
Simples, BHVR don't care and time and time again only listen to 80% of their community (aka survivor mains)
Do what I do and stop playing killer, the survivor mains will then have to do more and more Killer challenges due to new challenges due to lobbies taking too long. Those survivor main killers will then farm and we are left with a game nobody wants to play because it is boring but BHVR have made as much money when you kill the golden goose.
To not kill the golden goose you have to make the game enjoyable for 20% and 80% of the community, BHVR are not doing this and to try and stay on point to this post "Made For This" is broken but whilst they try to keep it alive for the 80% the game currently is in such a mess it will be 'amended' in a couple of months... again only due to the state it is currently in and not because they want to displease the 80% or balance the game.
edit: These are my opinions similar to others
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I’m not gonna stop Maining killer and I’m not gonna Pretend like the game is only ever balanced for survs but yea I do hope this perk gets something done to it soonish. I don’t have my hopes up tho, it’s the smartest thing I can do.
1 -
please don't mind those die hard defenders of this abomination, let them enjoy their toy while they can because bhvr eventually will nerf this after they see it tops the pick rates for so long. that's their bar to balance things after all
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I said it in a previous post, people will defend something regardless of how broken or unhealthy for the game it is. When MoM dropped, people were unironically defending it saying "Most killers can bypass it with an M2, its not that big of a deal". MFT is going through the same process, claiming the 3% isn't that much.
Thankfully since its such a hot topic it's bound to get nerfed at some point, and I have enough skull merchant exhaustion add ons to last until the heat death of the universe, so I can deal with it until the nerf comes. However I would like to play other killers without having to run fearmonger/exhaustion add ons every match.
1 -
Alright, say we do what you want hypothetically. We nerf MTF to a 1% increase.
It just becomes a useless perk. Does pretty much nothing.
Then people complain about the survivor meta being boring, the devs will pander to the surv, then they'll make the meta even more broken this time.
Get over it, at least you don't have a 4 man SWF running old DS and object of obsession the whole time.
This is an endless loop of whining and complaining about metas, the devs change the meta, then you complain about it some more.
They'll switch up the meta in a few months anyway.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
"Just dont play"
No, because the game is fun. Pic related.
0 -
i think this change would not be very good for the game as both sides would not see the benefits which makes it feel unrewarding to verse and to play with it in this case. i feel like it should be bloodlust related and should help with ordeal instead. maybe giving a certain amount of speed per bloodlust tier to help with annoying killers.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
Which would take it down to being an absolute garbage perk and having no functional value whatsoever. I guess survivors just can't have strong perks because they'd have "too much impact with decent survivors" /s
3 -
The thing is, people will also attack anything remotely useful that is new.
And i am not referring to 3-4 chapters back. Remember all the scavenger doom posts? How people were losing their minds shouting "OMG INFINITE RECHARGE TOOLBOX" and saying how it would be impossible to get a single kill when the perk would go live?
How many scavengers do you see now?
7 -
You're not wrong, but PTB Scavenger was broken. It'd be more worth pointing to something like Blood Rush, that a bunch of people were immediately doomposting about very aggressively. That perk wasn't changed from PTB to Live, to my knowledge, and... nobody runs it because it really isn't that good.
3 -
The nerf scavenger got was not that crippling. When the nerf was announced, i was seriously worried about the gen repair debuff but after i tried using the current one for several games i realized the real problem are the rng skill checks.
Even if you are someone who can hit great skill checks constantly, the amount of time you waste waiting for the rng to give you the 5 skill checks is too much. And the PTB version would suffer the same issue.
Blood rush haha. I remember Otz saying it would be extremely controversial and would break the game. I literally saw this perk once since it hit the live servers and because someone was trying the renato adept.
2 -
Where are all of these survivors running made for this????
They haven't nerfed it because it's simply not true that a lot of survivors are running it. I BARELY see it in my games.