How to git gud?

Bad killer player here.
I play Wraith at a low rank (17) with Enduring/Spies/Unrelenting/Shadowborn (I get motion sickness easily so I need the FOV boost from Shadow) and it seems like every game I end up getting looped and teabagged without ever coming close to fully sacrificing one person. If I ever catch up to someone, multiple gens pop and the odds are stacked even worse, especially if they're running DS. Are there any recommendations y'all can give me so my killer games don't devolve into sessions of ring-around-the-pallet before everyone escapes?
Best Answer
Step 1: Steal underwear.
Step 2: ????
Step 3: Profit
Do you have gameplay so we can help you out properly by pointing out possible flaws in your strategy? Also people shouldn't be able to loop at beginner ranks so chances are you're playing against de-rankers who used to be rank 1 for instance.
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Bone Clapper, my guy
In all seriousness, I've never had any issues using Wraith. He's pretty straight forward. Use cloaking ability to catch up to survivors, uncloak, smack, repeat. At least, that's what I do when I do dailies. And I usually 4k.
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I'll always recommend watching "how to killer" guides on youtube so you get some basic understanding on how to manipulate your red stain, how to move around in certain tiles to lower the time you can be looped and also learn how to use your time in chases (aka, learning to abandon chases to find easier targets).
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I think the best way to get good is to come on the forums and cry about literally any perk or item the survivors have. That's what ive seen anyway, seems to work pretty well I think.
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You just "git it".
We all git gud eventually. Just have fun.
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You just have to play to really Git Gud. However there are some tutorial on YouTube that can give you some solid advice on how to improve.
This here is a good video if you want to learn some good tips and tricks. Overall you just have to play, play, play. You will eventually start to get the hang of it and then begin to win alot more. You must remember though that there is alot of RNG in this game for both sides. You win some and you lose some regardless of how flawless you play. Its just the way it goes. Play, learn from your mistakes and you will dramatically increase your chances of winning. I also recommend trying to learn strong killers like Nurse, Hillbilly, Huntress, Spirit. There powers are alot morel lethal and when mastered can rain death upon the survivors.
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Forget unrelenting is even a thing, try bloodhound to track easier.
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So, how do he has a teachable perk from billy on the wraith?, it take time to get onto the 30 level, he's supossed to be at rank 15/10?, btw i think it's the new matchmaking, im a rank 10 killer and im getting rank 5 survivors..
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By playing the game without crutches.
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How to git gud as killer? Learn how to play nurse, forget about the other killers.
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Shrine of secrets
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A YouTuber by the name of Bricky has some good guides going over each of the killers one by one, explaining god perks, add one and strategies. Here the link for his video on the Wraith:
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Uncloak against walls you know survivors are near to avoid showing off your red stain early as well as giving away your position. Take advantage of the speed boost Mr Bing Bong has after decloaking. Definitely take advantage of any offerings/addons you have.
Both Shadowdance addons can stack which makes it hilariously fast to break stuff, kick gens, and vaulting. add pop goes the weasel or overcharge(or both for some major ouchies!)
"The Beast" - Soot = major confusion. Add distressing and Unnerving for altered affects.
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Enduring has not been long ago in the shrine.. so he have like 1/2 months of play this game and still at rank 17? sounds weird for me
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He might not have played much. Also if you keep struggling to pip you'll be in those ranks for a while.
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I used all of my bloodpoints from survivor and killer matches for a week to buff up Hillbilly for it just so I wouldn't eat pallets forever or get stabbed in the neck and waste all of my time.
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What kind of perks (besides the obvious ones like NOED) would you consider a crutch? I got flamed one game for running Unrelenting so does that one count?