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Seriously killer is just not fun



  • Member Posts: 441

    Love it. Everything is so easy with you. Streaming is so easy, just link the VOD bro. Getting a 1000 winstreak is so easy just equip Eruption.

    You know what I'll stream a 10 winstreak during the week, even though it makes my ######### laptop run at 30 fps. Meanwhile you will stream a 10 escape streak as survivor since apparently everything is so easy for you (I hope you already have OBS fully setup'd otherwise prepare a good afternoon).

    The "comp win streak" comment is hilarious. Someone has a 1100 winstreak and you manage to even dismiss that. It's true that killer is hard because you're always at risk of facing Team Eternal and then maybe you'll lose the game. My bad for not considering that OP is a tournament player.

  • Member Posts: 79

    You’re comparing someone who competes in tourneys (momo) with casuals. Yes mmr is broken you don’t consistently get people your level. Rarely people your level are playing against a comp team. You know they got things to do like practice. It doesn’t work the same way as killer. Your stats are including tunneling camping the very things you seem to think are not needed cause killer is so strong yet every killer has to resort to them and so will you. I look forward to your tunneling and proving my point. Getting a 1k streak def isn’t easy but it’s impossible without tunneling I can tell you that 100%

  • Member Posts: 441

    Oh so we already went from "try to do a streak as killer" to "try to do a streak without tunneling", for no apparent reason. Tunneling invalidates streaks now? As I said no point even bothering to record since you'll dismiss it for arbitrary reasons.

  • Member Posts: 79

    Who is this king wolf? Did you think your win streak was impressive cause you tunneled every chance you got. If you’re saying hard tunneling is skill then yea don’t bother I can watch a dime a dozen killers do the same thing.

  • Member Posts: 376

    I feel the same, but for survivor. I can have a ton of fun playing killer, especially going for fun builds like Scratched Mirror Myers, or Impossible Skillcheck Doctor (evil but fun regardless).

    So fun watching the survivors' reactions when you pop out from a corner as Myers. Sometimes they just give up completely, or other times, they will run in terror. I usually show remorse in the end and let them go after having my fun, and both sides usually end up getting a lot of points too. Like this example

  • Member Posts: 376

    The only survivor streak that I know of is Hens and his team having a 200+ escape streak, but they are essentially playing on a highly competitive level, on comms with their own callouts, the most optimized perks and strategies. So, it is kinda wrong that killers are having such an easy time compared to the survivors, when in a perfect world, it should be pretty 50/50.

    Not gonna lie though, this was hardly a problem before SBMM, and the countless survivor nerfs

  • Member Posts: 45

    What's the Skill Check Doctor? Never played him, very interested. What perks and add ons?

  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited July 2023

    Lets say, if you and I both have 120 candies, supposed that 60 for each of us.

    If I take 80 candies, how many can you have? You know what I mean where the 40% kill rate come from.

  • Member Posts: 707

    It's pretty much one of two main arguments that Survivor mains or low MMR killer players use along with ''official'' kill rate chart numbers. They don't consider any secondary factors, including location zone, time zone and basic human factor. Trying to maintain the debate against such argument is extremely tedious process, on par to trying to convince the flat earth believer what the real shape our planet does have.

  • Member Posts: 750

    perhaps its time to innovate your own way of playing that you think is fun, or retiring from dbd! you dont have to stick around if it makes you unhappy!

  • Member Posts: 679

    It's hilarious how many bad killers cry on the forums these days. Why is it so hard to believe that other people who disagree with you might just actually be better than you at the game & have a completely different positive experience when playing?

    It doesn't matter what you say, even if you're trying to help or give some positive advice. It generally ends with the bad killer saying "you must be playing potatoes at low MMR" or "try doing that at high MMR without tunneling at 5 gens"

    I've came to the conclusion that killers who relied heavily on meta gen regression perks, tunnelling & camping are having a really bad time now because their MMR was so inflated due to these perks. These players are now stuck in a constant cycle of playing semi proficient survivors & mistake everything as unbalanced because their skill level relied heavily on certain perks, which they don't have anymore. Survivors have also received some pretty decent perks lately and this amplifies the new difficulty 10 fold for them.

  • Member Posts: 441

    You literally ignored the official kill rates shared by the devs. Then you ignored streamer gameplay which show the same killrates and ridiculous winstreaks, while it's clear that these streamers struggle much harder to do the same thing as survivor. Then when I proposed to share my own winstreaks on killer you also ignored that, and now conclude with a message of pure ad hominem.

    Who is the flat earther here?

  • Member Posts: 707

    I already explained in previous posts why those numbers are pretty much bloated to 60%.

    I also explained how some people may be getting on win streaks.

    Perhaps you should re-evaluate your points once again and maybe rewatch some of those streams and analyze how people have played there.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Killers complaining: Play survivor!

    Survivors complaining: Play killer!

    Now enjoy complaining about your new role instead 😄 Makes a change at least.

  • Member Posts: 679

    Nah I'm just tired of pussy footing around peoples feelings and trying not to offend them because they're struggling at a certain role in the game & put it down to X, Y & Z reason to why they're getting beat all the time. I've tried a friendly approach and it's generally met with hostility about playing against bad survivors & that I couldn't possibly do what I say and win against good survivors.

    I mentioned in previous posts before pre gen regression nerf that certain players would struggle after the nerf because people relied heavily on certain perks to win and never developed their skills in other areas due to using OP perks all the time . Now here we're a few months later and the forum is flooded with posts about how OP survivors are. People can't fathom how other players aren't having the same issues as them so it must not be true and they must be always playing against baby survivors.

    Yeah MMR is broken we all know that, but it still has a cap (which is fairly easy to reach) & the game will try and match you within a certain range of that cap if possible until you reach the top and then you can pretty much play any level. What you're describing about sweat squads DC and then getting lumped with a baby killer is correct, but is that happening every single game??? Reading some of the comments and posts it would appear that these people are exclusively playing sweat squads game after game which I find hard to believe. At some point you're going to play normal survivors and have fairly nice games. Of course you can go on extended streaks of playing against SWF, multiple TTV SWFs & bully squads, Gen Rush, Sabo Squad etc, but with your theory of there being no MMR you should also get a fairly high amount of baby survivors because there's no MMR.

  • Member Posts: 298

    This + either you get a really, extremely boring and shallow trial against bad survivors (and it is too easy) either you face a death squad you cannot win against unless you camp/tunnel or ends up having a 3 gens with Pop + Overcharge... and you end up kicking gens 20 times in the trial...

  • Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2023

    *sorry double post*

  • Member Posts: 298

    Yes, now apply to those stats the impact of suicides on hooks and also add the gen regression perks nerf.

    It is funny as you act as if the last months changes did not have an impact on the kill rate.

    I'm sorry but most killers were stacking gen regress perks in those stats, the META was Pop + COB + Overcharge + POR (at least 3 of them stacked). 3 of those perks had been nerfed to the ground... while that was those perks that gave a chance to the killer to extend the trial duration in oprder to get 3k+.

    After this, devs have added MFT... do you need us to explain you how the new survivors META is busted ?

    MFT + Resilience + Botany/WWMI + WOO -> you see all pallets to makes looping more efficient, Botany/WWMI negates the global heal nerf, MFT + Resilience increase gen rush and extend chases far too much.

    With all this, killers cannot keep up, i have played soloQ last evening, with barely average loopers and still i have escaped like 50% of the time... in soloQ. Most killers could not catch me at all and were forced to drop the chase.

    I have lost to :

    a Oni -> other survivors could not sit at gens

    a Nurse -> i gave up right at the start, i do not like nurse

    a Billy -> well other survivors way too greedy, i gave the Billy a 3 minutes chase while being injured though

    a Huntress -> one surv DCed right at the start and well we still finished all gens

    For all other trials i have escaped and we were often 3 to escapes.

    I do not even see how a tier A or lower killer can win against survivors to my level, the kill rate would be 30% at best i guess if the MMR was strict.

  • Member Posts: 679

    So you're talking on behalf of all killers now when you state that "killers can't keep up"?

    How is it so hard to fathom that other people might not have the same issues as yourself because they're better at playing killer than you are?

  • Member Posts: 51

    Hello ! I feel like this is a problem I have heard a lot from many people. First of all, don't base your fun off getting kills. You could get 0 kills and still have an amazing match. Also, try learning tips and tricks about how to play killer or even your favorite killer specifically. I watched a few Otzdarva matches and messed around with some of the things that he does and I instantly went from getting destroyed in bronze lobbies to completely rolling through everyone; now, with years of experience as killer, I have gotten pretty good. This type of game takes practice and the game's mindset is something you have to train into yourself. Granted, I don't know how long you have been playing, but I feel like you could probably just use some practice and some teaching.

  • Member Posts: 298

    So the game is not balanced and artificially tweak the stats putting the killer against unbeatable survivors or easy survivors depending if the player has a lower or higher kill rate than 60%.

    It does not change that the game is heavily survivor sided.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    The game isn't heavily Survivor-sided.

    The game cannot be Survivor-sided with Survivors having a measly 39% escape rate.

  • Member Posts: 21,210
    edited July 2023

    From the last official stats that we can see.

    Perhaps that has changed in 9 months, perhaps it has not.

    We literally do not know and we can only talk about the data we have, not the data that might be.

  • Member Posts: 707

    If this SBMM feeds me potatoes in 5 matches out of 10, then odds are I will get those 60% or higher overall kill rates because in those 5 matches I will very likely get 3 or 4k and in other 5 matches I will get at least 1k. Does that all seem fair and balanced to you?

  • Member Posts: 21,210


    That doesn't change anything. The escape rate was still 39% and was likely even lower in actuality. They didn't count DC's which happen often.

  • Member Posts: 441

    Where did you see that SBMM is programmed towards 60% winrate? To my knowledge, the devs have never said that.

  • Member Posts: 87

    Well, if you're referring to the individual character level, which is what you see above players names in the pre game lobby, then you seem to misunderstand what it means. Individual character level isn't a direct indicator of player skill. It just shows they put "x" amount of blood points into that specific character. I have to say on the conversation about matchmaking and/or skill based matchmaking, most game companies/devs, no matter big or small, struggle to make matchmaking work properly. From my experience dbd matchmaking has never worked properly(at least since I started playing in year 3). You shouldn't care/focus so much on players individual character levels. Generally speaking, if skill based matchmaking is working then after your first few games you should always be up against "good" players. I hope your experience gets better tho.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Prestige doesn't equal skill regardless of how you feel about it. My highest prestige is like 38 and I have a friend with a prestige 76 and she's dogwater at the game. She just plays more and dumps all her points into one character

    On top of that, if you're not having fun as killer, that's on you. I rarely have a killer game that ISN'T fun but that's because my fun is based on chases, not getting 4 kills at the end of a match like some of the community

  • Member Posts: 522

    As usual, the problem is BHVR's choice in matchmaking which doesn't even try to match up skill, instead concentrating on queue times. This is great if you want to get in games immediately where you are either bored to death in (baby survivors) or bullied to the shadow realm (4 man SWF).

  • Member Posts: 1,373
    edited July 2023

    I mean it isint when you get made fun of every time both irl and in game

  • Member Posts: 298

    39% cause survivors are terrible and there is often one, even 2 doing mistakes and throwing the game for the whole team when you play soloQ.

    You should explain me why with my SWFs we are getting 3 escapes 70 to 80% of the times and we do not even try hard...

  • Member Posts: 298

    39% escape rate but good SWFs wins 90% of their trials, 99% if the killer is not Blight/Nurse.

    Conclusion for some ppl on the forum - the game is killer sided

    Okay, i guess we have talked enough. Fact that killers cannot win against a good SWF shows the game is survivor sided.

    If the survivor players are potatoes to the point they are throwing 60% of their trials, it is their problem, it has nothing to do with balance.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    39% is still the escape rate. For everyone.

    Unless you think that SWF has a 90% escape rate and Solo Q has like, 5%, it doesn't balance out.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Where's the stats for that? Forgive me, because I see nothing.

    I find it very difficult to believe SWF's win 90% of their matches.

    Especially considering I'm winning 90% of mine as Killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,132

    Then play survivor.

  • Member Posts: 376

    The Impossible Skillcheck Build. It is probably as old as the Doctor DLC itself, but it has been revised a lot since it first got popularized by Monto.

    First step: Add-ons and perks. Both purple and yellow Calm add-ons are required, as it will increase your terror radius to a massive 46 meters. Distressing can be a good perk too (albeit not required), as it will increase your terror radius further, up to 54 meters to be exact. Here comes the good part: The perks.

    • Hex: Huntress' Lullaby - Makes the timing window between the skill check sound cue and the skill check appearance smaller for every stack, until it gets completely silent at 5 stacks.
    • Overcharge: Forces a very difficult skill check on any generator that you damaged, and it will also regress the generator a lot if said skill check is missed.
    • Unnerving Prescence: Makes the skill check success zone 60% smaller for survivors within your terror radius.
    • Merciless Storm: When a generator reaches 90% completion, survivors repairing them will be bombarded with constant skillchecks.

    Alternative perks:

    • Agitation: Increases movement speed by 18% when carrying a survivor, in addition to increasing the terror radius by 12 meters.
    • Distressing: Increases the terror radius by 26%

    Second step: Bring a map offering for a smaller map. Midwich or The Game are perfect for this.

    Third step: When starting the match, go to the center of the map, and use your main power (static blast) to locate Survivors. Then all you need to do is to get 5 hooks, and make sure they are often in Madness III. When done right, they will be unable to repair gens, or snap out of madness. All you hear are screams or sounds of gens blowing up. Make sure to have your Static Blast in the ready state for best effectiveness.

  • Member Posts: 298

    Good SWF wins more than 90% of their games. But ye, it is hard for you to believe cause i'm pretty sure you are not that good at the game as a survivor.

    Commentating Tru3Ta1ent vs. Oracle - YouTube

    More of Tru3Ta1ent vs. Oracle - YouTube

    Survivor's Secret to Success: Escaping Over 200 Games in a Row - YouTube

    Do you need more ?

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    First off, ad hominem attacks are definitely gonna show how strong your argument is.

    Now, onto the actual match, we have a two year old match against a top comp team playing against an okay pub Killer player who is playing Wraith and admits he will not be playing optimally.

    Yeah, you're gonna have to do better than that.

    As for the other video, Hens' team is playing pubs with comp players on their roster. If you play in a competitive scrim style, you'll win 99% of your matches, as Killer or Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 298

    That's not an attack, it's just the way i feel when i read all your comments on this forum always saying the game is balanced... lol

    yup 2 years old match when gen regress perks were extremely strong and where there was no MFT + Resilience combo and where flashlight saves (for exemple) actually required some skill to be performed.

    For the second videos, there are a ton of really good SWFs out there, not to the level of Hens'team but still srong enough to wreck pretty much any killers.

    + you then say that in winning 200 trials in a row, climbing to the top of the MMR system, they have never faced a single killer that was able to do 2k against them ?

    Meanwhile, even the best killer palyers out there cannot do 50 wins in a row anymore.

    But hey, the game is balanced.

    Play killer mate, really.

  • Member Posts: 298

    Can Killers Still Keep Up In Dead by Daylight? - YouTube

    4k with the Spirit against good players.

    2k only with ghost face against barely average random survivors.

    The game is totally unbalanced if you do not play Spirit, Nurse, Blight.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    2 year old match with worse maps, old DH, old DS, weaker Wraith, old instant heals and medkits etc etc with a player who isn't really all that great playing against one of, if not the best, comp teams.

    I agree that there are SWF's that can wreck a lot of Killers. Most people do not understand how to play macro at all. That's an issue with matchmaking more than balance though.

    Yes, the matchmaker is that bad.

    Momo has a 1200 winstreak on Blight.

    I believe Lipy had a 200 winstreak with Oni.

    Momo has a 250-ish winstreak with Oni.

    Alf has a 600 game Nurse streak.

    I'm sure there are more, but those are just the one's that come to mind.

    I play quite a bit of Killer, as you can see. You can even watch me play and kill my way through players worse than me until you get sick.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Hens literally says the players are functionally at the same skill level.

    He got 8 hooks and 2 Kills against a full meta squad with GHOSTFACE on a meh map.

    That's literally balanced on one of the weakest Killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited July 2023

    I said suicides not DC. 1 suicide (giving on hook or running at the killer to die) = the whole team dead = free 4k for the killer.

    When survivors at the same skill of the killer are not throwing and actually trying to escape, they do most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    So, where's your evidence beyond hearsay and anecdotal data?

  • Member Posts: 298

    Full META squad of random :) and he got 2 kills which is not a win.

  • Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2023

    I dunno what is the most funny in what you say.

    I don't know if you are trolling or not actually as i cannot believe that someone with thousands of hours here can genuinely believe that the game is balanced...

    Also, old DH and old DS have been replaced by MFT and OTR now, those perks are nearly as strong, MFT is even stronger than old DH in many situations.

    Once again, when i play soloQ, i escape 50% of the time and in my lobbies it is not rare that we get 3 escapes.

    In SWF, well pretty much all trials are 3E on my side... unless the killer is tunneling and we decide to play altruistic. And my SWF is not the best at all. My previous SWF was unbeatable.

    Well, you should really play killer a lot to see how unwinnable are the games against good survivors.

    Win streak on Nurse and Blight... ok, bad faith here as i have said tier A or lower killer. You bring S-tier killers here... And your Oni win streak, no way it happened in the current META ;)

    Post edited by UnavailableName on
  • Member Posts: 2,697
    edited July 2023

    I stopped playing this game for a long time, and only recently did I come back to partake in the event. Now it's fair to say I'm a casual player of DBD, but you learn real quick that this game is not for casual players. I've been trying to earn masks as survivor, and have had an absolutely abysmal time doing it. Whereas if I load up a killer game, all I have to do is grab a scroll and go AFK. It kind of goes to show the one role that's needed the most in dead by daylight. Which isn't a huge surprise because playing killer is a sweat fest if you're playing against a good team.

    The game comes with such a high learning curve, especially with its killers, that it is not very welcoming to new players. I will say however, that I'm glad to see that there are bots, and admittedly, the bots have gotten a lot better. I would definitely spend a lot of time there practicing killer before hopping into a live match if you're a new player. But if survivor is more your taste, then try to get friends that you can play with, because playing solo with other solo players can be a recipe for disaster.

    Post edited by SweetTerror on

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