Survivor Queue BP Bonus Correlation to Killers that Steamroll
I usually follow the BP bonus when I play survivor or killer but one thing I’ve noticed is whenever there’s a survivor BP bonus it usually correlates to a higher chance of running into a killer that either BMs or goes for effective and legitimate, but really unfun to play against tactics that minimizes the base BP earnings survivors are capable of. This has the side effect of making it roughly the same BP gains in those matches as a survivor as if I played at a time when the bonus wasn’t up - negating the point of the bonus in the first place. It’s really just become a proxy for how long I can expect queue times as killer than any sort of actual bonus for playing a needed roll.
I do gens, unhook and heal teammates, engage in chases and get just a fraction of the BPs I get when I’m playing killer and so much as sneeze (provided the sneeze isn’t classified as a special attack, in which case - deviousness bonus!). When there’s a cap on score event types, why is there such a discrepancy between the ease of BP earning between the 2 rolls? Does anyone else notice this or is this just negativity bias?
Survivor has always been harder to earn BP with in my experience. We've been asking for them to look at it for awhile. As killer (which is what I mostly play) if I eight-hook and let everyone live in the end, I'll easily earn more BP than most if not all the survivors, even though they had the same chases, unhooks, and heals and also escaped.
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I usually 8 hook myself as I find it tends to result in more spread out and engaging matches. Plus I kind of feel bad sometimes because I guess I’m a softie, lol. I usually average between 30-40k a match with killer though on survivor I feel I’m lucky to make 20k even if I escape.
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I usually get a lot more BP and pips as killer, even in a game where I lose.
I've noticed that whatever side has the BP bonus is likely also going to be harder. I feel like when survivor is +100 (the vast majority of the time for me) I very frequently get paired with teammates not interested in doing anything. When killer is +100, I tend to hit squads who are all really intense in how they play.
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It's honestly a nightmare to get BP as a survivor. Doing an entire generator alone literally only awards 1,25k without the skillchecks. Also I've experienced scenarios where one survivor would loop the killer for 5 gens just to leave the game with like 14k points for all the effort (might be more now because of the BP cap change but it's still kind of a joke).
I'm really taking the anniversary event for granted as a survivor rn.
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If either side has an incentive aka too few players, it increases the chance that someone out there on the other role has waited long enough for matchmaking to expand pretty far to find them a match. This can obviously lead to mismatches.
Survivor has always been pretty... volatile in BP gains as you're not in complete control of what you're doing, depending on the actions of both the killer and other survivors you can simply be locked out of gaining significant BP in certain categories.
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Just my personal observation and maybe conspiracy theory, but whenever I see Survivor incentives I think it's to incentivize solo players to fill the gaps for all the Swift teams. I find it's quite common for me to be placed on teams with 2 to 3 man swf playing on a different platform.
I have a hard time believing there's ever truly a shortage of Survivor players.
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I think the only sort of correlation between BP incentives & getting rolled is just that matchmaking is worse, there's not enough survivors so you're matched against whoever and therefore more likely to go against someone out of your skill range.
And unless the killer is literally afk they usually get more BPs than survivors no matter how the game plays out anyway
You need 4 survivors for every killer so it's really not that surprising tbh.
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It just seems it’s less solely skill range and more skill range + temperament. I mean, I’ll sometimes find myself steamrolling a group of survivors at 5 gens and dial it back a notch because what fun is that for anyone. Most of the killers I’ve encountered that spawned this post seem to dial it forward a notch and then add in some BMing for good measure.
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In my region it's almost always 100% for survivor during the day and then after 9pm or so it switches to 100% for killer. I could get steamrolled at either time tbh
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For me, I notice that when it's 100% survivor I tend to have more useless team mates but more chill killers (still play for kills but very little tunnelling, camping, slugging, etc). When it's 100% killer, usually after 9pm, I have better team mates but killers are alot sweatier.
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Survivor BP is horrifically tuned in comparison to Killer.
Killer gets all 4 categories for progressing their wincon. Damage someone with your power? Brutality+Deviousness+Hunter. Do it again then hook them? All 4 now.
Survivor do gens. Ok 10k max BP, do something else. Ok I'm against Plague and can't heal my teammates, that denies me Nearly 10k from the onset. Boldness? Sorry, the Bubba facecamped the first player on hook, you don't get chase BP. Alternatively the Nurse/Blight is instadowning your team, chase didn't last long enough to give you BP. Or yet another alternative the Wraith is playing hit and run, even though you are being chased, he isn't 'in chase' with you, so no Boldness BP. Survival BP? 7k from escaping, and nearly no other way to get a decent amount other than bringing Deliverance or Sole Survivor ratting at the end of every match.
The best way to fix BP gains (for both sides since Killer can't reach 10k Sacrifice normally) is uncap the categories, and put the cap at 40k BP total. Even if you have to implement a diminishing returns system, it would still be for the better.
The best Survivor build for BP is any boon for 1.5k Boldness per boon, PT to encourage cooping gens for the bonus BP (otherwise people will use their brain and solo gens instead), Deliverance for a bit of Survival BP even if you die, and a flex 'feel good' perk.
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Keep in mind this'll be different after next update because they want to make survivor bp gain even harder for no reason with PT's coop point bonus removal.
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I don't know why they are nerfing a Killer perk that Survivors can select, but hey, its their game. I lose more of my games where people solo gens and don't bring PT. I win more of my games when 2 people are duoing the gen so I can either double stalk as Ghosty, or otherwise get double the pressure for walking somewhere only once and forcing 2 Survs off of gens.
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The Evader emblem has been ticking me off this event. I will run the Killer for so long, lose him in chase a few times, land a couple pallet stuns...and then get a Silver at the end. It's very frustrating and has been the emblem making pipping in red ranks difficult, especially when you feel you did so good that game.
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Use perks like Lightweight and WoO for that emblem. They can help keep the chase going and confuse the killer too, which can help escape chase without being hit. Also when the killer is chasing someone else, do a nearby gen in the terror radius. I did all the emblem challenges while iri 4/3, just try to bring the best perks to get the points you need.