Killer concept (The Machine)
I've had this idea in my head for a mechanicle terminator style killer, be interested in hearing your thoughts
Power: machine spirit
The machine starts each game with a second body placed at least 36 meters away from their original body.
this ability can be acitivated the cause your current body to power down over 1 second and then transfer control to the second body over the next 3 seconds. any survivor who touches with the powered down body will be trapped (think bear trap) and be grabbed if the body powers up while they are trapped. electricle interference prevents you from shutting down your current body within 5 meters of any generator or gate control.
Aquiring target: Missed attacks within 2 meters of a survivor grant 1 token that lasts 30 seconds since your last aquired token, with 4/3/2 tokens your next attack will strike in a 360 degree arc arround you. your killer will release an audible alert when aquiring target becomes active
Drawn to the living: once every 30/25/20 seconds your killer will stumble (like survivor wriggling) 0.5 meters in the direction of the nearest survivor this effect will not activate while there is a survivor within 10 meters of you.
Sleeper agent: You become obssessed with one survivor, Your obssession will sporadically produce a terror radius that is 75% the distance of your own. (acitivates more often with higher tiers)
No one ever commented on this, but with the plague coming out I'm gonna quietly believe they took inspiration from my sleeper agent perk and feel proud of myself
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Huh. This is a generally good idea.
Also are you a psychic? The fact you made the Sleeper Agent long before The Plague was even thought of is amazing.