When is Skull Merchant being reworked or removed from the game?

Every game against her is the same. She sets up drones and uses generator regression to draw out the game immensely leading to an almost certain death.

Nobody wants to play against her, almost every player straight up refuses (I put it here mildly because the mods removed my previous message).

Even if holding three generators close to each other would be fixed, she is still highly unfun to go against and will keep on using the same strategy combined with Sloppy Butcher (to make healing in the meanwhile take extra long and buying time to make generators regress even more).

She is an extra pain for solo players and on specific maps.

When will Behaviour finally acknowledge she is the worst designed killer in het arsenal and just a failure all round?


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,502
    edited July 2023

    Well, she is not. bHVR is working on a system to the game which is going to prevent 3 gen strategies for her and all other Killers.

    After that can happen, bHVR will look at how she is played and make changes after that.

    Time? Probably a Year lol

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Even after a rework regarding 3 genning, she’ll still be a shitshow to play against. She just places a drone over a generator, kicks it, you cannot immediately disarm the drone, she’ll make you waste resources (pallets) and makes you heal longer with SB.

    SM needs a rework from the ground up.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    People will always go for the easy plays/win. Even if she gets buffed people will still play here as a 3 genning killer. Jane, and others have proven that SM is very viable as a chase killer.

    at this point her whole power needs a rework

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    I also can't stand her but once in a while you get smart teammates that forgo healing and just pressure those gens from every angle. I actually had one DC because we were about to pop the last gen and she knew she was done. I don't really care if I'm exposed because if she won't chase you anyway, just keep pressuring those gens.

    This is NOT how this game should be played. But I've decided I'm not giving up against her or Knight. If my team is willing to try, I'm going to try. If they want to waste my time, I'm going to waste theirs.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,502

    idk about that, Do you have like a video showing you playing vs. one?

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456
    edited July 2023
  • leviivel
    leviivel Member Posts: 280

    there’s definitely a lot of Skull Merchant players that 3 gen and it’s boring but it’s usually not completely uncounterable, but it does require coordination (which is hard in solo queue but that’s a given). Especially if the player plays in the EXACT way that everyone describes her, it would be so easy to counter because she would just keep circling between gens. JUST DO SEPERATE GENS DON’T DO THE SAME ONE TOGETHER.

    although some of ya’ll just DC against her for no reason other than “me no like drone woman” because i ran a full chase build on her and i had a match where i had no drones on a gen (and the survivor’s weren’t even bad at looping mind you) and they DC’d when i downed them and i hadn’t even kicked a gen once that match.

    also, unless you suck at skill checks (cough cough overcharge), all the good gen slowdown options in the game currently require downs or hooks WHICH SHE SHOULDN’T BE GETTING IF YOU’RE GOOD.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286
    edited July 2023

    I gave up on her. She is just pure pain. Let her get all the kills she wants. I go next game. Better to have 3 fun games then 1 of pure pain (and I am absolutely not talking about how strong she is. Because quite frankly - who cares? The game is snooze fest even if u win it)

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    They bring CoB, Overcharge and Eruption with SB most of the time. They put up a drone after kicking the gen. Normally, these perks are not that good. However, it takes a while before you can remove the drone. Meanwhile she injures everyone with SB so yes, she’ll get downs eventually.

    Even premades struggle against her. As a solo player it is not worth my time.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    One of the largest problems with SM is how you can disarm a drone that was on a gen, but she can just replace the drone before your timer runs out. There should be a phantom drone placement zone to prevent spamming drones on the same spot when they get disarmed, at the very least until the drone disappears from the Surv's shoulder.

  • Solis
    Solis Member Posts: 25

    The skull merchant is destined to play against bots anyway. And people will stop playing her.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    what about killer player that do not 3 gen and play her normally? there are players that enjoy playing skull merchant as an m1 killer.

    strong premades do not struggle against her. skull merchant 3 gen is learn to play issue.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 412

    Honestly? I don't even think she's that strong. Most of the games I play against her where every survivor plays the game out ends up in a win, the issue is how long (and how boring) the road to get there is - ultimately, playing an hour-long game with no chases for a single escape isn't worth the effort.

    The solution is to rework her power to make it not boring - for either side. Figure out a way to make her more proactive. Frustratingly, the suggestions I had for her became subject to the Sadako -> Dredge phenomenon - making her drones act like cameras she can use to more proactively guard loops is just the power the team behind Singularity went for, locking her out of that playstyle.

    I wish the team luck in whatever direction they aim to take SM, but I suspect the actual direction will be none at all, because her kill rates are likely where they want them to be.