You shouldn't lose PIP if you got tunneled
Sure, you don't win a lot of points, but the game punish you for things that you can't control like being tunneled or camped.
The game should detect when the killer does that and not lose your progress
Tunneling won't solve it since killers don't play for pips
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I know, I just got hard tunneled from the start of the game, killer dropped survivors when he saw me. Killed me instantly and morid me yet I depip
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"You get caught 3 times in a row".... Really? I can count the number of games where the killers don't stay around the hook. They come back the instant you get dehook and stay on you. If a zone don't have any pallette, you are screwed, even if you are a good gamer.
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You shouldn't lose pips outside of DCing at all. Make them harder to acquire by all means, but there's no reason why the grade system needs to work backwards anymore, it's not a ranking system.