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General Discussions

Will Myers ever be updated?

There have always been killers who underperform within the game but Myers is at least top three.

He's hardly changed at all since his first release except maybe some number tweaks and an add-on pass. That's it. Myers has never seen any significant change and I want to know why.

Do the license holders have to somehow agree with any changes or something to his power? Compared to other killers his power is uninteresting, and pretty stale, also Ghost face can do what Myers does but better already.

So what's the hold up?

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  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Devs are focused on releasing new killers, Feng Cosmetics, and giving Killers motion sickness. They don’t have the time to focus on lesser played characters.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    With the amount of people that have some variation of "mori me daddy Myers i luv u" as their nickname. I´m honestly surprised that he hasn´t received some sort of QoL update. Just some minor adjustments to out of date addons/mechanics.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    hopefully they buff him and severely nerf Tombstone piece

  • Member Posts: 291

    oh word. myers feels lowkey kinda bad to play, he just is outdated. ghost face literally does myers job better than him, all ghostface is is a cheap copy in my opinion. myers needs SOMETHING, and that something i believe is probably these

    • remove the stalk limit from Evil Within, just like ghostface, he'll be able to stalk without having a risk of not being able to use his power anymore (a need)
    • evil within 1's attack open time is increased from 0.2s to 0.25s (optional QoL)
    • Evil Within 1's stalk point tier-up has been reduced from 5 to 4 points, meaning it takes less time to tier up from tier 1 only
    • to compensate for the stalk limit removal, pairing the known Fragrant Tuft Of Hair & Judith's Tombstone together now returns the stalk limit. that change is to make the difficulty of getting that achievement still a challenge.

    myer's issue is, again, he is just outdated and his tiers cant keep up with how fast the game is. evil within 1 is the key component to why he feels kinda crappy to play, along with not being able to use your power because you reached your maximum stalk limit. THAT feels bad to play and use, and removing the stalk limit while making evil within 1 feel betterish to play would help him in the long run.

  • Member Posts: 343

    Because ghostface exist, it’s myers with more stealth.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    To each their own, but I couldn't disagree more.

    Every match sees survivors spawning on top of generators, which means that killers have to be quick at getting the ball rolling. The last thing any killer needs is to start the game off with reduced speed and a reduced lunge attack.

    Worse, Myers is the only killer that can literally run out of power. I played a match the other day where I had managed to fully stalk Nancy from a distance. While this was great and got me to level three fairly quickly, because it was near the start of the match it meant that anytime I encountered her, I had no power left to use against her. With Nancy I was nothing more than a standard m1 killer, which was a miserable experience.

    Bottom line, something needs to change. A lot of people will agree that Myers has the strongest add-ons in the game, and I personally would be willing to forgo that if it meant that he could be given a rework that addresses those two biggest issues. Like I said to each their own, but he is not fun to play unless you're doing meme builds. DBD has changed quite a bit since he was implemented, and he needs a rework to better reflect where the game is at today.

  • Member Posts: 183

    I will 100% take buffs cuz I love playing as and against Myers....EXCEPT when he Moris you without ever even taking a hit and completely tanking both your game and his own. I'd rather get tunneled by a Blight than die this way, it is just so lame.

    I feel like this is what is holding him back from at least getting even just a few small buffs. Cuz any buffs will also likely help with his braindead tombstone strategy. I don't know if it's that they don't want to change/buff him because they love it or think Killer players love it, or if it would just be too much to completely overhaul him just to get rid of it. But it needs to go or he deserves nothing.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    Myers hasn’t been changed in 6 years. He only received a couple of addon changes but nothing major he’s been exactly the same.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    I agree. As someone who loves playing as him, I also know how bad it feels to just not be able to use your power for the rest of the game. If they could at least have the stalk on each survivor recharge, that'll prevent that while at the same time ensure 1 afk/oblivious teammate doesn't feed him a perma T3 if he's running the add on.

    Also, I'd gladly give up the Tombstone piece for this. If THATS what's keeping him from getting a basekit buff, yeet it in the trash.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    The stats probably say he’s balanced, so they won’t change him.

    Or maybe they want Tombstone Myers to stay and are scared to buff him because of it.

    Either way, he’s the most outdated killer and a relic of old DBD.

    Please BHVR, give him something.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    According to their data Myers is fine. I'm not exactly sure how that is possible because he really struggles against anyone familiar with the concept of looping but here we are. I can only guess it has something to do with the people that play him being pretty good and one Tombstone Piece addon.

    I'm kind of scared what they would do to Myers if they decided to change him. After what they almost did to Billy and now plan to do to Sadako I'd rather they don't touch him. We don't need survivors running around the map and grabbing fire arms to temporarily stun him from a safe distance.

  • Member Posts: 769

    Thankfully Beverly has acknowledged how stupid the overheat mechanic is. In terms of Sadako it's actually a good rework, but there's certain specific flaws that make it seem so bad. Easy changes.

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