More build variety

I’m sick and tired of seeing same 12 perks and builds for either side I feel that there should be more fun alternatives other than the gen/heal and anti gen/heal speed meta
the biggest change to this recently was MFT and already the perks is gonna get gutted eventually along with a lot of other perks on both sides and I feel that’s an horrible way to balance things on both sides and should be the last resort to balance not the first
personally instead of gutting both sides down how about make more fun builds and ways to counter haste and add more cool perks that can affect the pace of chases as a whole
I feel a lot of the players in this community on both sides just wanna keep everything as boring plain and brain dead as possible so they can actually feel like they’re good at something so I say ignore those cry babies shake things up a bit and make things more fun on both sides instead of making the game feel like gen/chase simulator
for killer and survivor builds I suggest there should be more hinder/haste perks that are more accessible for both sides like PWYF/hope to even perks like FH that can slow down either side
I feel FH should work for pallet stuns or something more convenient instead of downing survivor and survivors should have perks can make chases more interesting
here a perk idea
Trip wire: start the trial start with 0 tokens with a max of 2
after working on a gen for 45 seconds trip wire gets a token interacting with a doorway for 20 seconds sets up a trap when the killer steps into the trap is hit with the hindered status for 6/8/10 seconds and trip wire loses a token
when trip wire reaches 2 tokens and both tokens are used trip wire deactivated for the rest of the match
Note this perk idea is just a general example on how to mix things up and not meant to be taken at face value something to add some surprise should killers have the advantage when it comes to overall power difference? Sure but advantage doesn’t me unstoppable
Having a more alternatives that are fun can help reduce them amount of same builds and add some life to the game these alternatives may seem “toxic” to you all but confusing fun with toxic because you all can’t play isn’t fair to the game
Along with more haste/hinder perks there should be more sabo flashlight and wiggle out builds that are fun for survivors
along with killers having more cooler ways to hooking/killing survivors kinda like what pyramid head has so there can by counterplay to and even cooler ways for killers to get map pressure on survivors without the meta
so personally I don’t mind either side having powerful or even op perks items / add ons I just would like to have counterplay for them depending on skill
It doesn't matter what they add because there will always be a meta that a majority of players will run. While this game is not meant to be a properly competitive game, it has enough of the trappings of one that means it can't avoid becoming heavily centralized.
The only thing that will truly spark more build diversity long term is by expanding the game in some way on both sides. Right now no matter what gets added it still needs to basically be made to work within the very stale and limited context of current gameplay. Both sides aren't really encouraged to anything outside the box if it isn't going to truly help their win condition and the win conditions are a bit too simple and killer's win condition actually being somewhat vague makes it so really there aren't a lot of ways to meaningfully affect the game.
Long story long, true variety will only come with the changing aspects of the game to accommodate new and interesting things.
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well that’s where the balancing part comes in there’s a difference between tweaking and gutting something and making things more interesting for both sides may add more to the stale and limited gameplay
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I feel perks shouldn't necessarily win games, but they should aid players in meaningful and effective ways. I don't want the game to be stuffed with really bad perks, but we have ton of really bad perks already. This is the design with the competitive capacity taken into account where as if they refreshed objectives and gameplay loop you'd have more space to do different things.
Nic Cage is actually something I think the game needs more of. Like just embrace this game as fun send up of horror icons and make really unique experiences that you can only get DBD. Nic's perks are a mix of memes and solid utility they aren't going to be meta, but they aren't worthless either. Diversion and Red hearing are perks that probably shouldn't even be in this game because the value they offer is really better suited to a type of stealth play that survivors aren't really built to do.
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Well buffing bad perks can help but also making other perks than can change the pace of a chance can make things fun to