Singularity disappeared in the void

Haven't faced a single singularity for more than 1 week...
The killer mechanics are awesome but the survivors can counter is so easily that no one care to play it...
Devs, you need to tweak the way the EMPs are affecting the pods. Removing the pods on survivors is okay (and survivor cannot be tagged for 15 seconds for exemple) but disabling pods in the environment must be removed.
Also the amount of EMPs available must be tweaked down.
Nah he's supposed to be weak. Afterall, he wasn't programmed to harm the crew.
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I don't want to play him anymore until made for this gets nerfed. I find that it gives survivors just enough move speed to run from your entire overclock which makes him feel really awful.
That and dealing with the constant emp spam vs swf just isn't fun. The chests should stop auto generating at like 80% progress imo.
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He's a strong killer that requires some skill to use effectively, that rules out a majority of killer players unfortunately since if the killer doesn't play itself then its too much for most people.
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Removing EMP would be an extreme buff to it, singularity without EMPs is a beast in chase and map control.
But devs wanted absolutely to give the survivors a possible counterplay but there are too many EMPs available.
Only 2 survivors at a time should be able to have an EMP and then survivors will have to teamplay. Also, survivors should not be able to have 2 EMPs at the same time the whole trial.
Holding an EMP could unlock an aura ability that shows all survivors infected.
2 chests only on the map, once an EMP is built, the corresponding chest does not build another EMP till the one existing is used.
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Having tried to learn him for a bit - the biggest frustration I have is the biopod camera always resetting to "straight ahead" - it makes it so you waste half a second orienting it to look at the survivor you chased into its zone and that plus the time spent "locking on" means a lot of otherwise viable pod placements end up not working due to constant LoS blockers and now you've abandoned chase for absolutely no value. The EMPs are annoying too, but what ended up causing me to stop trying on him were the biopods being so clunky.
Post edited by LordRegal on1 -
This is the exact same problem VHS had, where they made sure killers had so much counterplay, and that they were “fair” for the survivors….. that people just don’t want to play those killers.
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No they don't. Cameras keep the orientation they have when you leave them.
I hope you forgive if I'll point at you to demonstrate how much familiarization and practice the average Hux player must have had before abandoning him to run to the internet to parrot how weak he is.
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I might lower the EMP range slightly and then also make it so that to cleanse another Survivor, you need to be within 2 meters of them.
I'd also revert the 10% ms debuff and instead make it so that you can't use EMP's while running.
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Mft isn't the issue, it is problematic but his base power just isint good enough for emp's to exist.
And mft just makes it worse
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Gambriel fixed him, and he doesn't harm the crew anymore. Next Patch will introduce Singularity as a survivor and remove him as a killer
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The only solution is making emp only affecting the person who use it affecting pods is fine or you can make surv who got infected to cleanse on the crates.
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This is why I dont think this game needs new killers, it needs new modes.
I hope the next chapter is a new mode. New killers keep things fresh for about a day lately, everyone goes back to the meta ones.
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Honestly 4 seconds of Overclock where you can often run out of Overclock before being able to break the pre-thrown pallet isn't worth the frustration of trying to get in that position in the first place.
When Singularity was revealed, I honestly thought Overclock was going to last like 30 seconds and be an actual threat survivors would need to be on top of. But it really isn't.
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Eh. His skill cap isn't that high. But if you're good enough to use him effectively, you're probably just playing a more rewarding killer that takes a bit of skill. Like...why go through the whole song and dance for a killer with the upside of the Singularity when you can just play Hag, Nurse, Spirit, Wesker, etc, and have better outcomes? There are even easier killers than Singularity who are stronger. Just no point in this killer.
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If the Singularity's power was more balanced and usable (not countered 80% of the time but only 35/50% of the time), i would play it daily, it is a really fun killer.
The main issue is the number of EMPs. Limiting them to 2 at the same time in the trial would be great.
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With EMPs he's kinda trash, but without them he'd be on the verge of being too strong.
This is why i don't like the way they've went with designing killers with hard counter play mechanics built in. If messes with the way they design powers and we stuff like this. Like dude has massively hindering counter play mechanic on top of just the weakness of being a killer with a complicated disjointed power.
Most players aren't going to want to keep playing a killer that takes forever to have fun with and can be so completely countered within 2.5 seconds.
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I'm not even sure if it a balance problem and instead just the sheer number of killer we have.
As a newish player (or super casual) are you really going to instantly buy the new killer? How many people actually buy every chapter/paragraph on release vs a sale?
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I have enough Iri Shards to pick up the new killers and survivors on release unless it's a licensed chapter. But I'm also reaching 4K hours.
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Agreed. Overclock runs out way too quickly at base. By the way do you still main birb lady ? I remember you were fond of her when she was released. Just curious.
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I really wanted to main her, but I just couldn't get into her power very much.
The problem I have with her power is that going from placing crows to firing them requires more button presses than it should. Not to mention the fact she can't place crows at hooks which leads to situations of trying to use my power for non-camping purposes and getting punished.
Doesn't help the timing required to damage with two swarm attacks is very precise. Meanwhile huntress hatchets are so huge and she only needs to land 1, granted they can't go through walls but still.
I would love to see artist get some QoL changes, but seeing Sadako changes on ptb don't make me very hopeful for anything good.
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Personnaly i do not have a problem to hit a survivor using overclock, it is not 100% consistant but i often get the hit when under overclock.
There are 2 main problems for me :
- too many EMPs
- environment biopods staying with the last view you had on them, they should reset to neutral view when you exit them, it would be way easier for orientation
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I keep track of my games, and I'm averaging 1 Singularity every 10 games. So I'm seeing him regularly.
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Wesker would like a word with you.
Framing it like this shows you don't understand the actual issue. A killer that has a super high skill ceiling is not automatically awful. It's more that a killer with a high skill floor, little potential until you reach it and a mediocre power when you do reach it doesn't add up. Singularity has the difficulty part down but ultimately lacks the strength.
Your name is bbqBilly, so I take it you have at least some experience with killers that have high skill ceilings. Most of them however, are not hard to get into. Billy, Blight, Wesker and Huntress are good examples of this. Singularity is different. Its power won't do anything for you unless you already way better than you could be expected when you start with a killer. This kind of reminds me of Nurse. Only Nurse has the strength to warrant such a high skill floor.
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Yeah not a fan of survivors being able to control when I can use my power. I'll stick to bubba right now, they can't deny a chainsaw if I catch them slipping
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dbd killer being a threat... I think your expecting too much.
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Yeah, right? This killer is a joke, right now.
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I saw this thread and played him to make a difference, and what are the haters smoking? Everyone complains about EMP when you can immediately replace them, and knowing when to activate Slipstream is his skill ceiling. If you spam it in chase and get tunnel visioned with a single survivor, you're playing him wrong.
He's fun, oppressive, and can bounce between survivors!
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Funny I've been playing Bubba same honestly
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The killer is garbage.
You have no map pressure, no chase pressure if the survivor is not infected, survivors have way too many possibility to break the line of sight with your environmental pods.
And about replacing pods, you loose a ton of time to replace them and just going into a pod to infect a survivor is making you loose 2 to 3 seconds, that is way too much.
Pods should infect survivors automatically when they are near them. Only the teleport possibility should force you to use them.
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I play against him often and against killers who know how to play it extremely well. I think too many killers just don't know how to play him effectively so they just complain instead of changing the way they play. I've gone up against a few that just don't put up very many cameras or don't use them at all. Those players get demolished quickly.
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If EMPs does not affect pods, Singularity will be the stronger version of Skull Merchant, trigening till death.
I think a good way to improve Singularity would be reducing the percentage of survivor body needed to start scanning, as making the scanning time slighty lower. This might make Singularity far less frustating, as sometimes you can see the surv on the Biopod but you can't goop them.
I don't know how EMPs could be tweaked, but i think that if you catch an EMP, at least the box from where you got it should stop producing EMPs until the one you got is used. When playing against Singularity, i just farm as many EMPs as i can, feels like it has no downtime.
Another thing that might help i think is when someone is holding an EMP and you goop them, the EMP should be destroyed. This way we could end the strategy where someone is doing a gen, wait to be gooped, use the EMP, cleanse the infection and the Biopod altogether.
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It wasnt programmed to harm the crew...
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He's fun to play but also very frustrating to play. I've put a lot of time into him and gotten him to P28 but have pretty much given up on him until he gets some QOL changes.
I've given enough feedback over in the Feedback section, hopefully we'll see some more changes soon but I'm not betting on it.
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Why would I bother to learn a clunky, bad killer with a mediocre power when I could play a fun, good killer with a strong power like Wesker?
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Can we stop all those "you just don't know" nonsense?
He is literally worse version of pretty much any killer of this game, everything requires manual control and there is no real pressure in his power.
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Much as I enjoy playing as Singularity, its still pretty clunky to use the cameras at times. He's map dependent to have really good areas to set up pods to infect survivors, and needing to have "perfect line of sight" on your target to infect them, even when you can see their outline is kind of a drag IMO.
I hope more people give Larry some love when his tome comes out.
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You raise a good point but really why should anyone spend the time learning how to play the Singularity and get mediocre to somewhat good results, when they could play Wesker, Blight, Nurse or any A tier killer and get better results with less effort?
I have played this killer for hours and won exactly 3 of my games (including 1 dc and 1 hook suicide). In that time I could learn how to play Nurse and dominate survivors. Actually no. It'd take me less time to get Nurse's flicks down than to get somewhat average results with Singularity.
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As killer main, I dislike several things about the singularity:
- This is very subjective but his abiltiy to place cameras and to look through them takes away the pacing of the game.
- They are easily dodged and countered.
- I feel like his power is almost useless on some maps.
- Even if you get overclock, it's not a guaranteed hit.
- His power is very situational/inconsistent at best and suffers heavily against good survivors.
I think that other killers powers seem to be more rewarding/fun. But maybe I am wrong and somebody other than me will figure out how to play this one to great success.
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I personally don't understand why the EMP crates are designed to open on their own. No other crate in the game works like that, and the fact that survivors can just keep running past them and grabbing them makes playing the Singularity a pain.
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It is funny xD. That is what they say in the trailer 😂
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Its a meme thats going wild on DBD reddit, its just stupid and became funny due to that.
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The Singularity has the WORST power design in the history of the game, for real. Not one of the worse, but the single worst one. Sure, it was a great, original idea, but not so good execution. And I don't say that because he is weak, he can be strong if played well, but it takes so much to learn him and to make his power even descent that it's just not worth your time. He has a clunky power that usually has to be used THREE times in each survivor to finally do anything, which is just teleport him behind a survivor while STILL giving them a headstart. After that, he is an M1 killer with a temporary power up.
Freddy's original power was removed from the game for being frustrating and unfun when it was actually much less frustrating and more fun than the Singularity. The Nemesis was complained about when he released because his power needed to hit people twice to do anything. The Singularity needs to do it THREE TIMES, it doesn't even do immediate damage and it resets with each hook. All of that not counting the complications of having to position quickly switch to biopods, move your camera fast, and the multiple places where line of sight can easily be avoided due to the amount of objects in each map. The Singularity is just not worth the time it takes to learn him or the effort to get value from his power.
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The singularity is strong. Very strong actually. Probably an A tier killer. The reason you dont see him much is because his power takes so much effort to use properly and on console he is a lot lot worse because survivors will run out of the FOV of your cams before you can aim at them. A lot of people think that he is allmost too much effort for the payoff you get with him which I can definitly see. He is definitly a very active killer who is constantly doing stuff with his power. Not the sort of killer you can just play and relax and do well with.
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Made For This breaks his power.
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Skull Merchant tho
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Tier B at best.
Tier A are killers able to compete against good survivors, Singularity is not one of them.
I have played against it once or twice in the past week, i always had an EMP, the whole trial i was fed with EMPs and my teammates too...
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We don't like clunky powers, too hard but not even rewarding, they should make easy killers.. average player is a Wraith or Legion main
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But definetely Singularity wasnt programmed to harm the crew