Why's everyone asking for a wesker nerf

Their gonna go back to Blight?
they share similar coding so these techs are still gonna exist
blight is more mobile is even easier to get hits with with the ability to turn mid rush destroys pallets instead of vault them
I'm genuinely trying to under stand why yall want wesker nerfed
"Because he's played toomuch"
That's like saying we should remove mc Donald's because people eat there too much,
they are enjoying themselves and most of them are not really bothering you intentionally
Stop bringing blight into this. 👀
He ain’t got nothing to do with this…
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I know but he'll be next if they nerf wesker because he'll be (played too much )
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Genueinly think its because hes played so much, not because he needs nerfs
i get it he is fun to play but playing against him 6/10 games is exhausting
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I'd just like for his tunneling ability to be reduced, other than that I think he's fine.
Ultimately, it's because of BHVR.
Prior to Wesker we had Dredge and Sadako. Unique Killers, sure, but neither of them are super strong or really fun. Dredge in particular can be an accessibility nightmare.
After Wesker we had Knight, who is unique, again, but boring to play and even worse to face.
Then we had Dull Merchant, who has managed to become the most hated Killer in existence. I tried for a daily with her today and most people will DC outright rather than chance a match with that pathetic excuse for a Killer.
Now we have Singularity who is strong. But he's clunky to play and he requires a LOT of effort.
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Now this is a fair complaint it's within reason and keeping him fun
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When something is balanced, the people who complain about balancing the game will usually protest. Wesker should be an example of how to make future killers more engaging so that there's a wider variety of killers commonly played.
Killers don't just play Wesker because he's apparently the strongest, he's also fun when you learn how to use him.
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I want to see him less and a nerf would make me see him less regardless if its deserved or not.
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Exactly imagine if trapper had some interactions where if you see a bear trap you can press something to jump Over it. And then trapper can have ways to bring traps to him instead of needing to get them
There's interaction and faster gameplay not the praying this loop has no trap and leaving it when you see the trap
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I don't ever want to see Skull Merchant but here we are...
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And this is that dumb "because he's played too much" that I don't understand we should nerf windows because it's used too much it's dumb reasoning
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And she should be reworked but that's not the player's fault
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You asked why people wanted him nerfed I gave you a reason and its simply that I want him played less.
DH got nerfed so it could be used less not because it was OP (proof being its unchanged functionality,) I don't see why Wesker is exempt.
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Wesker is not only fun, but they are actually really strong. And when people face Wesker a lot, they probably are not going to like it because they want some variety.
Id say it's pretty on par with Made For This. As Killer, you see it every match, it can have a powerful effect, and some people use it properly, some people dont. Overall you are just tired of seeing it, you want variety, there are hundreds of perks and you only see the same ones over and over. Ditto to this but with Wesker.
To be fair, DBD's "meta" is a delicate balance. It's always been a mix of "fun" and "strong", never leaning too hard on either side. I formerly believed it leaned moreso to "strong" but Ive since then changed my opinion.
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It's not a good reason thought
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Because something that has to be survivors' toy is actually annoying.
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Huh what dose this mean I'm confused
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Blight already played too much lol
And we already asking nerf for him.
Wesker is fine tho. He is not busted, we can't nerf things just because they are popular
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- survivors complaining about perks being gutted bc pickrate
- survivors wanting wesker gutted bc pickrate
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It's because they dislike losing, everything else said about it is just an excuse to come on here and ask for a nerf. His ability to tunnel isn't even hardly any better than other killers either so that is also just an excuse. Besides anyone who has played this game for more than a few months should know full well if they did go to "nerf his tunneling" they wouldn't stop at that, they would Billy the ######### out of him so how about lets stop trying to fix something that isn't broken, yeah fellas? I can think of 15 killers who need attention for better or worse more than Wesker who really we should treat as the gold standard.
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Exactly alchemist ring is too strong
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To put it simply, Blight has a higher skill ceiling compared to Wesker and that’s just facts. Learning to flick, moon rush and develop muscle memory using blighted crow and rat takes time and skill.
Wesker sucks in competitive play because comp survivors don’t make mistakes and that’s why he’s so strong in pubs because 90% of survivors that play in pubs suck. Comp survivors that play perfectly will still get hit against a good blight.
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Wesker having a high pick rate is only symptom of a larger issue. Most killers genuinely aren't as fun as he is. We've got Trapper, Pig, Clown, Myers, Freddy, Knight, Dull Merchant, Wraith, Legion, Twins etc. that all have their mains but ultimately they just aren't as fun to play as Wesker. Some simply lack the strength. Others are a nightmare to play.
That is further enhanced by the fact that most killers we got recently were incredibly weak at release. And if you can't get people to play a new killer straight after their release it's likely nobody will want to play this killer later on either.
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No, a more fair analogy would be you're sick of McDonald's because your spouse wants to eat there for every meal every day.
Sorry not sorry but when I be playing from 8am to 4pm or more if I feel like it, and every match is Wesker, I get bored.
I'm bored with playing Dead (or live, since I escape usually) by Wesker. Sheesh I'll take nurse over fighting that thing for the 50000th tyme.
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Your right that's a more fair analogy I was struggling to make a good one
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Wesker was made near perfect. Yes the infection after hook should be reduce or have a 30 second timer give or take before infection builds. Outside of that Wesker is how every killer should be made. Not OP, Not a plaything, counter play, fun, etc.
The core issue is how boring and weak the majority of the cast is. Not to mention the 2-3 killer before Wesker were not great and the killers after were even worse. Sadako was holding on with the condemned strat which should be nullified soon so her KR will drop. Dredge is too map dependent (locker placements), along with Nightfall being horrible to deal with on both sides for varying reasons.
Nothing else needs to be said about the killers made after. They speak volumes on their own.
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I think the main reason for people wanting him nerfed is simply so they can face other killers than just wesker. Which i can understand. However a nerf is not the right move imo.
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How do you make people want to play other killers? It's obviously not an issue of strength. Hag and Twins are both reasonably strong killers who destroy randoms. Artist is even stronger. Yet nobody wants to play them. You can't just make every killer a Wesker clone so that won't work either. It's a tough situation without an easy solution that won't piss everyone off. I definitely don't think Wesker being every other game is sustainable long term. I can speak from experience and say that playing against him so much has already made me start playing less. No killer variety is just boring and hurts the game. It was fine when he was new but he has more than worn out his welcome.
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because he is an example of what good killers are and how killers should be designed, the exact same reason why hillbilly got a 'rework'
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Here's how you make people play a variety of killers make alot of them better with counter play in their power that dosent destroyed the power like Singularity
Then we can make perks that do more
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I know hopefully nothing gives away I Main Dredge
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Simple solution to survivor perks as well:
Nerf MFT, SB, Resilience for the heck of it, and why not Hyperfocus as well.
Oh, also increase survivor hitbox sizes. That would be fun.
Then it would be "fair"
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Don't forgot to add corrupt as basekit for every gen at the start of the match and add 30 seconds base to gen speeds