Survivors throwing games?

Luckyz17 Member Posts: 34

Has anyone else had a huge amount of games with D/Cs, survivors circling killers, and survivors purposefully throwing games?

I see a lot taking damage on hooks on purpose, or blowing up gens while repairing with another person, dropping pallets while no one is around.

It's really disheartning because I enjoy both sides of this game. But if this is how solo queue and duo queue is going to be, I rather just have brain dead play with a killer and get 4ks and double pip without even using a killers full toolkit.



  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,095

    No, not at all.

    Except against Skull Merchant.

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 244

    I played ghost face and had 2 survivors dc before I had even moved 10 yards then third dc after I hooked 4th survivor.

    Go figure

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 578

    I've been playing over 6 years & have over 10,000 hours in game (I don't sleep & rack up 6 / 8 hours most days)

    While I'd say behavior / temperament on BOTH sides has got progressively worse with virtually each new chapter & certainly within events I can't say i've seen a dramatic increase on say how it was a couple of months ago.

    Dc's are still high (I have a lot of killers DC or go sulk in corners too not just survivors though that is more common)

    Play solo exclusively always have & unfortunately any game that requires other people is & always will be open to trolls & greif & what I consider the biggest issue people who just can't take something not going their way!

    The smallest thing triggers people these days! I'm also expecting more hook suicides / giving up once bots are in & a drop in dc's just to screw everyone that little bit more!

  • MDRSan
    MDRSan Member Posts: 298

    While I generally don’t opt out on hook there are occasions where I’m facing my 10th steamrolling solo queue Ghostface/Legion/Wesker for the day and I really don’t see the point in continuing to try only to serve as a bloodpoint cow for the killer. I know THIS Ghostface/Legion/Wesker might be the chillest person in the world but by that point the experienced odds are very much against it.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,253

    I definitely understand that mindset. You can usually tell right away how the game is going to go when a killer has an absurd amount of slowdown and chases are lasting 10 seconds. It's a 10-15 minute cutscene.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,910

    I don't know about any of that, but I have seen a lot more bad players/potatoes in my games, which is probably due to the event. Lot's of casuals playing right now, which might give the impression of being intentionally bad in many cases.

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 420

    Solo queue is in an awful state, the game is too killer sided because dev's aren't addressing tunnelling and camping. If you want a 4k tunnel and proxy camp the hook, it's simple as that (and it's what 7/10 killers I've been against lately are doing) really not fun for us...

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,477

    Definitely not. Once in a blue moon I'll get survivors like that but it's not the norm and I haven't noticed an increase at all

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    Games tend to snowball out of control very early in killers favor, especially in solo queue.

    There are some killers that will back off a bit and allow players to get some points before they kill them, but this is a rarity.

    Most killers see this as an opportunity to taunt, bully and wildly shake their heads while flailing away at the hapless survivors on hook.

    I cannot really blame people for leaving games in protest; DBD is not in a good state right now.

  • Orochi
    Orochi Member Posts: 183

    I'm with you...except those last couple of sentences lol. The game is mostly balanced outside of the stuff you brought up that people do to make games unnecessarily hard for "fellow" Survivors (along with a few Killer disparities). But that isn't a balance issue as much so as it is a skill/griefing issue.

    Anywho, it's so hard to tell sometimes who is trolling and/or throwing if you're actually committed to gens and giving good chases. I had a Quentin earlier who, according to the other Kate on my team, said he sandbagged her all game for no reason. Continuously missing all heal skill checks, led the Killer to her gen twice, ran the Killer to her death hook of all places just to go down and let her die. He ended up DC'ing at the end after the Killer slugged me and found him trying to hide to get Hatch. He had so much time to open the door and he chose to open a chest and then crouch behind a boulder.

    I was already thinking he did NOTHING all game from my eyes, and then to find out he was throwing us all under the bus made it even worse. The Slinger I think recognized this guy was a dbag and let me wiggle out to open the door and leave. Turned out, the Slinger was trying to get adept and he screwed him too by DC'ing! I was like wow, even just one bad apple can rot the whole game for ALL 4 players!

    Another game I had last night was me and another Steve and then two Ada. At some point, BOTH Ada went AFK and wasted a huge chunk of valuable time getting gens done. I know this because the first one came up to heal me right before I got my final down and had a crow. I saw the other Ada's aura while I was on hook and she wasn't moving either. Spectated her after I died and she had a crow circling too...I was like, WHY?! We were doing so well 😭

    I truly believe it is not even tunneling or whatever other crap that will end up diminishing this game's fun value, reputation and community...but just Survivors who are horrible players.

  • Botiz
    Botiz Member Posts: 483

    Yup, I just played five games in a row as Wraith and had 4 DC's and one person give up on hook - all of them giving up or DC'ing on their first down or simply because they got outplayed at a loop

    It's happening with at least 1 survivor every 3 games at this point.

  • Nomade
    Nomade Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2023

    Survivors and killers who deliberately throw games to lower their MMR so they can smurf are absolute trash. When you do this you are doing is actively damaging the game by making this harder for players who are less experienced to learn and have fun. The Matchmaking is already incredibly bad, we dont need this kind of garbage making it worse. This is espically true because very often players who do this will make matches long and extremely unfun against killers and survivors who dont have enough skill to actually punish them. You think a killer facecamping you is bad? How about survivors spamming speed vaulting from the other side of the map to produce an extremely loud noise that doesnt stop, taunting the killer and flashlight spamming them over and over. and mind you, a lot of this survivor sided toxicity is done with groups who refuse to do the last gen. I have a friend who had this happen to him and the survivors did this to him for 10 minutes straight. He was new to the game so there was no chance in hell he could actually punish them for doing it. He nearly quit the game because of that one experience when I told him that BHVR lets people act that way.

    BHVR has actually deliberately cultivated an incredibly toxic community because they dont care to actually punish people who behave like this. When you encounter extreme toxicity like that, it actually just makes the game not fun.

    Post edited by Nomade on
  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    This. Like I keep saying, all my friends quit over it, unintalled and are long gone. I've a lot of friends fwiw. I don't blame them, not getting to play and getting tunneled and camped with these ppl so desperate for 4K is bad.

    Half the time ppl DC to deny it lol. Don't blame em anymore.

  • satx3241
    satx3241 Member Posts: 102

    The worst thing about playing survivor in this game is other survivors. Far too many of my matches involve a survivor that's either intentionally sabotaging the rest of the team or their straight up working with the killer. I report them every time but it obviously doesn't matter. The majority of the ones I see doing this stuff have a rank indicating they've been playing much longer than me.

    I've only recently discovered DBD. It would be near the top of my all time game list if not for jerks like that. It creates too many matches that are not enjoyable due to survivors who only seem to play to destroy everyone else's fun.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 366

    I know many people do intentionally go out of there way to have lower mmr for easier matches but you also have to realize this is a problem with MMR itself and how it works. It's also a problem of no separation between ranked/unranked or competitive/casual gameplay.

    I don't want to be in lower MMR, or be playing against new players, but I don't enjoy playing a certain way either. I go out of my way to purposely not kill anyone unless I've hooked everyone twice. This is often times going to cause me to lose and drop in MMR. The same goes for survivor. If I decide to try to run a meme build or just do things like try for flashlight saves, I'm probably going to lose in the end. And because it doesn't matter if the rest of the team escapes or not I'm going to drop in MMR. Then you become stuck in lower MMR as a solo survivor.

    As faulty as it was, this is why I liked the old ranking system. I could still reach purple to red ranks and while it didn't mean a lot skill wise, it did mean I wouldn't be playing against newer players.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    My games have been incredibly winnable today and we still end uo throwing somehow. I dunno how they do it.

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    When you get in higher MMR you will come across players who don't care about anyone else's fun but their own.

    That's my experience at least. I just played with a p90ish Feng who killed herself on first hook because she didn't get to use her deliverance. And a p70 something Yun Jin who tried bodyblock me into a gen, then did the same thing to a Mikaela and made her DC. I don't get it.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,009

    Yes, but I've also seen a massive surge of matches with Nurses, Skull Merchant and Huntresses running Lethal and Corrupt, so I can't say I blame them really.