Hopefully DC bots account for DCs before match
It is very annoying loading into a match and then the match gets cancelled because one of the randoms DC’d. I’m hoping that the new DC bots coming out soon will combat this as well but I haven’t heard anything regarding it.
I could’ve gotten my monthly Artist match as survivor right here and she’s one of my favorite killers to go against. :(
why did they quit were they seriously expecting 5 cakes in a match after the event?
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If that was the case then they really need to get a grip lol.
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I just realized that Yun-Jin was running Self Care so maybe it was best she DC’d 💀
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Had the same thing happening earlier against my fav killer so I feel your pain, but truth be told if it was against a killer I don't like I would have been grateful about not having to play the game. I think I would rather have this happen than play a whole game with a bot tbh (mostly if the complaints I've seen about them are true).
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Can't wait for the SM players to complain about not getting to play against real people
As for the topic, I doubt it's gonna work that way but I'd like to be wrong.