What Is Your DBD Hot Take?

crustydustysock234 Member Posts: 19
edited July 2023 in General Discussions

I'm curious, what's your most unpopular opinion about DBD? I'll go first.

Prove Thyself is a trash perk and it's overrated. It's a noob trap that promotes inefficiency. You and your team are better off splitting up on gens.

Object of Obsession is a decent perk IF you use it in a specific build.

The people who think Made For This doesn't need a nerf are the same people who probably plays high tier killers or are survivor mains so they don't understand it's impact in matches. If the killer is 10 meters away chasing you and you have Made For This, it'll take 21 seconds for them to catch up oppose from the default 17 seconds. On certain maps, Made For This can turn loop into infinites and the Killer won't even get Bloodlust.

Aura reading perks are overrated

Post edited by crustydustysock234 on


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    The way they reworked sabo is extremely unfun to play against and I stand behind it

  • AtoTimber
    AtoTimber Member Posts: 84

    repressed alliance is underrated AF

    (also I agree with your Object take. I love it. the amount of times killers don't realize the aura reading has gone off and I catch them moonwalking is crazyyyy)

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Saying prove is trash is an overstatement. The perk can make gens efficient when other survivors always hop on your gen because they don't know any better and when a gen needs to be done quick in order to win. It's about using it smart, not going out of your way to do gens together. Breaking a 3 gen with 3 people while the 4th is in chase can easily win a game, prove can make the difference to get it done.

    Hot take: at least half of mediocre killers can't receive significant base kit buffs due to the nature of their kits. Nurse isn't that hard, even vs good survivors following a safe moveset can easily win you games. Survivors complaining about how often they see wesker don't realize that it's the equivalent of seeing the same survivor perks all the time as killer.

    Not a hot take but they have gutted collision on both autohaven and MacMillan for the sake of wesker and it's so sad to see the best designed maps be destroyed for me personally.

    Adrenaline vial is def too strong but people severely undervalue the negatives they don't even know exist because they have never used the addon. It's makes blight more map dependent as well.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    i don't think i have any crazy hot takes.

    maybe that i think most of the killer cast in the game is fun to play and learn when a lot of people seem to be blind to that fact and only think wesker is fun.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067

    Wesker main strengh is tunneling thanks to the infection.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Twins is the fourth best killer in the game and is Wesker but better (definitely not recency bias or anything like that).

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    Artist is the most fun killer to go against.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Slugging for the 4k should not be possible and this is the one situation where basekit UB would make sense. If the killer cannot find the 4th survivor fast he should be in risk not rewarded with 4 chill minutes where you can look in peace.

    Stealthy players who slam gens are not skilled and many times can turn into a liability to their team. Just yesterday I had a game where it was perfectly winnable and when I died and spectated I saw Mikaela hiding in the locker (she'd been hiding when we were still 3 left) instead of finding the others and healing and do out last gen. Hate seeing someone with no hooks not use them for the benefit of the team or take protection hits. I also make sure to kill them when I'm playing killer.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Knight is fun to play against when they play seek and destroy.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,094

    The DBD-Community is unable to reflect their own mistakes and blame it on the game or the other side instead. Killers are losing games because of SWF or Gen Rush and not because they miss 90% of their Hatchets as Huntress or decide to commit to a Chase for too long.

    Survivors lose the game because of tunneling and not because they bodyblocked with Basekit Endurance or went on a Gen two times while injured after being unhooked.

    Both sides are equally bad on this (with this forum being mainly flooded by Killers who are blaming everything except their own for their losses while other platforms have more Survivors and do the same over there).

    After the Buff to Hemorrhage Perks and Add Ons should not inflict both anymore. They should either inflict a Debuff to Healing OR Healing Regression, but not both. E.g. Sloppy Butcher got a buff it never needed since it was already one of the most reliant Slowdown-Perks which did not really require any effort.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    For that last point, I meant more their character concepts and story, not their mechanics. They're both much better inclusions into this horror hall of fame than people give them credit for; Trickster is pretty much the best horror story this game's come up with period, and Skull Merchant's core is interesting and novel enough to more than justify her place in the game.

    Mechanically, they're both in trickier spots, SM more so. I do, obviously, stand by her being able to do more than 3-gen, still.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Bloodhound is one of the most underrated perks in the whole game. A bright red trail that leads you straight to a survivor's location is better than any other tracking perk in the game.THERE, I SAID IT! LOL

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Knight is harder to master than Nurse.

    Windows is the most overrated perk in the game and it's usage rate is far above what it deserves.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,046

    Stepping in to keep this discussion civil, please, toward others here, others in general, and people's thoughts & opinions. Thank you.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 938

    Knight have no fault of beeing between Wesker (a cool killer) so it looks worst and skull merchant(an awfull killer) because those 2 are area deniers "are on the same bag". Not even close.

    (Also map of the realm basekit is needed).

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited July 2023

    Exhaustion perks have been massively overtuned since their inception and even after their nerfs. If you would never not run an exhaustion perk if your intention was winning that tells you they’re a problem. No set of perks should always be auto lock ins.

    You could hypothetically double the exhaustion timer and you would still see an exhaustion perk on every single survivor, that should tell you how overtuned they are. What perk gets it’s cooldown doubled and is still ran on every single player? That shows they were never close to the “balanced” line to begin with.

  • WeakestNurseMain
    WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308

    Pyramid Head is better than the Artist.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,179

    Thats indeed a hot take ;) While you are not wrong about their strength, I think that exhaustion perks on their own are totally fine, especially in concept. They all provide survivors a means to avoid the killer one time with a burst of speed with varying activation conditions, before going into exhaustion mode and as survivors are generally slower then killers, this is a cool resource for survivors to use and thus is just a class of perks, that you should expect to verse, just like survivors should expect the killer to have slowdown or aura reading perks. And this is why so many of us think, that MFT is problematic, as it provides a long lasting haste effect without any real activation condition.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    I wasn’t around during that time with release Legion, but it really seemed like no one will ever beat Legion in terms of how much the playerbase hated a killer.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I was.

    Skull Merchant is hated more. She's been around longer at this point too.

    You cannot even play a SM game because people will DC as soon as they see you. Usually, people would try to play it out against an OG Legion if they weren't moonwalking oe using Franks

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,498

    Artist is a 3rd strongest killer in the game, sometimes even stronger than Blight.

    But there are 4 and a half really good Artist players in the public matches, so I understand why many people will disagree with me.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Nurse is a balanced killer with fair and consistent counterplay. The only reason that you lose in 1v1 is if shes better than you. People just want her nerfed because besides blights addons shes really all thats left on the killer end that everyone wont flame you for wanting gone.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124
    edited July 2023

    They arent overtuned, their just the only good chase perks survivors have. At least the only ones oriented directly to chase and not like resilience with some other effect. Their the best in their class because everything else in it is garbage, not because their overtuned.

    If you can consistently win chases in under a minute vs any non MFT exh perk then its balanced. The only possible gripe i have is with how easy it can be to use lithe for such massive value.

    Also by the logic of nothing should be auto lock in, does pain resonance/deadlock need a nerf because everyone is using them all the time? or do people use them all the time because their the only good gen defense in the game? The same applies to exhaustion perks, something being the best in its class doesnt make it overpowered. Their only remotely broken vs m1 killers who were trash to begin with. If you are losing because of exhaustion perks then you are playing a bad killer.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,094

    I disagree that they are overtuned. They are in a good spot, even tho that most of them are actually too weak, which limits their variety (there is no point in bringing Balanced Landing over Lithe for example or Smash Hit (even with the Buff in the next patch) over anything else).

    Your example with doubling the timer and being still viable is also pretty bad. Because the Exhaustion Timer does not matter that much unless it is super-low (like Fearmonger), then it MIGHT be possible to get rid of Exhaustion. But it is completely irrelevant if the timer is 40 seconds, 20 seconds or just infinite until hooked. Because in a regular Chase the Survivor will use their Exhaustion-Perk once and then they are exhausted for the duration of the chase since Exhaustion does not recover while running. This is also why Exhaustion Add Ons were and are still too strong and should not exist. Because regardless of the time, it will not go down in a chase.

    Also, the Devs even introduced an Alternative to Exhaustion-Perks with Made for This. Which indeed was the reason why some players dropped their Exhaustion-Perks. However, Killer Mains are now thinking they lose because of Made for This (instead of their own mistakes), so they rally against it. So incentives for not using Exhaustion-Perks are not really popular among Killer Mains.

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    Unrelenting is an underrated Killer perk. Hello MrGimms and DeadBy 😁

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited July 2023

    It's extremely overstated how hard she is to play. You can have a few hours on Nurse and beat SWFs with her that you can't beat on your main killer which you may have hundreds of hours on. Aura reading perks like BBQ, Lethal and especially Nowhere to hide make it much easier too.

    People have always used the excuse that Nurse is fine because she's difficult to play. Even when she had a default of 3 blinks and no cooldown. She isn't!

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Disagree. Sure you can learn the muscle memory in like 5 games but actually learning her takes forever. Against survivors who actually understand how to counter her will do just fine. shes only broken in the right hands, and theres only like 2 pairs of hands that make her an instant4k.

  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233

    Trickster needs a rework to show off his knife throwing skills instead of flinging them about like a madman.

    Singularity is a clunky but fun killer to play as.

    Hag's default power should be the body-blocking phantasms, while those body-blocking add-ons become the teleporting ones.

    Survivor needs more perks based around deception/trickery. For the crowd that doesn't like to be in chase, and don't want to sit on gens.

  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 623

    Hot takes? Alright

    Killer is not as difficult as people like to claim. I play damn near every killer, and use no slowdowns, refuse to tunnel or camp and I have to intentionally handicap myself to even come close to having survivors escape by the gate. Tracking and chase perks should be your bread and butter.

    Exhaustion pekrs on survivor are overrated. I have not used them in years and do not need to to play well. Much like slowdowns on killer, people should stop relying on these types of crutches and get good without them.

    In that vein, both exhaustion perks and gen regression perks should be removed entirely.

    Map offerings should not exist, for anyone, ever. If you want to run a stealthy killer, pray for good RNG. If you want to have a lot of high vaults for BL, Boil Over, or challenges, pray to the RNG gods.

    I like exclusive cosmetics. I like to have things other people can't have and want.

    I dislike Wesker for a variety of reasons (the pickrate being the biggest) but people who say he has good chase music are just flat out wrong. It's grating and annoying, Clown's got the best music.

    The only thing in this game that is BM is wasting people's time. This means bleeding people out without cause and hiding instead of doing gens. Teabagging in the exit gates is silly but you can push them out. hard camping from the start is stupid, and not fun, but not BM.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,201

    Resident Evil chase music - whilst thematically is well made from a RE perspective - is cheesy as hell and doesn't fit in with the theme of DBD.

    A big issue with the game is this search for more "meta" perks. This game would be far more tense if stronger perks were nerfed and weaker perks left as is (or reworked sideways). People shouldn't be able to win a game because of a perk, but their own skill.

    The "Lethal Pursuer" buff that was introduced has been problematic and was never needed.

    HybridPanda is the most underrated content creator in DBD, and he has the best intro of any content creator.

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    Hot takes? I got some.

    I think being out of the game fast (tunneled and camped) is way worse, than being bullied against an SWF. Atleast you can do something and play the game. If you are instantly dead, you cant.

    I think the victim mentallity of killers is too much. Survivors have it worse. (Especially.... its the power role)

    They really should shook the meta more often and change perks more often. Metas are boring.

    To that, i think BHVR does not much in look of balancing.

    BHVR is bad at communicating and is focused on money.

    3 gens and hooks broken should be removed. Both are old mechanics.

    The flashlight clicking wasn't as toxic, as people made it. Sometimes you want the killers attention or try to mess him up, it worked a lot.

    Its unfair that killers get an advantaged when only 2 survivors are left, there should be basekit unbreakable.

    The timer to open the hatch with a key, should be removed again. Its already lucky to find a key in the first place, so it should be possible to open it, in chase.

    Since many things for survivors deactivate in endgame, so should killer powers.

    NOED is still not a good perk and rewards with nothing to do.

    Solo Q is ignored so many times and still is ignored.

    The faster bloodweb was nice, but actually i think it was lame and they shouldnt keep the old system. (Also why should i skill up first my character to activate it? Let me level up new characters fast)

    Soo that is a bunch

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,830

    Solo queue isn’t as bad as people make it out to be.

    Killer isn’t as bad as people make it out to be.

    The “nerf Pig” meme is unfunny and overused.

    Old Freddy was the most fun killer in the game.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067

    Survivors in game are not hating SM. The forum survivor mains are mostly complaining.