Counting Up The Amount Of Weskers I Get Per Day

I decided that I will start up a "tally" system of how many Weskers matches I get per day, I will be updating this everyday until the DEVS add a system where you don't face the same killer all the time. I'm playing mainly survivor recently as well, I mainly play for about 3-5 hours a day mostly so the amount of Weskers really says something, here goes nothing:
Day 1 - Total Of 8 Wesker Matches Today.
See You All On Day Two!
Can we get a track of how many games were played in a game too for comparison?
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Haven't thought about that, I'll count that up on day two as well.
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Thanks it happens
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There really is no reason to punish killers for playing killers they like.
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Agreed the only valid complaint was form pulsar asking for infection to be paused after unhook
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I mean he's brainless and strong + killer isn't very difficult right now so his playrate won't drop anytime soon, feels redundant to talk about.
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Brainless? OK
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Your next match will be in: 9 eons,6 years,40mins
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How is he brainless when he are not that hard to beat?
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They weren't asking to punish the player who played the Wesker, simply asking for a system to make sure Survivor's don't go against the same killer every game.
Variety is needed in live-service games, or else people get bored. And when a good 75% of Weskser's play the exact same, that effect is only compounded.
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Not really important, but I was just wondering what Prestige Level the Weskers you face are at.
Almost all of the Weskers I see (very.many.) are P2/P3, rarely anything above P9.
All other Killers; Nurses, Blights, PH, Clowns, Hags, Plague etc. are at least P’d to their mid 20’s+ (most Singularitys, SM and Knights are fairly low, but not as consistently low as MM)
For whatever reason, the Weskers are very low P
…seems weird.
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8 weskers, out of how many tho?
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Killer mains see gen rushers as much as you see Wesker so there lies your answer as to why.
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killer repeat prevent system is a stupid idea, killer queue times on good killers would skyrocket while trappers instaqueue.
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A system like that -would- punish people playing Wesker. Their queue times would increase.
Also I don't know how many ways there are to play Wesker so not sure why the mention of 75% of them playing the same way.
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So killers see survivors doing their objective! Who would’ve thought
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You have no clue what it's like to see gens pop in 90 seconds when your perks are nerfed to appease survivor mains and you can't catch speed bursts. 5 gens done in 6 minutes is ridiculous so yeah Killer mains are going with the best Killer they can to tunnel, camp and slug. It's unfortunate but its where its going.
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if only there were more than 3 viable killers.... oh well IT'S ALWAYS WESKEN TIME
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I know, its super hard to win with my beloved 0 gen slowdown Sloppy Deathbound A Nurse's Calling Sadako (not using Condemn or RIng Drawing, although sometimes you swap out Deathbound for Face the Darkness), Ghostface, Hubris Larry, Wesker/Blight/Nurse without perks or with meme perks, Dredge with Lavalier, Pinhead in soloq, Artist with DMS, Mister Yeehaw with STBFL, Oni with a chase perk or two, Plague/Legion with Thana/Blood Echo, Spirit with a headset, Clown with Cigar Box, Pyramid Head with cage tunneling, Huntress with auras and/or double CD hatchets, Wraith with Nowhere to Hide+Pop. Oh wait. That was more than 3... Garsh. I even forgot to mention some. Oh well, I'm sure none of them are actually viable, and it just requires focused dedication to a single Killer to learn any of their basic facets. Most certainly not possible to learn through variety gameplay. /s
In all seriousness, if you aren't afraid to lose, eventually you'll learn to win. Lose 5 to win 50. You only near exclusively face sweat squads if you near exclusively sweat yourself.
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"until the DEVS add a system where you don't face the same killer all the time"
this'll never happen as queue times would skyrocket, especially at high MMR when most of the time you only see the same 5-6 killers for the most part
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I wouldn't mind waiting so I don't go up against the same killer over and over.
I play resident evil resistance, I've patience.
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I've picked up Wesker during the event after an 8 month hiatus of the game. Here's my take on this:
-I agree with a system to limit having the same killer. Even if it increases queues, I'd rather that than people continuously hate the killer.
-He is not skill-less. He does not have an obvious anti-loop and is quite technical. Most Weskers are just Nemmy graduates that only know to camp and use their power with little skill. But just because people suck doesn't mean the killer doesn't have depth.
-Survivor also requires skill.
It's a shame more killers aren't like Wesker. It'd make the game way more fun.
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Just how long do you think gens should take? if you are getting 5 gens completed against you in 6 minutes, i think you should evaluate your playstyle.
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Wesker too fun so everyone plays him.
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How many games do you guys usually play a day? I don’t see him nearly as often so am I just not playing as much?
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When it could have been Legion instead. Yeah be happy it's Weskers!
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i average about 2 wesker maybe out of every 10.
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I played 10 survivor matches yesterday and 1 of them was Wesker. I had 2 Doctors and 3 Huntress’. The most I’ve had of him in one day was two back to back matches but other than that he’s rarer than a lot of killers for me. Still common, but not ridiculously so.
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Why are so many people playing Wesker?
Is he balanced?
Is he "the only Killer that can deal with whatever the Survivors do"?
Is he fun to play as but not against?
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I'm in the same boat as you. I play survivor only every now and then and I rarely see Wesker at all. If anything, my most played against killers nowadays are Ghostface and Knight.
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Ghost Face is probably the most occurring for me overall too. I love him to death but I do get sick of seeing him all the time so I understand how everyone else feels. I used to see Shape just as often but during the anniversary I only ended up with him once and he’s been rare ever since. Killers I see very rarely include Spirit, Clown, Twins, and Plague. I know Twins is incredibly unpopular for a lot of people but I am baffled about Spirit. She’s arguably one of the strongest killers if you know how to utilize her. She’s definitely one of my faves.
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I only recently acquired him but he is fun to play. I’d say he’s one of the easiest to get the hang of while still being considered pretty strong overall.
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Maybe if they buffed more of the weaker killers that are fun to play you'd see more variety. Problem is that wesker is the killer that has the best fun to strength ratio. He is both extremely fun and strong. Blight used to be like this as well, but people just DC/give up against blight too quickly so games are pretty boring.
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Fair enough