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Perks like Boil Over and Power Struggle basically just encourage slugging as a valid tactic.

I mean am I as a killer really expected to just hand you a free escape/wiggle out because you parked it in the corner of the map or under a pallet? Logically the best possible play is to let you sit there and bleed out for four minutes or however long the timer is, especially if you're the last survivor and the hatch is closed or the gate is open and too far for you to crawl for anyway.

I feel like any perk that denies hooks after a down is just not a good idea, all it will end up doing is pushing killers towards slugging or instakill builds like condemn/tombstone etc.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,077
    edited July 2023

    slugging is part of the game. there are perks to encourage being slugged, perks to discourage slugging as form of second chance get ups, perks that punish you for leaving survivors on the floor. it is all part of the game. it is valid tactic but its highly impractical for killer. you need down survivors like 5/6+ times each before they die.

    At very very start of the game, there used to be a perk that Jake had called saboteur. saboteur allowed you to permanently break hooks. I never played dbd at this time, but just reading this perk and how slugging mechanic work to this day. a perk that encourages killer to slug would be an instant win because it is way faster for killer to get kills by hooking then it is to leave survivors on floor. there is no incremental reward or punished for survivor forcing killer to slug, so you can just complete all gens before anyone ever dies on floor. it is no surprise that saboteur and sabotage have been nerfed to the ground with current slugging balance. if sabo was good like that, then it would be game-breaking. same can be said for boil over and power struggle. Power struggle arguably is game-breaking but only SWF would ever utilize it.

    Decisive strike was probably most obvious perk to showcase this problem.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • JdoHybrid428
    JdoHybrid428 Member Posts: 87

    If you're playing killer well. And you understand how boiled over works, then you'd know that it benefits the killer more then the survivor bc it allows the killer to get to hooks faster. I won't explain for you but someone else may or you can find a video about it on YouTube.