The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Make the killer aware of preconfigured squads

I don't think I need to say much more about how powerful preconfigured squads are. There are so many other things I'd like to say, but I wish the killer could tell if the survivors are in a pre-organized squad. The killer has to do the tiring job of scouring through steam profiles to find out if the survivors are a preconfigured squad, and even then, they can't be sure, and it causes a tremendous amount of stress for the killer. I think preconfigured or not should be known to the killer so that a killer skilled enough to deal with preconfigured squads can deal with them.

[This post was written through a translator]


  • JdoHybrid428
    JdoHybrid428 Member Posts: 87

    I actually think that's something along the right path to deal with people using voice communications.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 277
    edited July 2023

    The fact that "those people will get always dodged" it's a myth. Would there be some dodges? Of course, but people says that "swf would never play a game" and that's a blatant lie. Like 1% of the community would dodge swf and the queue times would not change much. There are tons of people who just wouldn't care.

    Keep in mind that tons of people already know that a LOT of their games are against swf (2, 3 or 4 players), and those people keep playing the game. If they would dodge SWF they would just not play the game at all knowing that, but they keep playing.

    Hell, on other games you already know who is playing with friends (even using external sites) and the games are still running smoothly.

  • Göch
    Göch Member Posts: 113
  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,727

    I'm on Xbox so looking at any profiles is out already.

    I'd like to see them test no lobbies at all, just load directly into the trial. It would cut way down on the dodging, giving their MMR system its best chance to do it's thing. And it would prevent that last second swapping bs survs can do too.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,727

    We've had too many players on this very forum say they shop around seven, eight, even ten lobbies each time they queue up to pick their opponents.

    The most common defense of this they give is "SWF is completely unfair" so they use their own methods to sniff out teams and shop around. Dodging even once wreaks the MMR badly, leading to the backfilling nightmares complained about so much.

    This change would only increase the already very destructive dodging.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,912

    Wont that just increase the number of users who dodge the lobby if they see a SWF???

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,727

    Perhaps it should. But i'm considering the effects on the whole community, not just me.

    I firmly believe the horror stories posted here and elsewhere about the veteran killer stomping rookie survs, or the brand new killer being rolled by a very good team, are both a result of the blasted dodging and resultant backfilling.

    One of the recent surveys asked the community whether they'd prefer faster queues or quality matchmaking, and overwhelming chose queue times.

    Sadly we are actively doing it to ourselves, knowing it'll happen. And for what? Easier games? "Fairer" games?

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,885
    edited July 2023

    I keep laughing at how as a newbie console killer I seem to get fed to SWFs and high level players a lot now. More often than not players have way more hours than me, where even just a single player in that team has over 10 times my hours played. I thought I was doing well, but yikes xD

    I've now started taking more of a play my own game as Killer approach. Almost like I'm filling a role in movie or something.

    I no longer look at kills, and just try to get as many chases/hits/downs/hooks as I can. I now try and chase that 10xMe player to try and improve... but I'm probably looking at 4 gens for 1 hook... this wizard seems to somehow find speed from nowhere xD

    It's hard to call it fun... but I'm finding it really dumbfounding thar this is the level of player I'm being matched with xD

    Anyway point is, I see the players in the lobby, and I never dodge... and I get slapped pretty hard for it... the core problem is just how much of a skill ceiling this game has, and if you go vs. A player better than you... boy you really feel it... DCers are scumbags, but the queues fill so fast, I'm not too bent out of shape by dodgers.

    Dont get me wrong, I don't condone dodging... but... I do understand 😅

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    This is why I'd love to see who was teamed up at the end of the match. I want to know whether I lost to an SWF or solos. If it turns out that SWFs usually win and solos usually lose then matchmaking can be tweaked based on the composition of the survivors.

    And if a killer gets crushed, the player shouldn't be complaining about SWFs, they should be complaining about matchmaking.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,885

    Oh for sure, you cant use SWFs as an excuse... but... comms does definitely play a role and mess with some killers more than others, and it's pretty destructive to any killer relying on surprise elements.

    A strong team of Solos is not helpless by any means, but they ARE less coordinated than the same players in a SWF, and you ignore that at your own risk.

    When you're playing someone like Pig where chase is bad and takes a while, where you rely on stealth to close the gap before the chase begins... someone calling where you are going/are after a hook totally kills your stealth approach... I've really noticed the difference when playing SoloQ (players load in to lobby 1 at a time) vs. SWF (all at once).

    Now you can get builds to deal with this, I'm actually planning to get the Knight next so I can get his perk Nowhere to Hide to deal with survivors pre-emptively ditching gens as I arrive and hiding round corners, combined with Enduring so I can be greedy on pallets and commit without much penalty, however the point is vs. a SWF, you MUST respect snd factor in their greater coordination, or you're gonna get rolled.

    Ofc, if you're playing the big chase killers, comms is less of a factor. If you're able to find and down within 30 seconds, great, but if you're taking 45 seconds, a minute or more, vs. Solos the natural uncoordinated solo gameplay is not necessarily a huge problem... but vs. A SWF, that is death.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    If they'd be lobby dodged I think that speaks volumes and shows something needs to be done. And this is coming from a survivor main.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,727
    edited July 2023

    I don't disagree, but I do not see them implementing anything that will harm queue times as much as this suggestion would. They absolutely need to look into why killers will go out of their way to avoid the most deadly of coordinated teams, rare as those are.

    This game's new player experience is already rough af. We shouldn't make it even worse by feeding them to much more experienced players just because we want to dodge all the blasted time.

    There has to be a better way.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Then thats an issue with killers who rely on a lack of info to function. The devs should be designing killers with SWF in mind as an inevitability.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,727

    The when survs load into a lobby thing is not too reliable I've noticed. Back when the killer hosted the lobby before dedicated servers that usually was the case. Now it's more about ping and distances from the servers.

    The only thing I've consistently seen is us consolers definitely take longer to load into the match. Those on PC take several steps before my camera stops spinning around, and my friends also noticed the same thing.

  • Mockingjay_S451
    Mockingjay_S451 Member Posts: 393

    100%!! Why should a killer be able to dodge and search profiles before a match starts? Yet the survivor can’t see who the killer is until after? There are A LOT of killer players I would love to dodge who I’ve have had very toxic matches with. Yet, I don’t have that option.

  • Mockingjay_S451
    Mockingjay_S451 Member Posts: 393

    You don’t go against as many SWFs as you think you do.

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    I just think it’s funny seeing people complain they’re getting stressed out when matchmaking because they could be going up against a SWF. Meanwhile, in solo queue as a survivor I have to wonder if my teammates are going to be doing anything at all and have absolutely no information on the killer or if they plan to play super aggressive and camp and tunnel at 5 gens. And if I do get killed early on I can’t look at the killer’s info to try and learn from their build or add-ons unless I want to sit and wait for the rest of the match to play out. Killers, imo, get way too much info already.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,265

    Only after the game

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    I dont remember mentioning anything about playing against SWFs. All I said is that some killers rely on the survivors lacking information that SWF easily provides, so we should stray away from designing killers like that.

    thanks for the assumption though, I'll add it to the pile.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,307
    edited July 2023

    Disagree, in fact I think it shouldn't even be possible to open up a Steam profile like that in the first place. Just like prestige should be hidden, but keep what survivor people pick, their outfit and items.

    Only increases dodging (for all sorts of reasons), makes weirdo behavior like raging in profile comments easier, and contributes to the already bizarre and borderline gross privacy shaming so rampant in the community (look how often people think there's no way someone could have a private profile for any other reason than to hide something, even though friends only is the DEFAULT on Steam last I checked 😄)

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,391

    Because they know solo queue players, especially newer players, are easier to kill. This playerbase is all about the path of least resistance - they'll jump at any opportunity for an easy win.

    Thing is, the game is designed to give more challenging opponents the more you win/increase in MMR. Some people simply don't like or understand that because it means accepting they'll lose sometimes. I've been in countless discussions over the years with people complaining about swfs, and when pressed will say something like 'I was on a good 4k run until I got matched with this team!' They act like it shouldn't have happened, yet the game is designed this way.