Sabo Builds

Can we please do something to make this effective at all in SOLO Q. Without a full team using pet Oak this build is useless. I used sabo with a green toolbox and preemtivly broke three hooks in the chase area just to see if i could get it and the killer with me chasing with breakout walked half way across the map and got the hook. So to even make a sabo play what do i need to to break every hook on the map?
Using a sabo build in solo queue and thinking you'll get value out of it is a little silly. Most solo queue don't even know how to properly block hooks let alone take hits. Only use builds like that with SWF that go down in strategic areas where there's only one hook nearby.
Also, you aren't meant to break three hooks instantly, you have to guess the specific hook the killer will go to and as they near that's when you break it as it wastes the most time and surprises them. That's when you might have to take a hit if hook spawns are rough but it usually works. Problem is guessing which hook they'll go to correctly and being there ready.
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Well I use sabo builds a lot in solo que sometimes they work others they don’t but a lot of it is guessing which hook the killers gonna go so having as much Intel on where everything is the best way to go my build is
Alex’s toolbox with saw and cutting wire
built to last
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Sabo build is fine in Solo, its harder, but its fine.
I use Sabo, Breakout, Empathy (to follow the chased survivor), MoM with a toolbox (to cover Sabo mistake) or a medkit (to get MoM value) and sometimes I success to prevent 3 hooks in a single match. Sometime I use this build and paired with a random who use Boil over who constantly follow killer to get chasing...
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No you need
sabbo background player break out and a way to be healthy , allways Probably a boon or smt
And wait for nick cage since they are buffing both sabo and break out
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you don't even need a full sabo build to get value. Just having the perk and preventing pain res is big value enough, which while obv not as fun as getting the full wiggle but forcing wiggles is more about luck than skill.