There should be a mode two killers 8 survivors and 10 gens to have to complete

cptpiggy859 Member Posts: 1

There should be a mode two killers 8 survivors and 10 gens to have to complete 15 votes

Gens would have a speed increase
THE_Crazy_HyenanarsLukii 3 votes
Killers would have a speed increase of breaking things
BothSidesEnjoyerDeathstrokecatslayerLooeDbDZashimiN7GensByDaylightsaneesFrogsplosionk3ijusDepressedlegionJdoHybrid428Kaz1209 12 votes


  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,082
    Killers would have a speed increase of breaking things


  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124
    Gens would have a speed increase

    sounds fun. Some tweaks would need to happen though.

  • JdoHybrid428
    JdoHybrid428 Member Posts: 87
    Killers would have a speed increase of breaking things

    That'd be a cool mode

  • LooeDbD
    LooeDbD Member Posts: 163
    Killers would have a speed increase of breaking things

    even if its not balanced it'll be fun 100%

  • ZashimiN7
    ZashimiN7 Member Posts: 6
    Killers would have a speed increase of breaking things

    Don't need the Gens. Make a slightly bigger than Swamp map, Make it a last man standing sort of thing, You can mori immediately but everyone can pick themselves up in say 10 seconds so no slugging for multiple. Last Survivor alive wins. killer with most kills wins. Less stress for everyone as its just a chaotic party.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,214

    Not gonna vote because both options sound unreasonable. More survivors shouldnt also get a repaor bonus. But check the ruleset for Identity V's duo hunter mode, mighr give some inaüiration for modificators.

    Some highlights:

    • No same killer
    • 7 of 11 gens ro finish
    • Only big maps in rotation.
    • 30% permanent repair speed penalty
    • After hooking someone, no hook progress or saving for 30s (oui an anti camping thing. Cant remember if for every hooking or just the first hook)
    • 3 healthstates for survivor, everything except full health is injured, instant downs deal 2 damage instead. ( there arent grabs in IDV, but getting hit during actions deals double damage even in normal trials, even healing. This rule would buff survivors in dbd a bit more than in IDV.)

    Cant remember the rest.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    If it was going to be a new mode shouldn't it be different then doing gens and kicking pallets?

  • catslayer
    catslayer Member Posts: 147
    edited July 2023
    Killers would have a speed increase of breaking things

    identity v (aka a really similar game to dbd but family-friendly and cheaper version) has a mode like this, but just with 7 instead of 10 gens i think. but there's a bit of different changes too; when getting hooked for the first time, there's like a 40sec countdown before you can unhook that person, giving some time to the killers go for the other survivors without the need to camp(it's normal to camp and tunnel in identity v) and also giving the survivors more time to repair. to make it even more fun, you can buy items during the match, such as medkits, flashlights, all that extra stuff but it has a limit of course. in idv you can buy them with your current score but in dbd it could be available w bloodpoints, not too expensive. but from my own experience, 80% of the time survivors just bully the killers by blinding them repeatedly, stunning them, etc etc so if this mode does come i hope they'll make it more fair for the killers, i mean come on it's just a duo against literally 8 people. not only the duos mode but i hope they're gonna add something more too in the future