Bloodlust needs Changing

And this is how I'd do it:

  • Buff: Bloodlust now grants a 10%/15%/20% bonus to pallet breaking and vaulting speeds.
  • Buff: Bloodlust decays at a slower rate of 15 seconds.
  • Nerf: Bloodlust's movement speed bonus is reduced to 3%/5%/7%.
  • Nerf: Bloodlust now consumes a single tier whenever you miss a basic attack.
  • Nerf: Bloodlust now consumes all tiers whenever you are stunned by a pallet.

What this serves to do is make it so that Bloodlust is more impactful in some ways, while in its main aspect--the movement speed--it is now no longer so powerful that it can completely change the tide of a chase.

The additional consumption of tiers whenever missing a basic attack or being stunned by a pallet punishes Killers who make a bad play and rewards Survivors for making the correct decision against the Killer.

Bloodlust should be something that the Killer can use as a helpful tool, but not abuse as something that grants them an ability that can make chase too easy for them.
