Bloodlust needs Changing

And this is how I'd do it:
- Buff: Bloodlust now grants a 10%/15%/20% bonus to pallet breaking and vaulting speeds.
- Buff: Bloodlust decays at a slower rate of 15 seconds.
- Nerf: Bloodlust's movement speed bonus is reduced to 3%/5%/7%.
- Nerf: Bloodlust now consumes a single tier whenever you miss a basic attack.
- Nerf: Bloodlust now consumes all tiers whenever you are stunned by a pallet.
What this serves to do is make it so that Bloodlust is more impactful in some ways, while in its main aspect--the movement speed--it is now no longer so powerful that it can completely change the tide of a chase.
The additional consumption of tiers whenever missing a basic attack or being stunned by a pallet punishes Killers who make a bad play and rewards Survivors for making the correct decision against the Killer.
Bloodlust should be something that the Killer can use as a helpful tool, but not abuse as something that grants them an ability that can make chase too easy for them.
bloodlust doesnt need any changes. It exists as a patch to bad loop and map design for m1 killers to actually have a chance.
besides if their getting bloodlust 2-3 consistently they are overcommitting way too much and are gonna lose that game.
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The Devs are planning to remove bloodlust, making it more impactful is the opposite of what they want.
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Bloodlust 2-3 shouldn’t exist in the first place anyways all killers do is play ring around the pallet so they don’t have to break it
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And you realize that the map design has been consistently getting better over time? Most loops you can easily get around without using Bloodlust, even with M1 Killers.
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Exactly this
I kind of agree with the break pallet speed, but something really low like 5% flat.
I disagree with the rest.
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Where did you get that?
It doesn't make sense, when they buffed bloodlust in patch 6.1.0.
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I think Bloodlust is gonna be forever because the Devs cant never be perfect with their level design and certain tiles together still spawn that makes it impossible to catch a Survivor. That is why its always preferable to have it.
Survivor mains will disagree, but you dont get to have infinites or near infinites, this is why bloodlust must exist.
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The devs themselves have stated it in the past, also the test period where bloodlust was temporarily disabled.
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Yes, I was playing at that time.
There was a weekend where bloodlust was turned off. Later they buffed bloodlust instead, so that doesn't seem as want to remove result...
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- Nerf: Bloodlust's movement speed bonus is reduced to 3%/5%/7%.
Lol what on earth are you talking about.
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That's the speed in each tier. 3% (tier 1), 5% (tier 2) and 7% (tier 3). The movement speed itself should NOT be as rewarding as it is and trying to overcommit to a chase should be discouraged heavily.
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20% is brutal strength. survivor will still get to the next loop. You can watch tru3's wraith video where he showcases wraith with 60% break speed. survivors still got to the next loop with 3x the bonus. you could try anniversary pallet break as base-kit.
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Bloodlust definitely needs changes. I say this as a killer main. Killers shouldn't be able to play ring around the rosie to guarantee a hit on most pallets. I have to say, I like the proposed changes.
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I think it should just take a few seconds longer to get, other than that its fine.
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A few seconds longer to guarantee a hit, no. Fix the problem. It's far too powerful on a lot of maps that aren't pallet dense like Rotten Fields.
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It only kicks in for m1 killers at unfair loops for them. Ex: sadako at shack or GoJ.
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Shack is a fine loop. Plenty of mindgames you can do. Bad killers are using it outside of a lot of unfair loops.
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shack isnt fine for m1 killers, which is what bloodlust is designed for. Killers with actual chase powers dont get bloodlust, and if they do they are throwing and your team is on gens. If you think that an m1 killer can actually play shack without BL, idk what to tell you.
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You can literally play shack without BL, and I do it all the time. Even without Bamboozle which forces the pallet down, there are so many mindgames you can do. Try the following: hide your red stain, stand still for a second or two, fake red stain at the door then double back towards the window, do a triple back at the door and catch them doing a double vault on the medium vault. There is entire Discord servers set up for people to 1v1, and a lot of them are using Trapper to do so. If you can't get a hit on shack without Bloodlust with a 115, it is a skill issue.