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Do you survive 40% of the time ?

Member Posts: 55
edited July 2023 in General Discussions

I'm surviving at almost no game (certainly a 20% or less but I didn't count) and want to know if other people survive more

Because the killer should still have 60% kills, or perhaps it changed

(This is a question but I'm searching for lots of opinions and not one answer so perhaps I should've called that a discussion)

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  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Overall, no, but I play in a very altruistic way. I will sacrifice myself to ensure somebody else escapes even in EGC, unless they're being basement camped.

  • Member Posts: 5,959

    ~20-30%, I'd say. But I'm also a a very averagely-skilled survivor, so make of that what you will.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I don't really pay attention but I have a tendency to sacrifice myself for the team so probably not.

    I don't think I'm too far off though, and I'm gonna take a not so wild guess and assume solo q escape rates are lower than 40%, so everything's normal for me ig.

  • Member Posts: 1,669

    Always end up dying because teammates don't take hits when they know I'm going down because of bloodlust. I got left to go second hook so much times yesterday it was insane.

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    I'd say on the average day I survive around 30% of my games.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Overall I’d say probably, I don’t really keep track.

    I died the least 3 survivor games but I only played those 3 games so it’s not much of a sample size.

    Knowing when to contribute and when to play selfishly plays a big part in survival.

  • Member Posts: 730

    Theres a lot of variation for me so it’s hard to tell; I wish they’d add in-game stats that show these rates for players. The other day I did 6 games as Laurie and survived 1 of them. Yesterday I did 5 games as Yui and only died in 1 of them. Some days it feels like it’s 50/50, some it feels like I can’t survive at all, and others it’s better. As someone else mentioned though I also tend to play very altruistically especially during endgame. I’m always willing to sacrifice myself if it means someone else will escape especially if the killer gave them a hard time during the game.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2023

    I feel like (because I haven't been keeping score) I escape more than 40% of the time, more like 50%.

    Yesterday I know I escaped 3 times, out of 5 survivor games, but obviously small sample size so not representative. But that's the sort of average day that leads me to feel that way. Of course I get bad days where it feels like I never escape as well, but if those were more common I'd definitely be feeling more salty about playing survivor.

  • Member Posts: 275

    I've only been keeping track of MY escapes (not my team as a whole) but yes, I escape between 43 - 45% of the time.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I’d say 60% at least if not probably more. I tend to lower it by sacrificing myself for other teammates so I could get it higher if I was more selfish. This is solo queue. If I duo with one my buds were probably in the 90% easily. Even one guaranteed good teammate is huge.

  • Member Posts: 2,367


    roughly around 40% but it could be higher if i ran my gen rush build exclusively.

    the escape rate more like swf excape 50% and solo q 30%. With the majority of disconnects coming from solo q games so it can easily feel like 20%. I wouldn't recommend anybody to play solo q unless u running a hyper focus build specifically. Anything else and u very likely to lose more than u win which is unacceptable to me personally.

  • Member Posts: 654

    According to my NightLight profile, I do survive as a solo queue survivor approximately 40% of the time, yeah

  • Member Posts: 410

    I wouldnt look at these old stats. Everyone still says its 60% killrate, but these are old stats. I look at Nightlight for stats and my stats as survivor say I escape 57,5% of my games and have a Killrate of 87,68%, but if you look at the overall stats the Killrate is at 52,2%.

    So to answer your question. Yes I do Escape 40% or more of the games.

  • Member Posts: 410

    But you also cant use the stats from like 8 Months ago. Of course Nightlight isnt 100% accurate, but I think overall better then the original from last year

  • Member Posts: 333

    Depends, when I'm solo que a 40% escape rate is about the norm, when I add a friend into the mix I jump to probably 80% and with 2-3 friends with me it's easily a 99% escape rate.

  • Member Posts: 6,135

    My solo escape rate is 27%

  • Member Posts: 21,210
    edited July 2023

    It definitely isn't.

    Nightlight is exclusive, not well-known and it only applies to a tiny portion of the playerbase. This naturally skews it.

    The stats we received last year ARE outdated, but they are the only useable data we have.

  • Member Posts: 9,039


    Once I get to iridescent I for the month I’ll die basically every game because I don’t care about winning

  • Member Posts: 691

    During the day I feel like I escape a decent amount but if I sit in a 5-10 minute queue at night then it's usually as low as 10%.

  • Member Posts: 8,266
  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Are you sure you’re better at survivor than killer because the data says otherwise.

    As I point out a lot when people present personal numbers it’s not a measure of the game but of their performance. What’s being measured here is you.

    If we have i.e. 5000 players and look for correlations in outcome across games, perks, killer choice and platforms then we are measuring the game.

    There is a big difference.

  • Member Posts: 2,441

    Excluding dcs and suicides from other players, I most definitely escape more than 40% with my duo(although he is moon-walking into the killer half the game).

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Neither are usable honestly. People just use whichever suits their narrative.

    The most accurate representation of kill rates we probably DO have currently is the 7th anniversary total kills/escapes stats.

    538,782,351 escapes and 686,712,283 kills = ~56% kill rate.

    Even this also isn't accurate as it still included a lot of outdated games, but it's probably more accurate to current games than NightLight or the October stats, which are 9 months old now.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    That's fairly decent and you make a good point. I wasn't aware of those stats.

    Doesn't show Top 5%, but it's good enough.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    It really depends.

    When I'm playing survivor in the morning/afternoon during weekend or summer vacations, my escape rate is closer to 30-40%. Most people at these times are not really sweating on either side.

    When I'm playing survivor in the evening, particularly saturday evening, when everyone is sweating, my escape rate is closer to 10-15%.

    Generally, a friend and I have found that when survivor incentives are on, the mood is more chill, and at the time killer incentives arrive it's sign to log off and play something else.

  • Member Posts: 944

    @pseudechis I am like him I consider myself good at survivor, I have some good chases, I stick to gens, I play meta builds.. I play to win I SHOULD be able to escape more

    2-3 years ago solo queue felt a lot more fair, good killers had very high winrates back then even with old broken dead hard and survivors gaining more distance after being hit , solo Q was already weak and they made it worse it's not rocket science

  • Member Posts: 411

    I think it felt fair back then because the game was more balanced for a 1v1 play style. There were so many resources on the map, combined with survivors being stronger than they are now, that 2 people could often win games. For tunneling/camping killers it was a great time for countering that. But for most other killers it was kind of miserable unless you were playing nurse or pre nerf hillbilly.

    I believe all the changes were good balance wise. It's just that now you have to rely on all of your teammates to be doing something. That is why solo queue feels worse I believe. Adding onto that though, they also added on the tomes which itself means you will probably have teammates not trying to win. Due to the reduced number of resources, plus removal of things like the pallet vacuum (which needed to go), you actually have to be a team now in order to win, usually.

    That being said, a group of 2 good survivors can still do well against a killer that isn't as experienced and vice versa. That's just the nature of getting better at the game. The gen kick meta also didn't help anything, it brought forth a whole new generation of players that aren't really good at chasing which is why I think tunneling/camping seems to prevail.

  • Member Posts: 498

    Out of SWF 40-45% in SWF 60-70%.

  • Member Posts: 192

    I survive about 60 to 70% of the time but I run anti tunneling perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah but 2-3 years ago you could go toe to toe with the killer more convincingly.

    There was a lot of 1v1 potential in builds. Which was fun as solo survivor but a lil broken given that it’s 4v1.

    So they toned it down which means survivors need to be a team and a team is only as good as it’s weakest members.

    Random strangers don’t always make great team mates. MMR based on solo outcome doesn’t really help in this scenario.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I'm currently about 60% since I started noting the results. Well, I stopped recording after a while but feel it's still about 50%. There have been some spells when I lost 10+ games in a row in the past and, no doubt, this will happen again.

    Hopefully you'll be having better luck soon. It does come in waves and you'll be getting some escapes soon.

  • Member Posts: 96

    Nop, like 25%

  • Member Posts: 4,185

    Why would or should someone be exactly at 40% escape rate personally?

    Some are better or have better luck, some less.

    Just like killer will experience everything from a 0k to a 4k, depending on their luck, experience, playstyle and so on.

    Expecting the majority of people to have this exact average is unrealistic. They will be mostly above or below it and only the grant average will end up with the mentioned 44/56%

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I think 40% hits the mark for me, but my teammates tend to make it out more often than not

  • Member Posts: 92

    40% sounds about right, yeah. I think a bit under 50% of the games we finish all gens, a bit under that, we get the doors, open, and a bit under that, I get out, so it seems right to me.

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited July 2023

    Most survivors are not escaping 40% of games unless they play in a SWF or play for the hatch every game. The official escape rate before dead hard and circle got destroyed was 39% across ALL survivors. That didn't even count games with DCs which are a guaranteed loss. The real escape rate is definitely extremely low due to DC games being conveniently thrown out of the data. Anyone who plays this game knows how common DCs are. This would be even worse for solo survivors. I seriously doubt the average escape rate in solo queue was higher than 25-30% when you don't cherry pick data. The game in the current state is definitely not fair for solo players which is why you see so many give up so quickly compared to in the past. You basically have to play in a SWF to have a chance in a lot of games.

  • Member Posts: 203

    I go through phases where I am dying like 9/10 matches. And others where I'm escaping like 50% of the time. I'm thinking it's my MMR going up and down. I either get killers who just bought the game or ones that totally dominate trials. I only play solo queue also, so there's that.

  • Member Posts: 435

    no, solo q surv is borderline unplayable recently and queues keep getting longer (I wonder why)

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Alright just curious.

    I’m not really a fan of the new MMR system myself.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Probably around 50% I would say as solo. Some days I feel I escape every game and some days it's the opposite. But I feel the balance is good in the game but lower ranks seem to have lot less escapes but people playing will also learn how to be gen efficient and to loop. As soon as your teammates don't do gens you will die.

  • Member Posts: 1,993
    edited July 2023

    Due to my name, Im usually tunneled or even given away as a present by my team lol. So, much less than 40% for me.

    When I do try, I'd say its about 50/50? If its Blight/Wesker/any of the 'weak' killers, Im usually okay. Nurse and Plague seem to get me the most :/

  • Member Posts: 19

    I've played 87 games since the recent rank reset, my escape rate at the moment is 49.4%

    I've been keeping track of my survivors games, and tracking the map, killer, my performance, and the killer's performance. As well as making notes on my games as needed.

    Check out my spreadsheet using this link:

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Yes and no. I’m afraid the 40% escape rate is kind of a benchmark not a given.

    When you put all games into a big collection there should be a bell curve with 40% escape rate in the middle if that’s what’s it balanced around.

    Your performance will spit you out either side of that number on the curve. MMR will adjust up and down accordingly but it doesn’t mean you move up or down on the bell curve.

  • Member Posts: 325

    I go into every survivor game knowing I'm not going to escape. It's the only way to play as survivor. It gets old losing majority of games so that's why I mainly play killer. Plus as survivor you're either sitting on a hook, sitting on a gen, or slugged on the ground. It's boring. Even if I'm getting bullied by survivors as killer, at least I'm able to do stuff and last the entire game. When I play with my friends a lot of time it's one of us waiting in lobby for the others to die after being tunneled out within a few minutes of playing a round. Zzzz

  • Member Posts: 857


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