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General Discussions

Its a crime killers have info of theyr own powers!

Member Posts: 209
edited July 2023 in General Discussions

Plague, Wesker, Sadako, and others i dont remember now doesn't even have info of theyr own abilities, making a guess game to strategize the plays, plague doesnt know when they gonna get injuried, wesker dont know the "expose", and either sadako the hardest one have to guess who is close to mori. Why that? Idk, maybe fear of giving killers tools to capitalize, while giving that info to solo survs on hud.

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  • Member Posts: 5,956

    Plague and Wesker don't really need it. They are perfectly fine without it. As for Sadako, it's part of her skill ceiling. You do get information any time you inflict a condemned stack and now you have to keep a mental checklist. It does make her harder but it's not a huge deal.

  • Member Posts: 209
    edited July 2023

    Its a quality of life change, making killers have to mentalize all the time, hooks states, stack powers, location of survivors (were will they go, which gen they are, which one has more progress), logical and strategic mid chase, remembering it all game make it stressfull, and no one play to that. Yet i don't get the double standart, why survivors should have that and killers are "perfectly without it"?

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited July 2023

    Originally the devs did this because of Legion. Legion introduced the Deep Wound Status, and through their initial base kit, could also take chunks of time off of the DW timer without any penalties. This made games against the Original iteration of Legion mindlessly exhausting as survivor, since all a legion had to do was go into frenzy, and tunnel down the survivor closest to bleeding out by the DW condition. The devs realized their mistake, and made MANY nerfs and adjustments to correct this, including removing the DW timer information from the killers perspective, so that this kind of Hard Tunnel/Harassment style gameplay wouldn't become the defining method of play for the Legion. This debacle however forever changed how the devs worked powers going forward.

    For the most part, If a killer is being restricted from knowing how their power is affecting survivors, it's to keep that killer from tunneling a particular survivor down. Onryo for example: In her current iteration (which won't be around much longer), If the player knew which survivor was closest to being fully condemned, they'd zero in and focus only on that player, forcefully building stacks of condemnation, until the inevitable down and insta kill, and you can't tell me that they wouldn't. Same goes for Wesker, as knowing who is closest to becoming fully infected/hindered would make him a real menace to 1 survivor at a time, and overall make the game a lot less fun for his victims. Pig in particular would be VERY nasty if the player knew how close the survivors RBT timer was to popping their heads... I can totally see why that information is withheld from the player.

    However, this really only applies to Killers that have the potential for heavy harassment or Insta-kill abilities, for other killers it's not even necessary. Take Plague: I see no difference in her ability and Ghost Face or Shapes Stalk ability. Both her Infection Power and Stalk build up a meter that leads to a 1-shot down condition on the survivors, but for some reason, the devs let GF and Shape See how far the progress is, but not Plague? None of that makes any sense, as Just like with GF and Shape, Knowing how close the survivors are to being 1-shot down doesn't change the players tactics or force them to focus down anyone they weren't already after, Nor does it allow Plague to end the Game Early with any insta kill mechanic.

    It doesn't make Sense for Freddy either, as he puts survivors into the dream state upon hitting them anyway, so why hide how close the survivors are to slipping into the dream state on their own in the first place?

    Overall, The mechanic exists for a reason, but the Devs have become far too cautious with it. For Onryo, Pig, and to a lesser extent Wesker, It makes sense, but for Plague, Freddy, and yes, even the heavily nerfed Deep Wounds State that started all of this nonsense, it simply doesn't. I feel the Devs should take a deeper look into what constitutes a Power with information that SHOULD be hidden from the killer, and what doesn't, and make corrections where they're due.

  • Member Posts: 5,956

    For hook states I agree. Really nothing good comes from having killer players to keep track of who was hooked how many times. If I want to tunnel someone, then all I have to do is count to 3. As opposed to keeping track of individual hook stages on 4 different survivors.

    For Wesker and Plague however, I think it's not a good idea. For Wesker it would only result in more tunneling, which is not exactly a good thing. And for Plague it would give you more information than just their infection progress but also, if the survivor is working on a gen. That is not necessary for a killer that is a top 5 candidate.

  • Member Posts: 209
    edited July 2023

    I agree to the most of it, unless the wesker. The spray is too easy to use and too little time, giving that info to killer would be a little more "pressure" to make them away from gens early and get rid of infection.

  • Member Posts: 730

    That’s why there’s a limited amount of them. Survivors have to be strategic in how often they remove the infection because after a while there won’t be any cures left.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Uhhh... Killers can see the deep wound timer still. I literally just saw it a couple days ago when messing around with Deathslinger.

  • Member Posts: 8,861

    Killers see a full bar. It doesn't display the actual amount of time counting down.

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited July 2023

    They see the timer or status of DW, but not how far along it is. Killers aren't given any details on how close a survivor is to bleeding out, all the info they receive is that a survivor has the effect and has to mend.

    Before, when Legion came out, the killer could see how much time a survivor had left, and with Legion not only being the only one that applied the status effect and could also shorten it with each frenzy strike, but also could force a survivor to bleed out by chasing them while looking away as to not trigger the chase status (the only means of pausing the timer at the time), it became a huge problem.

    Nowadays the timer pauses for both when the survivor is running (no chase required) and mending. Also the killer only sees that the survivor has a Deep wound timer, but has no idea of how far along/how much time the survivor has left on it.

    Would you prefer that the killers get that info now? TBH, With how nerfed the effect is these days, I don't see it being nearly as much of an issue as its original iteration presented.

  • Member Posts: 7,228

    Plague can’t because it would give her too much information and she is already strong enough without it. If she were able to see whether infection is actually progressing, it would tell her that the survivor is either running or interacting with an objective (and whether it was an infected or non-infected object). Seeing that a survivor’s infection isn’t progressing would tell her that they are not doing anything, because her infection doesn’t progress while survivors are walking, crouching, or standing still.

    I think Freddy should be able to see sleep progress though.

  • Member Posts: 2,068

    You also have to take into account that Wesker is a High Mobility Killer, meaning that if he were able to see who is 70-90% infected, It wouldn't take him long to search the map, find the survivor, and keep them from using the spray until they are fully infected and thus an easy target. In all honesty, there are currently whole builds made around delaying the gen-rush and just continuously infecting survivors until all the sprays are used up so that all of them end up permanently hindered for the rest of the match with no counter. Think about that for a second... how much easier would it be if the Wesker player didn't even have to run a build like that, and just kept harassing the survivors closest to full infection until they tunnel them out of the game?

    TBH, Wesker May in fact, NOT, need his powers info withheld due to the same reasons Shape, GF and Plague don't. BUT... None of them have his mobility. The only way we'd know for sure is if the devs actually test it in a patch, but considering that they haven't changed a thing about any other killer who doesn't need this lack of info though... that's highly unlikely.

  • Member Posts: 2,068

    I disagree. There are add-ons that show which gen is the most progressed, and even perks that either attack those gens, or block them from survivors once a condition is met, most of which the killer can see in action. Just because Plague could see a survivors infection rate rising faster, doesn't mean she knows exactly where they are or what they're doing. Again, it's only a status that informs the Plague how close a survivor is to being 1-shot down, just like Stalk is to Myers and Ghost Face. The only difference being that with Shape and GF, the survivors have no visual or audio queue when they are Obtaining this effect until they reach the Exposed status, And it can be accomplished from up to 32 meters away!

    For the most part, Plague has to be within 13 meters of a survivor, aim a slow moving projectile to land on them, and if failing that, land it on objects that remain infected for a base of 40 seconds, and hope someone touches it. Also unlike Stalk, the survivors can take 6 seconds to cure themselves of the 1-shot down status at the possibility of making her slightly stronger... if they can't dodge the aforementioned slow projectile.

    Compare that to GF now: You look at a survivor from up to 32 meters away, while undetectable, you hold down a button for 2.5-5 seconds, you expose them for 45 seconds, you give chase and try to down. Simple, easy, and hey even if you didn't fully stalk one of them, you can SAVE that progress for later, and finish the stalk as soon as you start chasing them.

    I mean, COME ON! To me... letting Plague see the survivors infection progress is a no-brainer, especially when compared to how much more she has to do in order to apply and maintain it compared to GF and Shape in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    It would be nice to know the exact specifics on killer powers that require build up, but for stuff like deep wounds I've gotten pretty good at knowing when people will drop. Though I don't really want or expect them to drop from deep wounds because mending time is more useful to me since I don't run much in the way of regression.

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