General Discussions

General Discussions

Do you ever find yourself creating your own game modes?

Member Posts: 2,697
edited July 2023 in General Discussions

After the recent event that saw powers being able to be used by both survivors and killers, not to mention fun perks coming with survivors like Nicholas Cage, it has definitely incentivized me to go against the grain and focus on fun instead of sweat.

In most of my matches I play the game accordingly, but these days the current state of the game has definitely incentivized me to play in other ways. DBD has had one and only game mode for the last seven years. That's like playing only death match in COD. As you can imagine after 7 years that would grow very stale, and as such DBD has (imo) grown very stale.

So I started creating my own fun. Sometimes I'll do a peekaboo Myers, maybe a chest guarding Bubba, or a "fake" Doctor. If I can get the survivors on board together, sometimes we'll do red light green light with the loser being hooked. LOL Why? Because I know what it's like to have a night full of bad matches (especially if you're playing solo), so I like to play in a way that might make someone's night and put a smile on their face. If it's not someone's cup of tea then that's fine, and they'll be able to go right back to playing the same old mode after a few minutes. Lately though, the event along with Nicolas Cage has definitely shown just why DBD sorely needs a shake up.

In what ways do you like to branch out and have fun? If playing vanilla DBD is your cup of tea then that's fine, but if you too like to spice things up, then what are some of your "game modes" ?


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  • Member Posts: 3,904

    All the time.

    Lately it’s all jumpscare Myers running Devour and an ebony mori.

    Only mori people no hook sacs. It’s either 5 DH stacks or 2 hook states then mori.

    It’s been a real laugh and surprisingly more 3-4K’s than I expected.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    With my peekaboo Myers, sometimes I might have one or two kills, but usually if I've managed to down everyone right at the end, I'll bring everyone to the gate for a slug race. LOL

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    most fun non-sweaty matches were vs Pig

    She’d down n trap each of us, then let us wiggle free to follow her around, lining up at all 5 boxes, taking turns trying to remove the RBTs.

    We’d all meme for trap removal celebrations or sad vibes when the Jigsaw puppet laughed at us.

    These cozy special matches really pull you back into a comfort zone after sheer onslaughts of nonstop ultra sweaty hardcore competition-esque “same ol’, same ol’” gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I did that a lot when it was just jumpscare Myers but if you’ve got 5 stacks of DH and it hasn’t been cleansed you gotta celebrate a lil🎉 ☠️

    Often I don’t bring the mori and go only for the DH 5 stack kill. Trying to guard the totem and get the required stacks to get the kills is a whole new type of challenge. The mori is more of an insurance policy against the really good teams.

    tis all in good fun.

  • Member Posts: 685

    Hell half my gameplay is made up objectives or rules for myself. My current favorite is playing Pig with a pretty strong RBT build using Huntress Lullaby. I can only get five hooks for HL tokens and once I get my last trap on someone i can no longer down anyone, it is entirely up to them and RNG if they live or die. I'll even pick them up and let them wiggle off if they go down to not healing deep wounds from addons. Once all the traps are off, I'll meme around with the remaining survivors and open the gates for them when the last gen pops.

  • Member Posts: 5,105
    edited July 2023

    All the time as well!

    As Killer: Peekaboo Myers/Ghostface, Ghostface vs Survivor fast-crouch contests, Moonwalk contests with the Survivors are my more "fleshed out" game modes (Killer pun only 65% intended there, lol)

    As Survivor: Boop the Snoot (and not just Pig!), fast-crouch contests with Ghostface, Magpie (Killer permitting), and sometimes my friend and I whom I play DbD with the most, sometimes we will compete against each other to survive the match (being mindful not to hinder others from escaping). And actually had a semi-organic Mr. President game a month ago (two Aces loaded in with us in matching outfits, I had that outfit and my friend didn't, so my I protecc-eted my friend all match). Unfortunately both the Aces and the killer had no idea what that game mode was or what we were doing, but they all got a laugh in post game and we all had a good match anyway!

    And one I had happen ages ago when I was playing Nurse on Suffocation Pit (MacMillian), all 4 Survivors were in the dead-center of the map in a crouch-walk train 🤣 I hit the caboose (a Bill) but no one broke the train so.... I joined in and became the new caboose until the train broke up 2-3 minutes later rofl

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    My goal isnt to escape..

    My goal is to be the best Mettle of Meg anyone has ever seen!

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    That caboose game would have cracked me up!

    So often I see more and more gamers making their own fun in the game, which I think is proof that gamers are itching for something new. There are countless examples too of fun modes that the devs could use to incentivize spicier gameplay. One mode I've played with friends in particular saw us borrowing a page from from the movie Death Proof. Basically the survivors team up to hunt the killer. It's kind of like a reverse hide and seek. You have 20 seconds to find the killer, and if you haven't then they're free to start hunting you down. Once someone is hooked, everything resets and starts again. The game ends when the killer is found three times, or a single survivor dies. It may not be everyone's cup tea, but we enjoy it!

  • Member Posts: 514

    I started doing hatchet only huntress it was a lot of fun.

    Obsessed pyramid Head where I can only hook or chase the obsession <use game afoot and rancor, etc.> It is really fun.

    Jumpscare Singularity, Use Tinkerer, Machine Learning, Dark Devotion, and Trail of Torment. I have gotten so many gen grabs it is outrageous. Also, led to moments where I would suddenly hit someone and the would stop moving or run into a wall, Good times.

  • Member Posts: 6,131
    edited July 2023

    I had two bodyguard Aces (in their tuxedo skins) protecting a "Mathieu Cote" lol i was the solo to their swf and it cracked me up watching them taking protection hits

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    A lot of my survivor games are played solo, and generally I like to be a medic for the team so I'll equip strong healing perks that stack on top of each other. I realize I may not be getting a lot done outside of healing, but again I'm looking for something new to do. Sitting on a generator for minutes at a time isn't exactly my cup of tea.

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