I'm Leaving The Fog

This'll be a rant on why I uninstalled DBD.
So I've finally decided to uninstall DBD. While it was great a few a years the game has become a very unfun and stale experience since the release of Hellraiser. Before Hellraiser, DBD was always a fun and entertaining game to open up and have a blast as Killer, Survivor was more chaotic, and it was overall just fun for most of the matches I played.
When Hellraiser dropped I enjoyed Pinhead and I still enjoy him now he was one of my favourite killers but, what they included with Hellraiser was SBMM. Which started the drastic downfall of DBD and it's still probably the worst thing BHVR has added into this game. MMR doesn't work for a game like this and it's really hurt this games reputation.
I know everybody says Solo Q sucks and no it doesn't suck I've won and lost many games in Solo Q just like any other Multiplayer game. Solo Q gets bad not because of gameplay issues it's because players will rage quit the match very fast if something goes wrong really quickly. SWF while it's fun to play with my friends on DBD the challenge isn't there a lot of the time unless we're against a strong killer.
There's also hardly any variety anymore in this game. The majority of the matches are mostly the same builds over and over again either Killer or Survivor it's mostly the same builds and you rarely see any variety in perks, addons, Killers, or Survivor teams. How often do you see Trapper, Amanda, Hillbilly, Hag, Freddy, and a few other weaker killers? It's mostly killers who can handle the really good teams and while I enjoy playing against some of those killers like Wesker or Blight they can get pretty repeitive. The same with going against Survivor teams the matches a lot of the time end with maybe getting 3 hooks the whole match, 2 to 3 gens popping in the first 2 minutes of the match, and then having to try to get good results through endgame.
The Community as well doesn't help as I can't go a full day without seeing a post that complains how Killer players play to win or how Survivor players play to win like Killer camps and tunnels or Survivors gen rush. Also how the community responds to some content creators and people who try to offer suggestions to how to maybe fix this or change that is just awful people get so much hate because they speak out about an opinion and just get backlashed for it. While DBD may have it's possitive side as well that gets quickly overshadowed by the majority negative energy that comes out.
So with that this is me leaving the fog and going to enjoy some other games and I may comeback once and a while to see how the game has been doing but, as of this moment I'm going to go back to Freddy's Mega Pizzaplex and play the Ruin DLC of Security Breach while I await for TCM to release.
So MMR sucks but solo queue doesn't? The main reason solo queue sucks is because matchmaking puts you with survivors that have 1/7 the hours you have. Here's one example:
I have over 1,400 hours on Steam. This was one of my teammates.
If you're saying that you go against pubstomper killers every game due to MMR then that would make a bit more sense.
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Sure have fun doing other things.
One question though, I’ve never understood why people need to post an I’m quitting message.
I mean yeah if your not a fan of some changes sure sounds like you’ve just played a lot of it and are tired of it. But why announce it?
Its not like this is a tight community of close friends, or do people just attach that much emotional weight to the very inconsequential decision of playing a different game.
I can’t recall in 1989 writing a letter to the neighbourhood telling them when I finished Mario that I was going to sell the cartridge because I wasn’t going to play it again.
It just strikes me as odd.
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Have fun in other games, you can come back anytime you want
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I guess you're gonna go play civ V now.
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I remember a year ago when I uninstalled DBD for two months and moved to Valorant (still playing it currently). I guess we all just need a break at some point.
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I only see people who primarily play killer do this. I suspect they believe if they announce on the forums (and they think the devs peruse these forums regularly) that they’re quitting because X was difficult or bothersome for them as a killer—just like OP has done—BHVR will buff killers or nerf survivors or do whatever it takes to help killers flourish more easily in their matches. It’s basically meant to guilt the devs into making changes so that the people leaving (again, I’ve only seen killer mains do this dramatic leave announcement thing) are convinced to stay. Think about a kid trying to guilt trip their parents into doing what they want. It’s that, except with adults.
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Have fun my friend!
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Or perhaps they just want to say goodbye to a game they loved but can't find enjoyment in anymore.
Your point may have had merit if someone had specifically made an account for this, but evidently that's not the case.
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I firmly believe after a thousand hours or so we all develop a love hate hate relationship with DBD. It is strangely addictive af, scratching a unique itch as no other game out there really does.
As the hours mount your knowledge grows, to the point where your passion for the game and it's potential can lead to a big ol' bundle of frustration.
So I get the need to say goodbye, and how they got here.
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I appreciate the alternate perspective but I’m not buying it. His gripes were certain killers aren’t viable (Pig, Trapper, Hag etc) even though that has been debunked, he has lost interest in playing A-tier killers (Wesker and whomever else he named) that he presumably does really well in his matches with, and the reason solo queue is bad is because survivors DC or give up randomly; not because of its inherent issues—rampant tunneling/camping, bad MMR, etc. Maybe we’re both right.
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That’s fair. I’m suspicious mostly because OP blamed specific things for his departure... Like common things players in these very forums complain about & say drive them away: 1. X killer (Trapper and Pig) isn’t ‘viable’ like Y killer (Nurse, Blight, Wesker or some other fairly strong w/high as hell kill rates killer)—even though all of those killers have similar kill rates. 2. Survivors leave matches prematurely instead of playing for the entertainment of others (DC or failing to escape when on hook; bonus points because he told us solo queue isn’t really that bad; it’s survivors ‘giving up’ for apparently no reason at all that is the problem). And while he did top it off by 3. insinuating his games aren’t fun anymore because (I’m assuming his killer games) aren’t challenging for him, I just don’t believe this was meant as anything more than the same buff X nerf Y dog whistle empty threat guilt trip to BHVR threads these posts always are.
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Don't know why you bothered posting this, This ain't gonna change anything. You leaving isn't gonna make BHVR change the game in a meaningful way and we're all strangers that, in all honesty, don't care if you aren't having fun cause we are just going to keep playing without you.
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This'll be a rant on how I didn't ask
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gg friend. maybe one day you will return
In the arms of the angel!!!!!!!
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel
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Dayum! Gonna miss them?
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Last night made me want to uninstall. Too many campers early in the game and my last two matches were vs a tunneling nurse that was hitting on the hook and then a skull merchant
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To be fair to your team mate, I have over 1400 hours in this game too but changed platforms not long ago so my PS5 hours are low. I get lobby dodged by higher hour survivors all the time. I'm going to naturally increase in MMR faster than a new player and get matched with higher hour survivors because I know how to play, so I wouldn't necessarily judge your team mate on their profile hours. Just on how they play.
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They played just like a two hundred hour person would play, hence why I shared my experience. I understand that is the case sometimes though. :)
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😢😢 lol it be like that.
of course! This is my favorite game and i don't like to hear anybody leaving.
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2 of their points was from a survivor PoV, they had one short sentence from killer PoV. Like I get you have this deep rooted biased against any person who resembles a killer main, but it's literally every comment you make.
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I watch his streams. He rotates back and forth between killer and survivor. If anything, he has a more unbiased opinion due to this.
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Dude I see all the comments ur getting about ur opinions not being valid. That ur just getting bored of the game. Or something else stupid. I just want to say to you even though you may not see this comment due to you blocking notifications over all the hate. This may be a goodbye or see you layer to the game but it is a heartwrenching story of how you loved this game so much but the developers weren't able to understand what the players needed. I wish you so much luck in your future gaming adventurers and I just want to say GGs to you and I will miss you out there in the fog.
Stay strong, TheBLACKMENACE
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You are making an extremely wise decision and i hope you stick to it. Just so you know though, the developers do not care in the slightest, since they have at least 15,000 other people buying Feng Min skins.
Right now im stuck in a match i should have won due to a game breaking bug with the Twins, that the developers did not care to fix since their release. That should tell you about how much they care about a person leaving their game to play something else.
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Let’s put it in perspective though.
I mean it’s not hate to point out the minutiae of this decision.
Someone is deciding to not play a game anymore. That’s all.
People are responding like they are deciding which child to give away, or making some life affirming change like leaving a religion behind, or moving away from family.
Someone posted a poem for god sake.
It’s all very sweet but I hope these people never need to make a genuinely important decision in life, if they need this kind of external validation just to quit playing DBD a real dilemma could cripple them.
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Enjoy your other games! I think most online games have their issues, but bottom line is if you're not enjoying yourself anymore then it's natural to move on.
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Man does not understand memes
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So they are frustrated with DC's and the gap between the strength of Killers.
Sounds reasonable.
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I think partly why people play wesker and blight is not just because they are strong but because they are fun as well.
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I think you are reading too much into this. No where in their post do I get the impression that this person is primarily a killer main who wants survivors nerfed.
Their main complaints are that MMR sucks, lack of variety, and that the game has gotten repetitive.
They never mentioned that Trapper and Pig weren’t viable, just that no one plays them because other killers a better and the lack of variety is boring.
They never mentioned they lost interest in playing Wesker, they mentioned they lost interest playing against Wesker.
Rage quitters are one of the biggest issues with solo queue. Personally, from my experience, rage quitters are the biggest issue with solo queue. Yeah campers and tunnellers should be addressed, but rage quitters are far worse in my opinion.
They even bring up that they’re tired of people complaining about gen rushing. There’s complaints from both sides in this post, and everything they said is a valid reason to not want to play.
To me this doesn’t read like a hidden agenda to get survivors nerfed, it reads like a person who generally is just tired and bored of this game and wanted to say bye because they loved it.
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I do recall talking to my friends about how good or bad a game was, though. To this day I still feel the urge to spew bile every time I talk about Xenoblade 2 for all the terrible, terrible design decisions they made, even though I love the saga. This is human nature.
These posts on the official forum also serve another purpose. People don't stop playing because a new, more shiny game just released, but as a consequence of game updates that turned the game into something they no longer enjoy, which wasn't exactly a thing that could happen back then (So the comparison is a bit lacking).
People post in the official forums that they leave, usually in an emotion-filled rant, because they feel they lost something they used to love. They're hoping that, if enough people express their discontent with the current state of the game, the devs will notice and think "Hm... perhaps we did do something wrong. Maybe we should reevaluate our opinion and change our stances on the stuff that people aren't really enjoying.".
So there's a logical sense about wanting to make one of these. A scream of frustration that expresses "Please, just let me love the game again."
Whether other people agree or not is another matter entirely.
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MMR sucks because kills and escapes. Kills and escapes should not be the answer to MMR.
Someone that does nothing the whole match (killers and survivors) move up in MMR that shouldn't be there. They get carried by camping or hiding all match while their team does everything..
Bottom line someone that stands around all match doing nothing (AFK at times) is the better player then someone that's active.
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I stopped Dbd after 6.1 patch a year ago and I came back few weeks ago, it's still the same mess but I'm enjoying the game again you just need a long break and find 2-3 other games that you like, have fun.
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Gee I wonder if there Is some correlation to OP killers also being considered "fun" by killer mains......
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No I understand memes they are the same joke, point or pseudo profound statement that are so stale from reuse that they have lost all meaning.
But people keep sharing them for external validation likes because real creativity is hard.
This thread strikes me as a case of external validation and the posts follow suite accordingly.
Again it’s all very sweet but take a step back and look at the big picture, it’s not an event to play a different game.
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Once you’ve attached that much emotion to something so trivial it’s a good idea to take a break anyway. Love it or not.
I’ve got a lot of fun memories from a lot of games, toys and stories but the ones that matter are those shared with friends and it’s the memories of fun with people I care about that have value. I mean people I care about in real life not random strangers online.
The games themselves are just games and you can always play it again later or find a better game and play that instead.
Deciding to stop playing a game shouldn’t even register as an event. That aspect is completely inconsequential.
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I wouldn’t call myself a killer main but play a lot of killer.
Myers is really fun so is Trapper, I guess their OP by this logic.
Fun isn’t purely associated with winning.
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I see that almost every match with my over 6k hrs.
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true. although if i remember correctly they adressed that for survivor at least. your mmr does not decrease as much the more of your team escape. but for me the 9 months with the "only escapes" count MMR did the damage to my ranking as i had fun by getting all people out, which caused me to die more often. yeah.
why theydid not do it for killer is beyond me.
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It’s not great on the survivor end either. I would say I’m about one step under being an expert survivor. Last night I played for six and a half hours, and only made it out a gate once. That was only because the killer was AFK. Needless to say I had absolutely no fun! I’ve never played a game we’re I’ve had zero fun. I kept getting survivor teammates who would get downed before the first gen popped. Also overpowered killers who would hard camp and tunnel. They have takin all the perks away that I needed to win a game. Circle of healing- dead. Boil over- dead. Dead hard- almost dead. Just to name a few. If that’s not bad enough, they nerfed our medkits to we’re no matter what add ons, you only get one heal. (REALLY)?! So in order to have fun on the survivor side, you need to be an expert at looping, expert at flashlight saves and be grouped up with your friends. And I feel those groups are about 20 percent. So if you do not fall into that category then good luck!
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I didn't even read the OP's post but I call BS. You're quitting because you are bored. And that is fine. If you do the same thing for thousands of hours it is bound to happen. I took a two year break myself. But at least I had the decency to not make a stink on the forums and try to ruin other people's fun on the way out. It's like someone pooping in the pool. I'm not swimming in it so others shouldn't either. Just take your excuses and leave. No one cares.