Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

What did Sadako do to you bhvr?

She was already one of the weakest killers in the game, then you nerf her some more, and after the community’s outrage your best solution was to nerf her condemed further??? Here’s what’s going to happen every game, all survivors are going to pick up tapes, walk 3 feet to put it away removing 3 and whatever fractional stacks they have and shut down sadakos entire power with no effort. You addressed none of her important Issues with the latest change and instead nerfed her condemnation and made a meaningless buff to her teleport which won’t do anything because her whole power is still in the survivors hands

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  • Member Posts: 23

    The biggest issue I have is how easy it is to remove tapes and in turn condemed, this did nothing to address the fact that survivors only have to walk 3 feet to remove half their condemed and made it more difficult to spread more condemed to other survivors because once survivors figure out that placing a tape is a simple as logging in to the game they’ll understand that there is no risk to picking one up

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    It may not be as difficult, but it's much more risky. You can't do it whenever with a complete sense of safety like you can on live and you could on the PTB, because if Sadako interrupts you, that's it- the tape is gone, and your Condemned goes up, not down.

    Those scenarios where you'd catch up to someone fully Condemned but healthy, you'd hit them, and they'd put the tape in during your cooldown while you couldn't do anything about it, they're gone now. That can't happen anymore.

    The scenario on the PTB where you just pick up a tape for safe, easy protection against passive Condemned is also gone, because carrying that tape is risky now. If you're caught, the tape is destroyed.

    Sadako is not going to be perfect after these changes, but don't underestimate just how impactful it's going to be for tapes to be destroyed on basic attacks. That's pretty huge.

  • Member Posts: 249

    Nerf the grudge

  • Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2023

    It's comical how tapes can now just be picked up and delivered 5 steps later to the nearest TV and the way to fix this is to use an iridescent addon. This just baffles me. To people who are defending her rework (for some unknown reason, fanboyism maybe?) I'd honestly like to see your argument to defend this.

    While you're at it, please do try to defend how she is punished for grabbing someone. As you don't build stacks on grab nor hooks, if someone just enters a locker they are bypassing your power.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    I'm maybe not the best person to defend that choice as I'm kind of on the fence about it, but it is worth mentioning that they do at least have to walk to the nearest generator in most cases, which might not be that close. Still, to address the change itself, I'd assume they didn't want removing Condemned to be as difficult considering the intent was for it to build up quicker on average, which does somewhat make sense.

    Like I said, though, I'm on the fence. I'll be playing Sadako on Live to better form an opinion on these changes, but I suspect that's one change that probably will need looking at.

    Also, you are not punished for grabbing someone. You get a down when you grab someone, which in 99% of cases means you get a hook. That is not a punishment, a hook is better than a stack of Condemned.

  • Member Posts: 51

    You don't understand. If you're chasing a wounded survivor and they know they're going to get hit they can just enter a locker. Sadako is punished for grabbing instead of hitting them down. She will not build stacks. When she hooks him, it will not build stacks. And to top it off, the tape they are carrying is destroyed. Amazing!

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    ...That is not a punishment. That is a hook. You need those to win in most cases. You are still coming out ahead, and just aren't getting maximum value from that situation.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Lord almighty, the effort to fanboy is strong. You were already going to hit them regardless. You were already going to wound them regardless. They enter a locker to avoid the hit and force Sadako to grab them, knowing that it's worse for her.

    You don't like the punished word and will use that to avoid actually building an argument? Fine. I'm still waiting for an argument that defends grabbing being worse for Sadako. Can you defend that?

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    How on earth is it fanboying to not consider a hook a bad situation for the killer? Yeah, you don't get your two stacks of Condemned, but you do get a hook, and that's much more valuable. It directly progresses the survivor towards death more severely than the Condemned, and it can't be undone.

    I literally don't care if a survivor hops in a locker in that scenario. I'm getting a hook, that's more valuable than a single proc of Condemned application. No argument is needed here because the killer isn't being pushed into a negative situation.

  • Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2023

    You were going to hook them regardlesss. They are already wounded and about to get hit. Knowing that a grab is worse for Sadako than a regular hit, and knowing that they are going down anyway, the survivor then enters a locker. "Oh but Sadako gets a hook!" is an irrelevant argument because they were already going to get hooked anyway. Now, inside the locker, Sadako has to grab them, instead of hitting. Grabbing is worse for her than hitting.

    Once more! Grabbing is factually worse than hitting a wounded person down for Sadako. "But you get a hook" is not an argument as you get a hook in both cases. Both paths lead to a hook, but one is clearly worse than the other.

    Do try to read this time, will you? It's not that difficult. You just go over the letters and form the words.

  • Member Posts: 259
    edited July 2023

    Getting to hook them basically for free is pretty nice. Remember you can't flashlight save on locker grabs anymore, aside from that trickery with slow exiting the locker. If they get in a locker, you don't build condemned (maybe... unless the PTB is up right now, you're really just guessing that grabbing people doesn't count as a hit for the purposes of building condemned - it's a good guess but it's still a guess), but you're definitely going to get the hook now.

    Look, you're really just going to have to accept that BHVR doesn't want condemned to be Sadako's main method of killing survivors. There's no healthy way to make that a viable strategy.

    In my mind, the outrage should be centered on the fact they didn't adequately compensate her chase game to make up for it. In fact they made it worse unless they un-nerfed Reiko's Watch and just didn't say anything.

    That being said, when condemned is used for what is likely to be its intended purpose of being a passive slowdown, the new Sadako is stronger overall than the old Sadako.

  • Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2023

    So you're saying that grabbing *should* be worse than a hit that was already guaranteed anyway for Sadako because by grabbing you avoid a potential flashlight save? That's better than the other guy at least. He was refusing to read at all.

    Do you honestly feel like Sadako of all killers needed to have something specific to weaken her kit (however slightly) just because locker grabbing can avoid a flashlight save? Avoiding a flashlight save by grabbing from locker is true for all killers, is it not? But Sadako specifically needed that?

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited July 2023

    that is like myer's tombstone locker counter. Jumping in lockers vs tombstone Myer's is considered fair counter-play to his ability. it is counter to prevent being mori'd. you can slug them on ground to prevent tape from being destroyed then proxy camp to hit them when they recover from the ground.

  • Member Posts: 259

    I'm saying that getting grabbed should build condemned and destroy the tape as if you had been hit, assuming it doesn't already work like that. And also that her chase and/or ambush potential should be buffed more.

    There is actually a chance that it already does. I think the thing on the notes about how being hooked destroys the tape is meant for situations in which the survivor enters the dying state on their own. For example, if they were in Deep Wounds and didn't mend, or if they used the new Plot Twist perk.

    If it doesn't work like that, then at least you still get to hook them with almost no chance of someone getting a flashie save.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    What I was wondering:

    When hitting a survivor gives you 2 stacks and destroys the tape and hooking only destroys the tape, what will happen if you get grabbed out of a locker?

    If you still get the 2 stacks, it's fine, but if not (because you don't get hit), then this will get abused....

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    you get no stacks. you can hook survivor and destroy their tape or you can slug them to not destroy tape, preferably away from lockers to hit them after they get picked up. kinda like old ring drawing sadako.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    It's the same strategy with Myers. Just hop in a locker, a total no-brainer. If they slug you, stand up and turn off more tapes. Repeat.

    I just noticed that plottwist is really good against getting 2 condemned stacks too.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited July 2023

    yes. plot twist entirely removes any risk for holding tapes. that perk only deactivates if you fully heal yourself but if someone else heals you, then you can keep slugging yourself to avoid m1. that is why i said new design encouraging hooking. their changes makes slugging risky. I would not say it is useless but it is just risky.

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