Builds for Countering Stealth Killers

satx3241 Member Posts: 102

I've only been playing this game for 2 or 3 months. Really enjoying it. Finding the hardest thing to do for me as a survivor is being able to counter stealth killers. I have tried to do some searches along the way. I have found plenty of guides to counter specific killers. That would be fine if I had a way to know what killer I would be facing before each match. It does me no good though to set a loadout specifically to counter Ghostface only to end up with a Myers or whoever.

So I'm curious what some of your favorite loadouts are that have the ability to help at least some with any of the stealth killers. If you have the time I would even be interested in an explanation of why it is that particular build helps you.


  • satx3241
    satx3241 Member Posts: 102

    Thank you. Walking away from a gen if you haven't noticed any other activity in a bit is not something I hadn't thought of, but makes a lot of sense.

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    I never work on gens in a jungle gym until I know who the killer is. Choose a gen that has plenty of view from each angle.

    Sprint burst is a good perk vs stealth killers. However many of them run fear monger to counter it.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    There aren’t any perks that really help when stealth killers are Undetectable, but aura-reading perks are helpful when they are not in stealth. Beyond that basically the only counter is good situational awareness.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,212
    edited July 2023

    Spine Chill: Currently it indicates when any killer is in proximity, but it's soon to be nerfed. It will still light up when a killer is nearby and facing your direction. This bypasses Undetectable.

    Distortion: Stealth killers gain a lot from info perks, so aura reading is particularly valuable to them. If they know where you are without line of sight, then they can approach you without making line of sight. But if they can't see your aura to begin with...

    Similarly; Iron Will, Quick and Quiet, Dance with Me, Lucky Break, Off The Record, Sole Survivor and Low Profile will make you harder to find/track without line of sight, thus making them less effective at stealth.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Alert works fairly well for me. It helps relay where the killer is and which direction they'll head next. I also find it useful to just tap gens in exposed positions while heading to more strategic ones.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,233

    On top of what others said, aura perks to see allies (Aftercare/Bond/Empathy/Boon:CoH). Many facets of stealth Killers rely on catching people off guard, or utilizing hit and run. There are some circumstances where if you see someone in chase (with the HUD), then you see them approaching your gen, you then know the Killer could drop chase for a hit on you instead. Similarly if they engage in hit and run, seeing where allies are in soloq helps you all to keep each other healthy, and hopefully win the war of attrition.

    Arguably for most stealth Killers Distortion+Boon:Coh is good enough, so the other 2 perks can be whatever you like. Distortion is mostly bad against Myers (T1 or T2 with Monitor), Sadako (often only has her TR in chases), and Freddy (which isn't quite a stealth Killer). Ghostface is out of power enough when revealed or carrying Survivors to hook, Pig stands most of the time, and Wraith is out of cloak in chase often enough unless using a Nowhere to Hide+Overcharge hit and run style.

    The strongest weapon against Stealth Killers though is situational awareness, and using a headset. Near all the Killers with stealth/undetectable have loud audio cues to herald their arrival. Myers' breathing, Ghostface's cape flapping, Demo's snarling and portal exit sounds, Wraith's snarling/breathing, Sadako and Freddy's 'Lullabys', Dredge's meat/metal sloshing/clanging. The only exception I can think of is Pig's crouch, but she roars if she goes for the special attack. Sadly since the audio cues do all the heavy lifting of counterplay, using a TV or having hearing damage/deafness will hinder your chances quite a bit.

    Also the best way to discover counters for something is to use it yourself. Go in a custom with a friend, or someone willing on a DBD Discord server, and see if you can sneak up on one another. Figure out concepts where it is easy to catch an approaching Killer, and where it is difficult. Try as both sides to see how they catch your approaches as Killer as well. This can also work in normal matches, but you can't ask the Survivors what gave you away as effectively. They'll run and you'll know they noticed you somehow, which at least can tell you when counterplay exists, if not telling you what it was.

  • satx3241
    satx3241 Member Posts: 102

    Assume the tapping gives the killer an alert that draws them to where you won't be. I like that.

  • satx3241
    satx3241 Member Posts: 102

    Thanks for the post. Great info and I think I will see if I can't get a group together that will just experiment a little. I like that idea a lot.