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Expectation Readjustment

Evp Member Posts: 19
edited March 2019 in General Discussions

Howdy Community,

First time poster to any forum. I apologize if that offends anyone, or lessens my opinion but I wanted to get that out of the way. I am also posting partly because I realized that I want to be part of this community, even if only as a reader most of the time.

This was originally going to be posted on the killer forums, but I realized that toxicity is widespread across both. I prefer survivor and I rarely see survivor toxicity (since I am not toxic and I do not normally get access to other survivors PoV). The point of my post is really to readjust my expectation for the game (by reading legit responses) and hopefully slightly alter some other peoples opinions.

I would first start by asking you why you play this game. I want to tell you why I do. To have fun. I am a survivor main, and I main David. I tried maining shirtless David, because come on look at him. But I was later told that its a taunt to the killer saying look how easy I am to see. So no more shirtless time for me. Do I gen rush? Maybe? I don't know. It seems the definition varies by who is using it. I do generators, as its my objective. Once I notice a totem in play I go looking for it (yes I run small game). I will unhook and heal other players, and those actions have a higher priority. So yeah, I will do gens as its my objective, but not at the cost of doing nothing else. Sometimes I get annoyed when a killer finds me, sometimes I get excited to get chased. Its rewarding successfully getting away. I try not to pallet loop, and if I do so its just trying to come up with an exit strategy. I wont run around the same place for more than a few seconds. Why? Its not fun. Not for me, not for you. My goal is to escape, not to waste time. There is no "waste time" category. Ultimately, most of the time the killer will get me. My reward is to hear my sexy David scream. Sometimes I get away.... sometimes. Hopefully the game continues like this. The killer finds other people and I get to unhook, save, heal, hide, rinse, and repeat. Then the exit gate appears or I die. Either is fine. I get between 10-25k bp and I enjoyed the last 5-20 minutes. Sometimes I chat with the killer/survivors, other times I dont. Depends on the crowd.

I also play SWF. You would never tell it was a SWF, mainly because my best friend sucks at the game. He has been playing since Leatherface released, and he still misses about 50% of his skill checks. I run empathy, even with SWF. And we both run small game. Another person I play with does not speak english, and plays with me because I am one of the few players who talks to him. Never do we coordinate perks, nor could you ever tell we were SWF. Why? Cause its a game we do for fun.

I always thought thats why you play a game. To have fun. But now comes to the point where I need my personal expectation realigned. Ok, about 50% of the killers I play with just want to have fun. And those killers I love you and thanks for that. The other 50% of the killers want to win. And while I know everyone "wants" to win, there seems to be a huge difference in gameplay. I understand how people say things like camping, tunneling, and slugging are strategic methods to win. Maybe. But its not fun for me to sit on the ground for 8 minutes. I sometimes run unbreakable, but it does not make the game anymore fun. I cant see how its fun for you to slug. Maybe an ego boost. Again, I'm a survivor main so I genuinely dont know. Same thing with tunneling. Why break chase across the map (I run empathy, so yes I know you broke chase) to come get me to try to rehook me. Strategically trying to reduce the amount of players? Maybe. Rarely does it work tho. Maybe you chase me because I wont be toxic to you during a chase. Seems like a bad reward. But ok, David scream number 2! Camping. Good news is I rarely get camped now. It does seem most the time camping is done in response to toxicity. Once I put my shirt on (Sorry killers, I really did not know showing you my David chest was toxic) I stopped being camped. Hell, if I see a survivor being toxic, I'm not going to rescue them.

So now comes my question. And I will change it slightly depending on what you main. Killers, why camp (when not justified), tunnel, or slug. Other than wanting to see my beautiful David face, there are other things to do! Have fun, kill other people. The game wants you to hook all of us! Spread your love to all other people and place us on hooks! (and yes, I for one am glad they are changing DS, I wont use it). The game is more fun!

Survivors, the game is not about being toxic. Don't chase the killer with a flashlight to waste his time then DC when he catches you. As a fellow survivor, that's not fun for me. I don't want to do gens for 5 minutes and leave the game. Do not unhook me while you are being chased so the killer loses interest in you. Do not teabag, moonwalk, taunt, or do anything else with the intent to grief. That is not what this game is. I do report fellow survivors for sandbagging or being toxic. Once I had a Claudette see me jump in a locker to avoid BBQ and she ran to my locker and kept opening it until the killer showed up. That blocked me in and the killer hooked me. If you are playing survivor and your goal is to cause turmoil and grief, go be a killer.

I see a lot of posts where killers says its a 1v4 game. Its not. It used to be, but its not. When streamers do something toxic other people imitate. Some people ( my friends included) no longer try to rescue hooked survivors because of the amount of camping. I will. I will likely die, but dying trying is more fun than not.

So to sum up, I play this game for fun. I thought other players did too. If you don't, realize thats why games are invented. Community is vital for games like this to thrive, so I challenge you to look at your own reasons to play. If you are here to be toxic, then you just perpetuate it and the game may fade away. Look at the history of other games and see often its the players that destroy the game. I do not know which came first, the toxic survivor or the "toxic" killer, but I am starting a one David crusade to stop it!

Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you in the fog!

(as a side note to all those killers out there, if you see me with a flashlight or a key, I did not bring it in! The chest gave it to me. Do not punish me for it!)


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184


  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    I play both roles.

    As a killer I only tunnel and camp toxic survivors. If survivors are fair I let one or two escape if I hooked enough people to pip.

    As a survivor if a killer is toxic I do whatever I want. If killer is fair I play that way too.

    Before I was never toxic even to toxic people. Now I return the favor because I lost empathy for idiots.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    It's only a matter of time before the Entity claims all that empathy. On that day you will become a true vet of dbd.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    Welcome to the community!

    When you play any game, you have to go in with a mindset that there are no rules to follow. Other than the rule that was created to play the game.


    I personally don’t consider any killer/ survivor action to be toxic. These “toxic rules” became wide spread because of memes and streamers. Nothing becomes toxic until I receive an unnecessary message from a player.

    I suggest that you adapt to different play styles. You can switch up your perks every now and then. I prefer situational perks because it’s very rewarding when it come in use.

    Tenacity - is a great perk to use to counter killer that like to slug.

    New Ds - will be a great perk to counter killers that tunnels.

    Borrowed time - helps against campers

    (not against leather face/hill billy)

    I hope this help.

  • Evp
    Evp Member Posts: 19

    Hey Iceman!

    Thanks for the response, but I may have not properly conveyed my point across. I am not asking for game play help or advice. I am more interested in what keeps you playing the game. From your response tho I see you are like me, where you play the game for fun and enjoyment.

    As for toxicity and if it exists or not, that is a discussion I am not yet ready for. I personally do believe toxicity in this game exists. Why be body blocked by another survivor? Why have the killer body block you for the whole game instead of playing. These actions do not require unnecessary messages to be considered toxic.