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Survivors don't recognize when killers are playing "fairly"

Member Posts: 29
edited July 2023 in General Discussions

I've been attempting to play more off-meta builds and play more fairly for survivors. This usually involves a combination of trying to hook every survivor at least once, and sometimes letting them all escape even though I had multiple chances to kill one of them. I'm amazed at how many survivor streams or EGC I see where, even though I played in a totally weird way and didn't pick up and kill someone, they still think I was playing toxic, tunneling, or any number of things. The gameplay changes from game to game, and if you get unhooked and go for a body block, yes, I'm going to hit you and/or down you. BUT, I might leave you to sit there for a while and go chase someone else. Every time, without fail, survivors never question WHY I'm leaving them down, they simply think I'm "slugging" rather than giving them a second chance to get recovered after a stupid play. For all the complaining survivors make about killers not playing fair, they don't recognize it when it's happening right in front of them.

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  • Member Posts: 29

    Yeah, I've had similar games where survivors just give up immediately or DC, and even if I hook everyone twice and let everyone escape, survivors don't seem to recognize when I'm taking it easy on them. It's only really obvious to them if I have games where I give a survivor hatch...then they are thankful.

  • Member Posts: 24

    For me, I play farily as killers but still they blame me for any term of their imagination, some ppl just want their easy wins or find excuses for failing regardlessly. For those ppl I find one thing in common, they don't play both sides and only follow the one-track mind.

    Sometimes when I play survivor, my teammates farm me on hook then blame the killer for 'camping', like what does the killer supposed to do? Or I loop the killer for a long time and somehow we are 'gen rushing'. The 'entitlement' is the real toxiticity.

  • Member Posts: 1,006

    "The internet is full of turds. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to get close to them before you can smell it" - Socrates

  • Member Posts: 436

    So one idiotic Meg ruined DBD for you? Thats all it took?

    I really dont get this killer mindset at all.

  • Member Posts: 337

    Had two in a match earlier that saw my wraith and instant DCs. I let the other two do the gens and I opened the gate.

  • Member Posts: 203

    There's not many survivors who will view slugging as friendly, though. Most find it annoying. I've also faced many "friendly" killers who intentionally draw out matches while claiming they are friendly. So, basically just play the game normally and if you want to be friendly give someone hatch.?

  • Member Posts: 547

    Those who don't even realize it are the cutest!


  • Member Posts: 1,669

    Killer mindset? Me? Don't insult me like that lmao. I stopped doing that because now I play properly until the survivor gives up and then I consider their fate. I'm not just going to give people that don't desrve wins a win like that Meg anymore.

  • Member Posts: 1,558
    edited July 2023

    My hot take:

    Play in the way you want, try to play in a way that wouldn't make you angry if you were on the other side, and then that's all you can do. Survivors (and sometimes killers) are going to get angry when you play in a way THEY don't like.

    This is something I've been doing lately, it's a lot of fun. Thing is, I get next to no points. I always de-pip. But i had this one so angry in end-game chat. Thing is, he got 20k points and I got like 1000. So why is he angry? Maybe he de-pipped cause he didn't get a perfect 4 iridenscent emblems, I don't know. But, just like you see in SkyFaction's video here, some players find this hilarious... but there are some that do not and get angry.

  • Member Posts: 29

    What do you mean by "slug"? Do you mean leaving any survivors on the ground, or do you mean putting 2 or 3 survivors on the ground without picking up and refusing to pick up? If a recently unhooked survivor is right in front of me and tries to body block, or jumps on a gen, and there are no other survivors in sight, yes, I'm going to knock them down. If I pick up, I'm "tunneling", if I leave them I'm "slugging", if I ignore them then it's "ggez" and I'm the idiot killer. So what am I supposed to do in that situation? Leaving a survivor on the ground is not "slugging", but putting a whole team on the ground and refusing to ever pick them up is.

  • Member Posts: 29

    Thanks for this. This is a similar way I've been trying to play, less about points and kills and more about playing a fun game. Sometimes survivors ruin it, but you're right, some people are going to get angry when I play in a way they don't like.

  • Member Posts: 1,298
    edited July 2023

    A lot do it's just kinda hard to go easy on killers as survivors without just outright standing around doing nothing

  • Member Posts: 533

    TBH this type of play is a breath of fresh air.

    I am a killer main, but I only stream with that being said, i've played a TON of survivor lately. And it is indeed, terrible. So much so that when I do play killer now, I usually go easy on them..whereas I used to be a very sweaty killer.

    Today I had a Doctor who double hooked everyone..played hard, but was apparently letting everyone go. A couple times I saw him, he would just walk away in slow motion all creepy..which honestly was genuinely creepy and more fun lol I was very thankful..I have ttv in my name and I am a P94 it's constant tunnels, even though I do not play toxic and I HAVE noticed that when killers leave me slugged, no one bothers coming to pick me back up..though they've had time....I think a lot of soloQ survs just don't care...there seems to be no mental link between the fact that, the more of your teammates are alive..the better chance you have of escaping.

    So while we are all complaning about how grimey killers are and how terrible they make dbd (which is true) a lot falls on the survivors as well..the amount of times i've spent a game unhooking everyone, only to be left to die on my first hook to a non-camping killer is disgusting. I think it's great your going a little easy and trying new playstyles!

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I had 2 Doctor yesterday and weirdly those 2 were the most fun match of the day. They had different builds but both are involved around slugging build. One with Knockout, and one with King or Queen addon with Infectious fright.

    The only 2 slugging case I dont like is bleeding for 4min, or slug the 3rd for 4K. Otherwise, I find slugging match fun.

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    Don't worry, I did exactly this for two years, as an experiment on survivor feedback, and the great end result is 80-90% don't care and won't acknowledge it.

    It's mostly silence and a portion of direct aggression/toxicity. Recognition and (explicit) gratitude are in an extreme minority.

    If that's your goal, better quit. This mindest will burn you out over time.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Some clearly do but yeah, I play nice pretty much all of the time by not camping or tunnelling and I evenly spread hooks. Obviously if you desperately want a 'win' this is not the ideal way to play but despite me trying to make matches fun for everyone, I still get BM from some survivors and it is pretty annoying.

  • Member Posts: 1,993
    edited July 2023

    My experience is usually as Trapper, I go hard from the get-go. They eventually give up their item in hopes of mercy. So, I put a trap in front of them. If they walk into it, they will live.

    Chat is usually a bit of praise and how much fun they had compared to sweaty killers.

    If I go hard the whole game, its because they did as well, and its a pretty good game. But... chat can go either way with those games.

  • Member Posts: 3,140
    edited July 2023

    That was me when I started playing, honestly. Killer felt so overpowered compared to survivor that I had trouble noticing goodwill unless I was explicitly given hatch.

    Nowadays since I have a much better understanding of how the game works, I'm much less irritated at the killer since so much of the game hinges on survivors making mistakes. It's much easier to notice when killers are being fair or kind. Most killers I go against I have no complaints about. I don't even see that much tunneling (maybe one in 10 or so games).

    Some of my friends still struggle though, especially against some killers they dislike particularly.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 369

    Do not follow the survivor rule book. Follow the killer rule book and do what needs to be done to sacrifice all survivors to the entity. Their job is to do what they can to survive.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I know what you mean but I think it goes both ways. Survivors and killers alike gaslight themselves into thinking the other side is only there to ruin their fun. It happens especially when players think they are better than they actually are.

    I had 1 self proclaimed comp SWF that were calling me out for being the most toxic killer in this game for slugging (not killing the Meg that dead zoned herself immediately), tunneling (hitting the Ace that body blocked me with OTR) and camping. To be fair I didn't immediately disappear from the map, so that part about camping has some truth to it. These guys weren't crazy good. Not bad but definitely not comp level.

    I also remember a different game where the survivors were trying to play nice and get my attention via loud noise notification. I misunderstood the situation and thought they were trying to bully me. Took me a while to realize, that I had jumped the gun and by that time I had already killed 1 of them. Luckily these guys were pretty chill about it.

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited July 2023

    At some point I started finding it a lot of fun as killer to play properly down to 10/12 hooks, then trying to get the last 2 survivors to trust me.

    There are some that will get it, but there are also a number who will sprint away and keep running at all times, no matter how obvious I make it that I'm friendly. The games of charades actually get weirdly fun xD

    It's like I downed you and let you wiggle free my dude... I'm free standing in pallets to give you pallet stuns... I'm meleeing gens and standing over your teammates face... I'm trying to let you go, stop running and do a gen you fool xD

    There have been a few cases where a survivor has been that adamant to remain hostile... I ended up having to finish them off and be friendly to only 1 survivor for a 3k. I've had other survivors suicide on their second hook, I assume to be altruistic, even though I made a point of not killing the other survivor on 4 occasions... I really tried to be trusted...😔

    I even got teabagged by the last survivor, even though I let them go like 3 times xD

    This game is weird xD

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    i stopped trying to play nice and fair unless survivors are total babies, because in that case i won't even care if they bm me after i was obviously being nice.

  • Member Posts: 113
    edited July 2023

    *** Posted same comment twice by mistake ***

    Post edited by satx3241 on
  • Member Posts: 113
    edited July 2023

    In my limited experience with this game to this point the only thing I have found truly unfair are survivors that are only playing to sabotage their team, or when a survivor and killer team up. I

    I occasionally get into a match where one of the survivors does nothing but run around fast vaulting through windows or running in and out of lockers near other survivors. They never attempt to do a gen. They don't try to unhook or heal anyone. They simply try to get the other survivors killed.

    The one I see more often is when it's down to 2 survivors and one of those survivors pairs up with the killer to help them find and take down the other survivor.

    My personal opinion would be anyone caught doing any of these things should immediately have their account banned and have to start from scratch if they want to continue to play. I have zero respect for a survivor that helps the killer, and exactly the same amount of respect for a killer that goes along with it.

    If I get killed because I suck (which happens often) that's fine. I deserved it. If I get killed because someone else was intentionally sabotaging me I will still be fine, but I will hope you get caught and banned from playing this game ever again.

    Post edited by satx3241 on
  • Member Posts: 1,623

    I used to be nice though and give the survivors the hatch or door, especially if they had it rough but after a few izi and they looked into my profile saying "I had no life" or whatever, I stopped doing so.

    When I play survivor, I dislike when I am the last survivor and the killer uses me to farm points, negating me from moving on to another match.

  • Member Posts: 436

    Being a DBD player is not a "job".

    Its a game.

    Nothing more.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    Wow, I'm impressed that you read the killer player's mind and know precisely why he's played the game the way he wanted to!

    Seriously though, you cannot claim to know what motivates anyone out on the internet.

  • Member Posts: 133

    I often will choose not to take an easy early kill, even though it would be the right call if I really wanted the win. We've all had those games where one survivor constantly runs into you, has bad luck, falls for every trick you try etc etc. In most of those cases they never see it for what it is. Although rarely really good players will notice what you're doing and I have had the odd thank you message.

    I once had a match where there was only one good player. I'd hooked some the others very quickly but this steve was an excellent looper. I ended up ignoring the others and just did 1v1's with him (which he understood was happening too) for a bit. When someone else tried to bodyblock for him, even he stopped shook his head at them. I learnt a lot that match and even though I caught him in the end I carried him to the exit, to find the other 3 douchebagging. Got a ggez baby killer from the meg but a really nice message from the steve. I did reply to the meg saying that "steve was way better than them and it wasn't even close" though.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    I typically get "scary blight" or more recently "cold blight", I play like what I would have considered a bot playstyle a year and a half ago though. I will 8 hook every single game, if they make it to end game while I am in the process of doing so, so be it. I haven't gotten post game hate in several months. The last time I did was being called a tunneler while preforming my usual 8 hook in order, of course that is a disregarded outlier.

    While you may not experience what I have. I know people would rather face my blight even on the very slim chance I run op add-ons than go against a tunneling trapper for example. There's a 40% chance that I get bags when people escape, but the only people in recent memory like that were abusing the fact that the servers had 100-150 ping( Don't @ me, blight suffers more from ping than survivors).

  • Member Posts: 376

    This is exactly how I play killer. Not all survivors understand the difference.

    I have plenty of opportunities to kill all of them if I wanted to, but I'd much rather give them a second chance, so that they too can gain something from the match. Wholesome matches if you want.

    You can't really do anything when the matchmaking gives you sweat teams though, but I have seen less and less of these lately

  • Member Posts: 730

    I play mostly survivor. I don’t mind if you try to kill me or my teammates. That’s the game, after all, and I think we all have more fun actually playing the game. You can play however you want, but I don’t think “fair” is the right word here. To me, fair is simply not using exploits of bad game design to win ie camping, tunneling, slugging. You can get a 4k and still have played fair and I never mind losing to killers that have done so.

    Now to elaborate on what is “fair.” Sometimes you end up finding the same survivor multiple times and in that instance you’re not tunneling. Sometimes you have to wander near a hooked survivor or return to the hook, and that doesn’t mean you’re camping. Sometimes you have to leave a downed survivor for a chase or to scout and that doesn’t mean you’re slugging. We all know what hard tunneling, camping, and slugging look like.

    Now even if all you’re trying to do is get 2 hooks and let everyone out it can be difficult on the survivor side to discern what exactly is friendly gameplay especially if you use any of the aforementioned tactics to accomplish your hooks. I’ve had many games where I thought a killer was being friendly only to get hard facecamped or fall prey to Noed.

    Now, as a killer, I hardly ever actually sacrifice anyone. I moreso enjoy scaring people caught off-guard and chasing them. I’ll often try to just hook everyone at least once or complete a challenge I’m working on. If I am being friendly and intend to let everyone leave I rarely make it apparent until endgame because I don’t want survivors changing their playstyles. I want them to play to win.

    There have been instances in which I was trying to be friendly and they couldn’t notice. One time an Ash dropped his item for me because he either a) got a feel that I was being friendly and was thanking me or trying to confirm it or b) went out on a limb hoping his gift would appease me and make me friendly. Personally, I dislike it when survivors drop their items not because I find it insulting but because that’s your item, bro. You use it, you keep it. I don’t need an offering.

    Anyway….. I hit and chased him because, as I said before, I don’t want people changing their style of play because they think I won’t kill them. When I downed him I kept bringing him back to where he dropped his item so he could reclaim it but he never did. He just kept running away again and probably thought I was tunneling him. It isn’t always easy to know what a killer is trying to do. I’ve been a frustrated killer trying to communicate things to survivors who either just don’t get it or don’t trust me, and I’ve been a survivor who let my guard down around the wrong killer or just completely misunderstood them.

    Overall, play the way you want to play but just don’t be toxic about it and don’t use unfair advantages to destroy games.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Okay, so I down a survivor, I know full well there are two survivors waiting in the wings with a flashlight, am I obligated to pick them up anyway and allow the survivors in the wings to get a free flashlight save? Sorry, not doing that. They are all being slugged, then I'll hook them. If that's slugging, the sure it's slugging, but don't expect Killers to throw the game to save your feelings about "slugging"

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Yes that is still slugging. It's the right play but it's still slugging. This is exactly like when people camp because there's a gen that's close to completion nearby. Yes, it's the smart play, but it's still camping regardless.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Why are u looking for recognition tho?

    just play how you would like to be played if u were on the other side and move on to the next match

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Yeah, it actually is. When killers go out of their way to play nice, and they run across those douchebag players that call them scrub and teabag at the exit gates, or play super scummy toward them when it is obvious you go out of your way to be nice? Yeah, if that happens to you enough times, you stop playing nice. The reality is, there are far more toxic survivor players, than there are killer players.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    yeah whenever i play survivor i notice a whole lot of my teammates are just oblivious to the state of the game, when a killer intentionally chooses to drop chase against someone to avoid tunnelling, what their teammates are doing, etc.

  • Member Posts: 395

    The problem is the satirical survivor rule book is taken as gospel by a large number of the survivor player-base (especially the ones who are active on DBD Twitter) that they don’t think killers playing nice is anything special. They just expect it and are therefore not grateful for it.

    So many genuinely expect killers to “play the game properly” because they’ve literally been brainwashed. And what does play properly mean to these people?

    1. Minimum of 8 hooks before a sacrifice
    2. Same person can never be hooked twice in a row
    3. If some survivors are objectively weaker loopers the killer cannot use this to their advantage as targeting these survivors is unfair, chase everyone equally killers! Even if it takes minutes to get a hit.
    4. End game camping is bad and only bad players do it. Try for chases and take the L!
    5. If a survivor is unhooked, refuses to heal and immediately starts working on a a Gen, don’t you dare go for them again if you see them- that’s tunnelling.
    6. Always give hatch
    7. Slugging is boring and if you don’t immediately pick up a downed survivor it’s toxic. Just accept the flashlight save, after all it’s all about fun!
    8. Don’t use “sweaty” perks or un-fun killers.
    9. If you see the survivors struggling go easy on them! Of course if the killer is struggling they won’t do the same but that’s fine as killer is the ‘power role’.

    Now, does every survivor think like this? Of course not. But a large enough number do that it pervades the player base and creates an annoying sense of entitlement. So that when killers do genuinely play nice it hardly receives any recognition.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    By "you" I wasn't entirely meaning you specifically, just survivors in general, but I understand I wasn't clear about that. But yes, that's the problem with this game I think. We don't know why the killer is playing the way they are, and some games are not going to be as fun for the other side as others. We as humans tend to want to win. If we aren't winning, we aren't having fun. Well, in order to win, sometimes the other side might use an allowed strategy that we dont' find fun.

    The reason I think it matters is because those who insist on playing "fair" and playing "the way I think you should play" present a problem. Other players ideas on what is fair and how the game should be played is different. If I had my way? Flashlights would be removed from the game entirely. But that would ruin the fun of many players. Many players love getting a flashlight save. To them, that's fun and it helps them to win.

    I hope what I've said here helps you and everyone else understand my take on the entire game itself, on the subject of slugging, camping, tunneling, and just over all "playing fair" in general.

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