Another release/event/patch ruined solely by Killer players.

I really don't know what it is that on event weeks and new releases killer players go out of their way to make the games as miserable as possible.
Out of maybe 10 games 1 was pretty much ok. Everything else is just straight up back to hook hard tunnel from the start to a point where killer will even just drop a chase with survivor already injured just to go back to hook. It's mind-boggling.
Waiting 5+ minutes for a game like this is just objectively a bad experience and it only shows that killer role has too much "power" on the "fun factor" of the game. Something that should be dictated by the devs and game design, not players.
There are SO MANY ways this could be addressed and yet nothing was done over the years. Sure, tunnel for pressure, when it's appropriate. But at 4-5 gens? Please people let others have some fun too.
And don't start with "im not responsible for your fun"...If fun to you is making others experience miserable you should rethink your life choices.
some people just ruin it for everyone, but its not all of us killers i swear 😭
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I couldn't be bothered with the survivor queues tonight. You were getting five minute queues? It was 20-30 minutes where I am, so instead I just played three or four killer games, to try and spot some Nic Cage perks.
EVERY SINGLE GAME, I was not trying, I got some downs but NO hooks. And each game there was constant teabagging, flashing survivors, even when I was just trying to farm and be friendly!
I would never ever play killer, EVER. Survivors are so toxic, I am not surprised that killers tunnel. I hate it, like you do, but try and play a few killer games in a row, it is miserable, it is no wonder they take it out on the first survivor they come across.
Toxic survivors cause tunnelling killers causes toxic suvivors and round and round it goes in a vicious circle. Both are to blame.
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When was the last time you let the killers have fun at your expense?
If waiting 5+ minutes for a match is too much, play killer instead? There are way too many survivors playing right now. Frankly if you're not playing Nick Cage or any of his perks tonight you shouldn't be complaining about queue times.
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How are your killer games going?
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When did I complain about queue times? I just mentioned that combined with "quality" of those games...waiting 5 minutes for an awful match is just a bad experience. Otherwise I don't mind waiting.
True, and I totally agree. I'm just wondering why is it always so bad on days like today.
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Hey my first game as Nic I was tombstoned... Didnt realize how much my team fed him at the start and I was 1m from a locker to try and be safe about it. Nice 3k points cuz i used a cake...
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That was literally me today.