This is becoming an epidemic!

6 out of 7 soloq game's tonight had suicides on hook. As well as the odd dc this game is becoming a shambles and you need to act BHVR.
Remove the option to unhook without a perk! Punish those who idle regularly.
Yeah some games are not as much fun as you want. Boo Hoo!
The entitled are going to be the death of this game (at least for me) eventually if you don't act.
I could just stick to killer but that's less fun now than it has been in my period of playing too!
just removing the entire kobe system, just serves to avoid dc penalty and deny wins 1/25 matches
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Please explain as I don't follow. Kobe is the unhook mechanic right?
Your saying it's alright to dodge the DC penalty? It has a minimal impact to the match?
If this is what you ment then honestly that comment is a joke.
Why is tunnelling such an effective strat then against all but a good swf?
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Sorry I mispoke. Im agreeing with you, I havent slept in like 24 hours and I mispelled remove as removing making it look like im disagreeing. My bad.
Self-eliminating on hook is stupid and shouldnt be in the game. The 4% mechanic is kind of bad as well, giving a chance to clutch just because you are lucky. I think self unhooks should be relegated to deliverance and slippery meat reworked.
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Totally it really is getting out of hand for me in soloq.
I hope this is getting looked into because bots won't change much at all if this carries on this way.
I mean against a huntress without the 1 hit down multiple times people have suicided. Wesker kind of irritates me and Blight but I still don't quit.
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This is a symptom of BHVR's balancing. Fewer people try to dc or quick end if they see a chance to win, but as it is right now, if you haven't done at least 2 gens before the first hook happens, you know the game is lost.
It's been getting progressively worse since 6.1.0. I don't recall people disconnecting as often before, but 6.1.0 opened the flood gates and people have lost their fear of dc timers and suicides since them.
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I killed myself last match because my last teamate available to stay did a gen and then urbaned around the map.
He then got hatch because everybody else gamended themselves too.
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You don't enjoy dying to Wesker every game with 4 gens left? Lol
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At this point with bots coming just get rid of the DC penalty so people can go next and the team can get a bot. Everyone wins.
So long as the DC penalty exists this is going to get worse, especially when spiteful survivors want to take bots away from their team, which will happen
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Why are players killing themselves on hook?
Is it because none of their team mates are coming to save them? Then they're right to get out of the match, it's already doomed because the survivor team has zero coordination. There is no solution for this, it is the players faults.
Is it because they're being camped? Well the anti-camping mechanic will make that less likely. You'll be better off hanging on until 59 seconds then unhooking yourself, even if you get tunnelled and hooked again, because you'll get to waste a lot more of the killers time and score a ton of BP in the process.
Is it because they don't like the killer? Similar to the first point, there's no accounting for bad survivor behaviour. The only real solution to this is to address the balance for that killer in question. It won't solve every case, but it will save some.
DC penalty can never go away. Bots aren't a valid replacement for an actual player, and it will break the MMR system.
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Respectfully, MMR doesn't exist
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It does, or there would be no complaints about it and nobody would care about their MMR.
Top 5% MMR is an entirely different world, and new players are separated from the general population.
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its a result of people being fed up, this is what happens when you allow one side to "strategy" the other. it wont get better, it will get worse, i think we can all agree on that
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I'd you DC so much that the penalty becomes a problem, that's probably a sign you should play something else.
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when streamers do this in front of many many people because the killer was playing a certain killer on a map that a survivor sent them.. how do you expect things like this not spread out there?
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Self unhooking without a perk should only be possible 10 seconds before going into struggle and maybe instead of 4% chance of escaping it should be 15%
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No thanks, if they remove that they have to remove a bunch of perks that affect that and offerings, plus kobeing is fun and make for great plays if you can pull them off
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No just no the bots are a bandage fix in order for the other survivors to not just quit if 1 dcs if you gotta dc every other game then its your skill that’s bad
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"Going next" needs to be addressed. I'm not going to sit here and say that I haven't done it myself. Because I have. Because its a very reliable way to get out of a match you don't want to be in for whatever reason. However, I do think it's a problem. I'm sure the devs can easily come up with a solution.
The flipside of that is that spiteful survivors may just go AFK or play in some other spiteful way because they have no way to go next. So it will have to be approached carefully.
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DCS an give up on hooks seem to be most of the kill rates in this game
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fine with me. All luck related perks and offerings are only used by SWFs abusing them, and those great plays are pulled off by dumb luck not skill.
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BHVR has already said they aren't removing DC penalty. This is an online game. You are (hopefully) a person and you are playing against other people. The intent is for this to continue being an online game. Stop trying to turn this into a bot game, what's wrong with you? Bots are just the very last resort. The solution to anything will NEVER be to remove DC penalty.
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Agreed, remove the self unhook outside of perks. It's an unhealthy mechanic that allows the bypass of the DC penalty essentially for free.
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The Devs shouldn't do anything about self elimination or self unhooking until they do something about Camping.
Camping a survivor without allowing them to jump off the hook or self-elimited is holding them hostage in a match where they don't get to do anything.
Well I actually don't think removing self elimination or self unhooking would be a good idea cuz people would dc if there not having fun anyway.
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Probably because with every major patch, or event...Killers are going out of their way to make the matches as painful as possible. All I've seen tonight was hard tunneling from the go, slugging and proxy camping.
Honestly, as much as I dislike the giving up, on days like this, I'm not surprised.
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They are adding a feature to completely eliminate camping, this has been confirmed.
They just added DC bots too so removing self sliminating would be great. They HAVE to eat the penalty and their team gets a bot.
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The anti-camping mechanic is not confirmed until they actually add it to the game
I heard from friends that the Bots suck, I haven't updated dbd yet so I haven't seen from myself what they're like.
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What? If the devs themselves have showed off the feature in question and confirmed that its coming, its confirmed. and the bots are quite good actually.
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I just mean talking is different than actually creating a ptb or an actual updated for it, until they do that you can't really complain about self elimination or self unhooking.
We could have different ideas on what makes a good Bot Survivor, I just heard from Friends what they thought of the Bots.
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If the teammates are doing nothing but Plot Twisting and Urban Evading around the map, and I'm hanging on second hook with 4 gens still remaining, then yes, I'm going to go next. 😡
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I don’t condone it in any way, however, don’t we need to look at the reason this is happening? Sure, there’s a contingency of them who are just entitled and rage quit, but I’m sure a fair amount of game Enders are for a valid reason. If someone’s being tunnelled or face-camped, can you blame them for not wanting to play hook simulator? Or if their teammates are just trolling or farming?
there’s a multitude of reasons as to why people choose to give up on hook. Instead of looking at the problem, look at the causation.
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Being tunneled and camped is not the cause when they have only been hooked once and are not being camped. They try to unhook in seconds. These are the main ones I'm talking about. I was literally feet away once and someone did it.
I've been tunnelled and camped to death. I didn't rage quit like a baby.
To those saying remove DC penalty. Let me spell it out for you. Player goes against an unpopular killer and DC's. Another team mate DC's. Player ends up against bots and DC's. Game ends. Rinse and repeat.
Oh and unpopular is subjective as I've had multiple suiciding teammates against a huntress for example. lol
Ques are already bad at times I don't think people want to waste their time over and over.
So the reason for these cases is simply selfish and sulky acts of game sabotage.
This should lead to a lengthy ban to repeat offenders. The health of the game would be my priority.
Post edited by VirtuaTyKing on1 -
The number of Plague and Pig games I've had where a survivor DCs the moment they spot a Fountain or Jigsaw box is ridiculous.
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As long as the DC penalty exists in its current state, people will continue to throw on hook. And as the devs have said that they're not removing the penalty, there's nothing we can do about that.
But what they need to do is make DC'ing the more appealing option, which means that the penalty will need to be adjusted. I say they should put a cap on it. There is absolutely NO reason why the penalty should stack up to the point where you have to wait literal DAYS before you can queue up again. I would say cap it at an hour or something. That should be enough time for the person to calm down from whatever rage they were feeling, and maybe they'll be done for the day altogether while doing something else while waiting for that penalty to end.
Another possibility is some kind of strike system. For example, three DC's would lead to a 24-hour ban or something. Or maybe five DC's, who knows? But IMO, there should NEVER be a permanent ban just for DC's. But I don't see that point changing either. But these ideas would make people more willing to accept the penalty while still discouraging DC'ing willy nilly.
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I'm almost tempted to use the famous survivor main reply of skill issue and leave it at that. If they don't like the game then don't play it.
Cherry picking your matches in an online game is tantamount to cheating in my eyes. Do you think I like going against a blight?
Of course the game can always be improved but these people are the issue not the game.
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You don’t need to “spell it out” for me, thanks. Yes, I didn’t deny that there’s a contingency of players who just do it out of rage/entitlement. I’ve seen people rage quit because they’ve gone down too quickly in chase or have simply been outplayed by the killer. Again, I’m not denying that.
However, you and I both know the game has a wide array of issues for both sides. It’s simply hyperbole to suggest all cases of DC’ing/giving up on hook are done out of spite/game rage. As I said, if you’re getting facecamped/BM’d on hook, what exactly is the incentive to continue the match!? Or if you’re down in the basement with an insidious Bubba staring at you? In those cases it’s a game of hook simulator and if you’re not having fun you don’t owe any other players anything.
you say “the health of the game” should be paramount, and whilst I agree, it’s an obtuse way of looking at things to suggest that giving up on hook is the root of the problem. Again, I’m not dismissing there can be an element of people being sore losers, but also, what about the others who are having really unfun/unfair games and decide their time is better spent elsewhere? Just because you’re able overlook it and move on to the next game it doesn’t mean others should have to. Also, life happens: I’ve been mid-match before now and allowed myself to die on hook because I’ve had to take an important call, felt unwell, answered the door, etc. Your exact logic can be applied to teammates DC’ing/giving up on hook: GG move onto next game.
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I really don't think there's a single answer to that. Someone could just be having a bad match for all kinds of reasons. Maybe the killer or teammates are being toxic. Maybe the person's getting tunneled. Maybe they just made a huge mistake (and one mistake by one person is enough to cost the entire match, I've found, even if the person doesn't quit). Maybe the person is just unlucky and kept getting found by the killer. Who knows?
So they move on to the next match hoping that it'll be better than the last one.
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Since bots are a thing i had much more hook suicides than before. Earlier there was more DC... idk, people are doing this to screw team?
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I haven't had more than a few people suicide because of tunneling or camping. It's usually the start of the match before that's even possible.
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DC penalties are harsher now and people are still DCing at random in my games.
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Behaviour should fix what makes games consistent unfun instead of bandaid fixes such as removing the option the self unhook. If Dead by Daylight would be fun for its players, people wouldn't be suiciding on hook as much.
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There will always be players who would like to exit game as soon as possible just becuase something went not as they planned - they saw killer they did not wanted, they got hook before first gen pops, etc.
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No. Why should it taken away? The point is that those, who ruin the game for the 4 other people should be punished. The solution is not take away the penalty, but make a system to penelize those who kill themself just becase they got downed.
It could be so damn easy.... If you have no unhook perks, and there is x survivor alive, or and y gens left and you try to unhook yourself then you should be banned from que just like with DC penalty.
Disconnecting or killing yourself because the game went bad or not fun since you cannot bully the killer shouldn't be allowed or an option. Especially not since killers have to play over the trial no matter how fun it is, since they cannot kill themself. At least now, how balancing works within a few month I am sure survivors will hook the killer.
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You are wrong. Too many entitled people in this game. It is not about the fun, they just get tilted, or they think they are better then how the killer outplayed them, or their deliverence is gone now.... So they DC or kill themself. Those would suicide just as much.
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There no need any answer. Anybody who throw the game, and ruin it for all the other players in it should be punished. They should take a brake if they are in that mindset. And no matter why, that it is tunnel or unluck or anything. If they cannot handle it, then they shouldn't be able to que up again and ruin the game for more player.
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There will always be those kind of player, yes. But nearly not as many.
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What one person finds fun another person may not.
Player attitude has a much bigger effect on whether or not that player has fun. Most players seem to actively not want to have fun, they just either want to win at all costs, or their priority is to prevent others having fun.
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The flaw in your logic is that you assume that every single person tries to throw on hook because they want to quit the match. But there are also scenarios where you have no other choice by to attempt the self-unhook, such as when everyone else is slugged, or the team just outright refuses to save you, or if there's one other person remaining and you sacrifice yourself to give them a chance at the hatch. Unfortunately, there's no way for the game to distinguish between those scenarios, and that is why banning people for attempted self-unhooks should absolutely NOT be a thing.
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Exactly! At the end of the day, it's all about the players' attitude, and that's not something that BHVR can fix. That's up to us. And that goes for both sides (those who DC and those who remain in the match). Just because one person DC's doesn't mean you can't have fun. It makes it harder to escape, yes, but you can still do what you can, have an epic chase, what have you, and have fun.
Too many people have this mindset that they can't have fun unless they win, and that mindset desperately needs to be dropped. Again, that is not something that BHVR can fix.
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The main problem comes from BHVR baby-sitting survivors for years.
Most of the survivor playerbase has never improved and has been PL by busted perks, fast gens and busted items.
Now we end up with 90% of the survivors that do not even know how to play the game.
From what i see, only 1% of the players i meet (as a killer or survivor) are really good at looping, everyone else is barely average and still it is enough for them to win trials at high MMR if they are playing in trioQ/SWFs.
That is the problem, the skill level in this game is terrible.
Sometimes i face survivors that are able to go down in less than 30 seconds against a tier 2 Myers while there are 15 pallets on the map...