Welp sadako's amazing thanks devs

Great. We need more Weskers. Survivors love to play against 50 Weskers in a row.
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Don't be ridiculous. Seven minutes is all that man has to play with us.
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everyone loves playing VS wesker 24/7 why buff another kill to add them to the pool nah devs are smart they know survivors just gonna play VS wesker all day everyday wesker is love wesker is life
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Wesker by Daylight
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Yeah, Sadako got a big nerf the safest thing to do is take a tape and all your worries leave. Even, if she hits you just pick up one tape and walk five feet to clear your condemd and get rid of two tvs...Nice.
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So nothing actually changed?
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She wasn't even that strong either. She was mid I'd say not particularly good not particularly bad.
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Her biggest problem right now is that tapes have no purpose anymore. I had a game where 3 survivors were holding tapes for like 2 minutes cause now they don’t build condemned anymore.
this is godawful game design. Why is it that a CURSED TAPE is actually protecting you!!!! You should have so many negative downsides for holding that tape.
With pinhead you can’t hold the box forever cause you get oblivious and you can’t do gens. Wesker you get slowed down unless you spray yourself and Nemesis you can get downed at a distance that’s far. Sadako has none of this
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I'm also finding that confident survivors are just holding tapes - perhaps make them exposed if they hold them for long enough? Or bring back the passive condemned. It is a "cursed tape" after all so should have some kind of threat.
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Agreed. I only played two games against her so far, but in those games I actively wanted to have a tape on me whenever possible which seems backwards.
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The popular streamer for Sadako is having a blast right now. Haven’t had a chance to play this evening yet but expecting a good time.
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Didn't the devs actually listen and buff Sadako from the PTB? She seems better now than before
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People just wanted her old Iri basekit, shorter TV cooldowns, removal of the slugging playstyle, Tapes being more threathening etc.
What we got and didn't want:
Reiko Watch nerf due to excel spreadsheets showing high usage,
Useless blind addon,
Cursed Tapes keeping survivors safe from condemned global tp,
a cooldown for teleporting
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I am going to laugh really hard, if this turns into a SM situation and she is actually really busted in a really unfun way.
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Assuming you mean One Pump? He played her during the PTB and got a bunch of condems because there's zero SBMM and nobody knew the counter play. He started his stream last night post the dev update ahead of today and was trashing the further changes for removing more gameplay elements from her playstyle and further dumbing her down.
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idk i think she's doing alright
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it's true that's why i want sadako to be good you know a nice viable killer to make the pool bigger, but hey if you like playing vs 3 killers all day everyday who i am to judge wesker fun asf so it doesn't bother me
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i have to admit i'm judging her a bit too quickly, i do hope this the cause i've been surffering for so long on her on release been playing wesker so long i'm desperate for a killer i enjoy to be good and viable whoose name isn't wesker but if she isn't good i will go back to wesker and let her gather dust like i did before we shall see
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Willie seems to like the changes judging by his reaction to playing her in his stream today though.
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She's objectively stronger than before after this patch. Getting condemned kills feels easier than with old iri tape+ring drawing.
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have you tried m1 the survivor? I heard it breaks the tape.
she is good. you have to hit & run and intercept tapes holders when survivors go for TV. She has higher skill ceiling. she is not as easy to use as older one. the older one was easier to play because Iri-tape allows you to spam TP's in 3 gens and the passive condemn from holding tapes & ring drawing from slug gave passive rewards. new sadako is more proactive. you have to keep track of survivor positions, what TV are turned on/off and know what chases to take vs which chase are not beneficial time investment to build on condemn.
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she way stronger and easier to play now for the average player but for those small amount of people who ran the condemn build she definitely weaker.
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I mean I was able to have good games with her lol, she isn’t trash she’s def better than she was before
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No you can't Low mmr gamer. play at high level then come and talk to me killer a forced 60% winrate now quit replying if you've nothing worthwhile to you say i get it you're bad and the players you play are bad and because of that you think you're good you're not.
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since you're so good buddy how about sending me some screenshots of you 4king with freddy i'ld love to see this pro gamer gameplay feel free to drop em =)
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She doesn't feel that weak to be entirely honest. In the matches I've played, Condemned has become a lot more prevalent, and hero mini-mori is actually happening pretty commonly now. Ive experienced this on both sides so far today.
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Just wait. People will learn they just need to hold onto a tape the entire game. As long as they have a tape, they don't have to worry about being condemned. When I first started playing as her, I thought she was strong. But I'm getting more and more games where people just hold onto tapes and they don't care if they get 2 stacks from a hit while holding it. They can just easily get rid of the condemned again by going to any TV on the map. Some TVs are right next to each other. I'm going back to playing Ghostface lol fun while it lasted.
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yea i'll admit i jumped the gun here she seems ok but i can't judge her until the nick cage hype dyes down cause right lots of new players are coming and in and it's hard to test with you don't get any good players i got destroyed on my first match with and her and every one after that i 4ked i played around 20 matches. a few with 300 hours survivors thanks mmr the changes on paper seem pretty good tho so just ingore my OP i've changed my mind
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First game I played I was able to pull off 3 Moris with her power, im in high mmr too she is not weak bud, sounds like a skill issue
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Skill issue. She's OP now.
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Now, Now just cause you're losing doesn't make the killer "OP"
Seems like you're the one with a skill issue dying to an m1 killer
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So you play one game during the time new players are coming in mass 4k and by that one game you're assuming she's good? I used to main her bud quit trying to pull the "skill issue bud" card i used her before these buffs while she was bad and made her work i doubt you could say the same mr 1 game "oh ye she's good bro 1 played one match and detrimed she's good" mhm
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Yeah caught some of his stream last night, good to see he's enjoying her still but I think even he knows she's a bit busted atm against survivors who don't know how to play against her well. I'm interested to see how his thoughts change over the coming weeks when experienced players learn her counter.
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I think with a few minor adjustments to balance her out a bit, she could probably do well against experienced players.
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Yeah certainly, reverting the watch changes and/or giving her more looping tools would help but it still leaves the issue that right now she feels overly punishing at lower levels. Her killer agency is also still an issue for me but that seems like an afterthought just now.
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I don't think the watch changes should be reverted, if anything the original watch should be made basekit and keep the current iteration of the addon, just like how they did with demogorgon's shred addon.
However i don't think she needs to be too chase focused with her power and addons since she is meant to be more of a hit and run killer than a chase oriented one.
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You're losing as killer doesnt mean the killer is weak
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Not sure right now if Sadako is trash anymore tbh.
May be right now when people learn how to play with and against her it have some potential to be actually decent/good and fun to use.
Still early to say.
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Oh cool, matches against Bots.
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I haven't died to one since the update but I can still consider her OP now. My skill is just fine.
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Its been one day but my sense is she is clearly stronger than before and all the players calling wolf on her changes have egg on their face.
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Wish they would stop making counterplay so easy, I prefer situations that actually require thought and strategy.
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The counterplay here isn’t totally without consideration. Holding a tape protects you from zone wide condemned application sure, but if you’re holding one and she hits you it applies 2 stacks of condemned and destroys the tape. So long as Sadako is spreading out who she’s hitting, holding tapes would be a detriment. If she seems to be relying more on teleports to apply condemned then holding tapes is a counter. There’s some back and forth there.
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still waiiting on that myers screenshot bud come on now killer's easy
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still waiiting on that myers screenshot.
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still waiting on that myers screenshot
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I'm still waiting on you to disprove me with ur skills since so your so much better and killers "easy" no perks no add-on myers 4k 1 game what's the matter pro gamer can't do it?