Skilled Huntress was the worst DBD Trophy ever

The requirements for this trophy was to down 100 survivors from over 24 metres with the Huntress using a controller
- That's DOWN, not hit
- On a controller
- You can't even stand on a hill and wait for the unhook now that BT is basekit
- Iri head was nerfed
- That's 100 times on Playstation, not 20 like it is for easy-mode mouse users
- 24 metres, for anyone who doesn't know how far that is, is basically from here, over my fence, across the road, past my neighbours garden, over the next road and then into someone else's garden.
I actually feel sorry for the (rounded up) 0.1% of players that grinded this almost impossible acheivement before the devs gave it to us all for free.
I didnt get it :(
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Wait, it is only 20 survivors at 24 meters on Steam....
I recently completed every achievement and as someone who isn't the biggest Huntress fan it was painful but I got it eventually.
For me the bless 20 Hex totems or open the gates of RPD 20 times were more painful.
I lost a lot of matches doing the Huntress one though, as I was only going for snipes rather than wins.
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I did the same for the Huntress trophy. Most people would never get this from playing properly. Often the hits I thought were 24 metres weren't, and I mostly relied on people giving me free downs at the exit gate when there wasn't a wall blocking the shot. This must have been so much easier before basekit BT!
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Even if you didn't get it, your progress would have doubled.
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I remember a few years ago having a Huntress message my SWF in-game and ask if we'd let her farm for hatch downs for this trophy... Man what a pain.
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Everyone who had at least some PS4 progress can probably get it now because the trophy conversion seems to be bugged.
I got it on my second start of DbD after the update. After the first start, my PS4 progress probably carried over correctly (51%). On next start, the trophy popped. I assume the game "forgets" that it has already merged the progress of the PS4 in and does it another time on each startup.
At least, the 51 PS4 long-range downs I had were honestly achieved, didn't message survivors to farm and never played a farming match.
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This is the last killer achievement I need on Steam. I should have ground this one out before I got my MMR to mid-high tier. Even if I just take the loss trying to farm this, I typically get 0 charges. Only time I get a guaranteed one is if they're tbagging at the exit gate and let me hail mary them at them.
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I had already earned it through pain and suffering on the PS4. So when it popped up the other day on the PS5 with the latest update I was so happy. I was dreading going through that one again.
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now on ps5 all throphies with some counter in it gain a +2 each time i load game.....this damn trophy included, even if they fix in a hour it is too late, trophy hunt waste forever
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Honestly the trophy would've been fine if it wasn't for doing it 100 times. 20 is a lot more feasible.
Personally the hardest trophy for me (and the only one I'm missing as of this latest update) is Mori-ing everyone at Tier III with Myers, because at least with Skilled Huntress you could reliably farm the trophy. Some survivors even know you're going for it and will let you hit those hatchet throws. Also unlike Skilled Huntress, the Myers trophy requires two Iri-add ons.
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Oh yeah I definitely got a few from survivors letting me get free hits at range as they stood at the exit lol and you're right, there are so many obstacles in front of gates so it often wasn't even possible so the matches were just a total L.
But I did get it, with much pain...
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If you just go for snipes and run an aura build, you will lose so often your MMR will drop to the point where you are getting actual baby survivors lol.
I ran Lethal, BBQ, Bitter Murmur and Floods of Rage and just went for snipes but it was painful being a non-Huntress player as I am. But I also did land some hatchets that even surprised me too
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It isnt any easier on M&k just saying, it takes WAY longer on Console, but landing those shots is just as hard as ever.
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So apparently I got it last night without playing huntress for 2 years.
And the funny thing is, I played Onryo to get some condemn progress on trophy but even when I condemn killed 3 people in first game, trophy still shows 0/30 for some reason. Every trophy is bugged now or something