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What's the point in not running add ons?

I see a lot of killers who run full meta perks but no add ons. Why?

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  • Member Posts: 941

    May be they have unlocked perks but 0 experience with tue killer so better try a few games without addons to understand wich addons do you really want.

    I do something similar instead of no addons, just 2 brown ones that are not really important.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Some killers have solid base powers and don't need addons to fix an issue. Makes them good killers to farm BP with since you don't spend anything on them.

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    they are a "limited" resource. I have so many other killers and survivors to level that I can't just use add ons every game, especially not the rarer ones. So while people who already have every character at p3 or more can easily just use all their bp on their favorite characters (and thus get plenty of add ons and items for said characters) I don't have that luxury yet.

    Perks are different. Once unlocked, I can use them without running out of them. So if I level the characters with strong perks first, all of the others have immediate access to those perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    A lot of play time with that killer, a challenge.

    I know when I play spirit I either use her brown add-ons or nothing.

    But I haven't played for a long time so I might have to use a couple of her yellows ones when ever I make my return.

  • Member Posts: 12

    4+ years ago, Wraith used to have busted pink add-ons that would create a crazy doppler effect when he uncloaked, he could also have silent uncloaking. I stopped using the add-ons and when the game got too easy, I stopped playing Wraith, even though he was fun as hell to play ( and the Doppler effect had me rolling in laughter ). I tried a bunch of different killers in 2018 and only really connected with The Pig Lady.

    I did my survivor challenges on Legendary ( Rank 1 ) difficulty, so it opened up my mind to, "Wow, I can use 3 janky perks + maxing out my add-ons to mitigate" to, "If I'm using meta perks, do I even need add-ons?".

    4+ years ago, there used to be veteran, high ranked killers that would not use add-ons. They were scary as hell.

    Back then, you could de-rank all the way back up to rank 20. To maintain your rank, you had to rely more on skill, rather than rare add-ons. If you lost two games in a row, it was easy to de-rank from Rank 1 to Rank 2.

    I think it would be more interesting if you could de-rank such that, if you are in Rank 1, you could de-rank to 2, if you are in 3, you could de-rank to 4. If you were in 5, you could de-rank to 6. If you were in 7, you could de-rank to 8 etc.I think it would prevent people being carried into Ranked games that they can't handle?

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Some folks want to learn the fundamentals of a killer and won't use addons till they feel comfortable with how the power functions at base. Some people find addons crutches or dishonorable. The reasons are as varied as the players.

  • Member Posts: 394

    Just a little flex ""Look how cool I'm. I beat you without addons". And obviously a lot of killers are simply overtuned and some of addons are straight broken

  • Member Posts: 570
    edited July 2023

    Some killers have awful addons. Personally i dont use any on PH, as the only “good” addons are range addons, and most of time u end a match thinking “didn’t even need this crap”.

    A similar thing can be said abt Nemesis etc

  • Member Posts: 974

    Few different reasons. Can be killer has no add ons to use, majority of the killer add ons are near worthless garbage that even if you use them you won't feel the slightest difference or the killer's base power is already high enough you don't need to use any.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Over the course of a month I spend a week on only base into only yellow speed, into Yellow speed + c21/vigos/slam into allowing myself access to green speed. I gotta reset to keep my understanding on base blight.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    It's a good way of judging the power of a perk loadout before adding modifications

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    I just don't feel like having to go through the bloodweb.

  • Member Posts: 439
    edited July 2023

    I feel like almost every single add-on helps the killer way too much than it should.

    Just an example.. Using one of the Spirit's brownies? A difference of half a second up to two seconds of duration, recovery, or something.. That literally means one more round around the objects to force the survivor to drop the pallet, saving up about ~5 - 10 seconds of your time. That much saved time already, and we're only talking about the common rarities.

    Not only I wouldn't feel satisfied and had fun for having add-ons play the game for me, but I'd also feel bad for the other players within the match for being subjected to such a player, you know?

    Most killers don't need any add-ons, unless the survivors use toolboxes or medkits, which is unfortunately a thing of every single match in high MMR.. Truly a shame..

    If I could have an infinite amount of add-ons - Sure! I'd be running them 24/7, but only once I'd feel confident while using the killer's ability. I do wanna learn how to play the game, not to get used to rely on some add-ons.

    *Thanks Maelstrom for pointing out the obvious flaw within my response. I've added „almost“, as even I can tell that it didn't make much sense.

    Post edited by Neprašheart on
  • Member Posts: 691

    Running perks are free while addons are not. If I'm having easy games I feel like I'm wasting addons since I don't need them for the games. Games that are one-sided are boring so dropping addons can also give increase in difficulty with the positive of not using a limited resource.

  • Member Posts: 295

    Simply I can't be bothered reading what they do I just don't care enough.

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    To learn the killers base kit, to have a challenge, because the add ons aren't going to do much, because we just don't care.

    Take your pick on any given day

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Now this I respect! 😅

    But seriously, thank you for all the answers everyone

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Sometimes it fun to just play it out with the base power.

    I play a lot of no addons killer for that reason.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    I always play the killer without addons until I feel like I have a good grasp on their power. (Some take significantly less time than others)

    Sometimes I just forget... or they run out.

  • Member Posts: 857

    I prefer playing some of the killers without addons because I'm not that good with them and I don't want those to carry to me to a point where if I don't bring them every match I get clapped harder than a SoloQ player against a Skull Merchant.

  • Member Posts: 809

    Those are my reasons:

    1. I play this killer TOO MUCH and i've run out of the addons, and don't have bp to get more, and i'm not using other addons, if they're imo trash.
    2. I play that killer too little, and unlocking perks doesn't affect the addons I own, i have empty loadouts on 90% of the killers
    3. Simply that killer's addons are trash
    4. That killer addons don't change their power significantly, so there's no reason to really play any
  • Member Posts: 763

    As mentioned above, at least in part:

    -Best way to learn the killer's powers is without addons.

    -If you're really good at a particular killer you can get by with just perks.

    -You don't want to be reliant on something that can run out, particularly if it's a rare/high cost item.

    -If it's a killer that you farm BPs with, you usually want to spend the BPs elsewhere so you don't spend them on that killer.

    -If matches are becoming too fast/easy for you, running with a handicap can bring in more of a challenge, and help you improve playing the killer.

    -Some killers have horrible addons (ex: Pyramid Head, Freddy), so playing with addons makes either no difference or a negligble one.

    -Personal/other reasons.

  • Member Posts: 12

    It's easier to learn killers from a baseline ( add-ons throw that off ).

    The Doctor - Herman Carter throws out electric shocks in a cone. There's a common add-on that adds 2 metres to his shock distance. If you get used to that extra 2m, and then switch to another add-on, you have to readjust for your skill shots.

    Similarly, the Cenobite throws out chains and you can boost the steering, turning ( curving ) effect of the chain but I'm learning to do without the add-on. Eventually I'll start trying the add-ons to see how they affect the torque. I love the Physics of the skillshots.

    I think historically, the basic add-ons were a nice way to give beginner players training wheels.

    I noticed that add-ons that were once Purple ( very rare ) for the Nurse are now common add-ons:

    In 2018, I had to learn Nurse the hard way ( it was like watching someone learning to drive a manual car ): stop, start, stop, start, stop, start, because I could never afford to use the Purple add-ons. It's just a case of learning the calculus by trial and error.

  • Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2023

    The Doctor ( Herman Carter ) throws out a shock cone. There's a common add-on that adds 2 metres to the shock range. It's easy to become used to hitting long range shots, and when you swap the add-on for something that adds mind games ( like Illusionary Pallets ), you start missing your skill shots, because you are 2 metres short, so there's a slight range readjustment.

    I'm learning the Cenobite and I'm not using add-ons, to get a feel for the Physics of how the chains fly out. When the chain flies out, you have a tight window to modify the flight curve of the chain, so there are add-ons like +10% or +15% turning. It's easier to learn from a baseline.

    I think traditionally, the common items were kind of like training wheels for newer players?

    4+ years ago, Nurse had a Purple ( very rare ) add-on that allowed you to see where she was teleporting too. It was always too expensive for me to run the add-on, so I had to learn how to "do without". Me playing Nurse probably looked like someone learning how to drive a manual car. They changed to add-on to common rarity:

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