Gimmicks, Specialists, and the Jack-of-All-Trades

KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,696

Which one are you most often?


  • 4 Perks that buff you for different tasks (synergy is tangential or non-existent)


  • 4 Perks that buff you for the same task, and are guaranteed to get value (synergy likely, but not required)


  • 4 Perks that provide a significant advantage, but do not reliably provide value (synergy required)


Those that run gimmicky builds, how often do you feel like you get value?

If you are a Survivor, do you play solo or SWF, and does playing SWF make it easier to get value out of your build?

If you are a Killer, do you lean into the Killer's strengths, or make up for their weaknesses?

If you play both roles evenly, is your playstyle the same for Survivor as it is Killer?


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,004
    edited July 2023

    I use JoAT on my main Yui.

    For other survivors, they're Specialist or Gimmick






    Changing character completely change the playstyle. Honestly I play Yui less nowaday because for me Specialist is more fun.

    You can see that except for Meg (I use running build, possibly change Fixate to Made for this), if I get tunneled while playing other, Im completely defenseless. Im always go back to Yui/Meg if I get tunneled 2-3 times in a row.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 7,984

    I generally play a jack of all trades when I play survivor. I like running various information perks so I know what's going on around me and I can play efficiently. Bond for example is great for telling me who's around who can heal/needs heals, while also telling me if a teammate is gonna run the killer past me. WOO has been a pretty big crutch perk for me lately on letting me know what pallets are still standing late in the game. Deja vu cuts down on time needed to find gens, especially on indoor maps. Also ruins any 3 gen situations early on.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,510

    Depends on who were playing (we like thematic builds/ builds with conditions) but generally we'd fall under your definition of specialist (Ex: Claudette is a medic, Cybil rescues ppl, yui goes fast). And yes our style would be the same as survivor or killer (assuming we understand the question right.)

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,994

    Whatever this is i dont know

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,696

    Love that you use different Survivors for each build type!

    I'm also a Yui main, and used to love running that build you have on Jake. ..right up until I ran out of sabo toolboxes haha

    Full aura reading builds are so underrated. Do you run Empathic Connection as well, to provide teammates that crucial intel?

    Such a fun way to play! Always wished Survivors were required to use at least one of their perks, as a small way of giving them diversity in play

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I think Jack of all Trades might be the best one if you have a more team based approach (even if solo), as long as you bring perks that give you value everygame instead of extremely niche ones that can be useless.

    The only specialist I have fun playing is a full blind build. Flashbang, Blastmine and Residual Manifest and it's rather hard to get to work anyway because you need quite a bit of time to start it up and if you get chased first and die first you won't get to use it at all. Plus, to be useful to the team you need to be at the right place at the right time, which can be difficult in solo.

    The other specialist build I like is an items build. I just bring Ace in the Hole, Appraisal and from now on Nic's perk that has a chance to give you an item.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138

    I used to play a Specialist (but almsot gimmicky because it mostly only works once) Lithe, Quiet & Quiet, Dance With Me, Windows build.

    I also like having the fun lootbox chest build, which would be Gimmick.

    Nowadays I'm more of a Jack of All Trades with builds with usually one strong heal perk (at the moment, I'm in love with Autodidact, but used to be We'll Make It), a coordination aura perk (Aftercare my beloved), a chase aura perk (Windows), and then the last perk is anybody's guess depending on my mood.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Very strict Jack, because I don't know beforehand what my teammates will be, plus there are very limited options as survivor (unless you want to end up game very early)


    • Kindred (info, must have and irreplacable)
    • Sprintburst/Lithe (chase, to prolong as much as possible)
    • Inner Healing (to have healing backup, replaced former CoH)
    • Distortion (to survive/trick/ambush + info)

    Unless I want to fool around and throw the game, these four perks cannot be replaced.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I'm gimmicky! I say this because I mostly run three builds:

    No Mither, Made For This, Resilience, [free slot]

    Saboteur, Breakout, Mettle of Man, [free slot]

    Appraisal, Ace in the Hole, [free slot], [free slot]

    I feel like my No Mither gets the most value out of it since MFT and Resilience make me more efficient all the time, as well as the fact that I use it the most and my playstyle kinda reflects that. The Saboteur build barely gets value, sadly, even since the buffs. The chest build has a 100% value guarantee for only two perk slots! You will often catch me using Desperate Measures, Fixated, and Inner Focus in my free slots

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 531

    I play solo 100% of the time & largely play only aura builds,

    Knowledge is often key in this game swf have it & play meta I give myself it & survive more around 50% of the time

    Kindred, bond, are main stays

    Usually detective hunch if I need a med kit from chest or a hex in play.

    Last one changes a bit used to be dark sense didn't like the change to it, sometimes fogwise, some times alert, occassionally windows (quite rare) empathy to help with heals or stake out which isn't aura reading but it helps with gens & if it starts filling up killer is close by.