Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Survivor sided patch notes



  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,900

    Survivors didn't get any big balance changes this patch either. The only thing they got were some perk changes and Nick Cage.

    Killers will also get a solo chapter in November, so it's not like survivors are the only ones getting anything.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    The buffs to Coup, Claustrophobia, Trail of Torment, Crowd Control and even Hangmans are very potent! Maybe try it out before complaining. I did try them out, and they felt really nice:

    • Coup - So many tokens! If you are just a little bit cautious with your lunges, you will never run out of tokens, really. And esp in the new MFT-meta, having an insanely long lunge at your disposal really helps.
    • Claustrophobia - This perk alone handed me 4 downs in Thompson house, bc it created dead ends (and I did not break the walls there). Sure it's map dependent, but on maps with many string windows, like Lerrys, Haddonfield, Garden of Joy, this perk is a menace!
    • Trail of Torment - It feels so nice to keep undetectable after a hit! In indoor maps thats devastating for the survivors. Had it on Midwich, and got so many surprise attacks with it. Will be weaker on open maps sure. But still really strong with High mobility killers. I used it with Singularity, so placed a pod at the gen, and the instance I lose Undetectable I switch there and could switch to the pod and infect the survivor(s).
    • Crowd Control - A window blocked for a whole minute is insanely long. Sadly did not get much value out of it when trying it out just bc it was cleansed. But with the right build (hexes) it will be a real threat.
    • Hangmans - 12m range around a hook is nothing to frown upon. I also was not sure how this one would play out, but it actually helped alot in knowing where survivors hide (for unhook) or doing a gen. Ofc it has some RNG, if your scourge hooks are bad, you won't get much use out of it. But it's still MILES better than the previous one, where you could play for games and not see an aura once. The only thing thats missing for me is some lingering effect after a hook, that would help a bit.

    Sure, they are not S-tier level, but they improved significantly from D-F tier to A-C tier. I certainly will play them more now. But I'm also not the person to stack 4 slowdown perks.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259
    edited July 2023

    You didn't even play the game back then if you say that, alot of these people complaining just suck at the game and can't accept they aren't the greatest thing since sliced bread , if you played at all back then there were insta heals that picked survivors up from dying to fully healthy, sabo hooks stayed gone a long with traps leaving the killer with only the basement praying they had iron grasp, true infinites without the entity blockers, recovering exhaustion, being able to dead hard onto objects from a height and hold the game hostage, old Ds where it activated on first down, old balanced landing, old self care where you were healed in like 12 secs , etc..... If someone still has trouble after all of the above was removed it's because they're bad at the game , those of us who played during all that don't have an issue with today's DBD because it's probably the most balanced it's ever going to be right now.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Is it really a generalization whenever you look at the main gen discussion page and it's a bunch of crying about survivors majority of the time?

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    The problem with solo is matchmaking & the fact that killer has a much lower skill floor than survivor so even a newbie can basically camp-tunnel their way to an MMR bracket where they don’t belong. Then they smurf their games or lobby shop till they find newer or weaker in some other way survivors to bulldoze, perpetuating the cycle.

  • NotAnotherDoctor
    NotAnotherDoctor Member Posts: 309




  • CrusaderNella
    CrusaderNella Member Posts: 331

    The Prove Thyself nerf is only to bloodpoints, and if you want Otz's video, you will see the BNP 'nerf" isn't so much as a nerf as a side grade

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    I just looked at the main page, and there's not a single complaint about survivors right now (apart from this thread). The majority is about whether Onryo is better now or not, and that Skully sucks.

    The person I replied to wrote "Killer mains are NEVER HAPPY. They never will be. ...". Would you say thats a valuable or reasonable argument? I find such an attitude deeply troublesome. Demonizing part of the player base.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,065
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Give it time, you will see 1 day survivors will not use Prove thyself anymore. As the same day you might prefer Devs to revert the nerf of the perk because 3 Gens done after the 1st chase instead of 1 every match.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259
    edited July 2023

    Well I mean he's not wrong and there are definitely others besides this one, I'll go on and say that survivors who don't play the other side are just as bad, anyone who isn't actively playing both sides is more than likely the ones complaining, there are complaints on both sides but killers were complaining even after they did an entire overhaul and gave a across the board buff to every killer because they were base mechanic changes everyone benefited from, people will never be happy and it's not just the killer side

  • MrPsych
    MrPsych Member Posts: 265

    Strange, I'm also EST located and Killer Incentives were 100% for me. At this point it's safe to say I fail to understand how the mechanics of incentives work at all.

    Personally I like 100% BP incentive because it gets your BP up fast and queue times are almost non existant. You sometimes get a mismatch here and there but this is to be expected for an asymetrical game. Even then, I typically get matched with proper survivors more often than not.

    I tried survivor out of curiosity yesterday once, I waited about five minutes to get a game going. Not as bad as people around said, but still pretty long.

    And yeah I wouldn't worry about SWF, at this point it's just a catch-all excuse for killers who do poorly because it's easier to blame others than themself. As you say, it's a boogeyman.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I can´t follow your logic here.

    If killers get to higher mmr ratings, due to the lower skill floor, then they are matched against much more skilled survivors, which put them in their place.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,712

    I wish posts like this were insta-deleted by mods. This divisive rhetoric needs to stop.

    Not to mention the fact that this post is totally ignorant to the development cycle of live-service games.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570
    edited July 2023

    If they aren’t happening all at once then whats ur point? LoL whats the difference between a surv waiting for a flashlight save and a FTP+BU save? Like ? Hahah

    Also if u dont think 3 survs not doing gens is no big deal, and u dont care it only reflects on ur game sense tbh. No wonder u think this combo is op lmao

  • UnavailableName
    UnavailableName Member Posts: 298
    • New HUD to give more infos to no-SWFs
    • MFT + Hope + Resilience + Arenaline
    • Distorsion
    • New BNP is pretty strong actually

    It has never been easier to win as survivor. High MMR survivors have an easy time in soloQ/DuoQ, i personnaly do. Let's not talk about SWFs as on my side we get 3 escapes most of the times.

    I dunno how survivor mains can even think that the game is not survivor sided or balanced. It is not balanced and that is why there are less and less killers.

    I'm a 50/50 players. I will admit that i escape way less than before the overall of the game, at that time i had above 90% escape rate in SWFs; today it is around 75/70% in SWFs. It is still way too high.

    The last changes the devs have brought to the table have just made the game worse gameplay wise, many things are frustrating : long healing, no self heal possible, longer gens. But they have also brought some perks that make the chases extremely easy : MFT and WOO mostly. Resilience stack with those perks perfectly and then use Botany/Distorsion/WWMI/Adrenaline/Hope and you have a perfect META build, unbeatable by most killers if all 4 survivors use it.

    The killers kill rate in the stats provided by the devs means nothing as the MMR will give you an impossible to win trial and once you have lost once or twice iwith those parameters, the MM will give you easy games to even out the kill rate around 60%.

    If you look in tournament, the kill rate is barely 50% while the survivors have huge restriction on their build (single perk, single&low grade item etc...).

    The game is still extremely survivor sided. I do not say that killers cannot win those games, they can but they have to try hard so much compared to survivors that this is not fair at all.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2023

    Killers can & do still win at higher MMR by camp-tunneling. It’s just harder to pull off. They smurf to face survivors at lower skill brackets because those tactics are much less risky against weaker players.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 914

    Killers don't need anything right now except for maybe changing unfun mechanics or perks.

    If you can't win 7 out of 10 matches then it's a you-problem, sorry. Just play efficiently and you should win most games.

    There was a time when this game was definitely surv sided and you could load into a solo surv match and have a good chance of winning, right now it's definitely not like that.

  • UnavailableName
    UnavailableName Member Posts: 298

    If the killer does not camp/tunnel, it won't win against a competent team.

    If you cannot win soloQ trials, the problem is actually on your side and you are playing at an average or bad MMR.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Your timeline is off; the entity blocker existed when I started in 2018. It’s funny that you’re trying to tell me what I find enjoyable. Back then, gen regression actually existed and I was able to go for plenty of chases. Now that regression is gutted, I pretty much have to choose an area of the map to defend and hold that defense once I get a hook. Again, I still win the vast majority of my matches, but the way you have to play is extremely dull. It seems like the devs are trying to make the game less perk-based, which works for survivor but exposes the flawed base game for killer.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Decent survivors usually notice that playstyle and push gens.

    There is a reason why Bubba isn´t considered a top tier killer.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    ‘Decent survivors do X’ is a weak platitude killer mains posit to explain away poor game mechanics that benefit killers.

    And while I don’t know what ‘top tier’ means to you I do know the Cannibal performs quite well. Per the dev’s stats he outperforms several other killers.

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    You're entitled to your own opinion but I think you're intentionally embellishing for dramatic flair.

    90% escape rate? Thats very difficult for me to believe. If you're such a DBD survivor savant why even play killer? Show us some gameplay? Talk is cheap.

    Going on and on about "meta" perks with survivors is the very definition of using bad logic. A lot of survivors (including myself) never use meta perks. That pretty much shatters all the bad faith arguments constantly being parroted by killer mains .

    Solo queue is an abysmal state. And has been for a long time. The myth that hud changes made a significant change to solo queue is demonstrably false. It was a basic QOL feature that shouldn't have taken 7 years to implement.

    I cannot speak for SWF and "Seal Team Six" squads that killer mains constantly use as reasons to buff killers for. BHVR's own stats have dis spelled this myth but yet, its used in bad faith as justification for massive changes when killers get smoked by coordinated people who know how to deal with killers that can only hard tunnel and proxy camp for their wins.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • UnavailableName
    UnavailableName Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2023

    Believe it or not, before the game's overall i had an escape rate around 90%. My SWFs was extremely high skilled so it helped a lot.

    Today my SWFs is good but not top tier and still i escape 70%+ of the time and we get 3E more than often.

    You maybe do not use META perks but 99% of the survivors at my MMR use them, i don't see your point here lol...

    Why do i play killer ? Cause i like the characters even though the game is totally unbalanced.

    SoloQ is abysmal when you do not play META perks and so end up in the ELO hell. If you escape a lot, you reach high MMR and you often have great teammates.

    HUD changed a lot the soloQ experience at high level, the extra infos i get help me to decide what to do and when to do it.

    BHVR perfectly know good SWFs destroys most killer players adn they should balance the game around high skill level, not to please bad players.

    Edit : and to show you i'm objective about the game's state, devs should nerf Blight and Nurse, deeply, those killers are completely broken and unhealthy for the overall design of the game.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Well I've been here since the beginning is why I have my opinion i went through hell playing killer in 2016-2017, not trying to tell you what you believe is fun but if you had dealt with all of that above at once you probably would hold a different opinion about the state for killers, this game almost died during that time period I'm referring to, it dwindled to 8,000 active players or something like that at one point before the game finally took off

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    I’ll say again: It was more fun in 2018-19. The devs always show their colors. Back then they said that running infinites was skillful.

  • UnavailableName
    UnavailableName Member Posts: 298

    El famoso BNP - dead

    The devs are wrong about the BNP nerfs... | Dead by Daylight - YouTube

    It is actually a buff.

    Some players here should try to understand how the game's mechanics work.

    You are exactly as entilted survivor players that say MFT is okay and that 3% haste is nothing, you do not understand how the game works, at all

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Well actually...

    - Prove Thyself nerf

    - BNP Nerf

    - Coldwind Rework

    - Sadako rework (Very overtuned)

    - Perk updates

    Killers got all these things this patch.

    Killers don't need anything big or game changing each update. Plus they've been getting a lot of attention for a good while now while survivors got continuous nerfs for the longest time.

  • Worgen
    Worgen Member Posts: 67

    lmao this post

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570

    If u look at the stats Bubbas pick rate/ kill rate he is completely average. So no Bubba is, and never has been top tier. Just FYI

    btw “outperforming” several killers mean nothing there are over 30 Killers, Bubba is bound to outperform some so

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,466

    So we’re just gonna ingore the half dozen Hag add-ons that got nice buffs?

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,513

    Yes, but if she manages to hit you, you get TWO stacks. I've talked to Sadako mains who all HATED the PTB but LOVE what made it to the Live servers.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,513
  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679

    All I'm really seeing lately is nerfs to killers and new/buffed survivor perks that can be massively abused by SWF & dont have much impact on solo queue.

    Its mind boggling that they constantly give SWF new toxic abusable builds to mock the killer with. SWF is the last thing that should be buffed in this game and it's happening over and over these days.

    The horror aspect in this game is an absolute joke. The killer is literally afraid to do anything these days for the fear that he might get a pallet dropped on his head, blinded, endurance hits etc etc. There's currently another 2 toxic builds to add to the numerous other toxic builds that SWF bully squads run and I'm guessing there will be a few more with the new buffs and perks available.

    Queue times are already getting much longer I've noticed tonight. With the implementation of abusable builds and playing against bots I'm not surprised killer mains are taking time away from DBD.

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

    100%. Most farm maps are literally garbage for survivors now.

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273
  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 798

    I sort of agree, but I am hoping the FOV slider option for Killer players makes up for many of these recent Survivor buffs.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited July 2023

    Then get another tape?

    I mean, i´ve seen the first survivors actually turning the tapes in so people are learning how to play against Sadako.

    Biggest issue so far is that people are not used to her mechanic and don´t know what to do. But this will fade quickly as more people play against her. Once thats solved we´ll see how strong she actually is. First days of a rework/release of a new killer it really isn´t possible to draw any conclusions on the killers strength.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,513

    Hako is a Sadako main, has been since she came out. Above I posted an in-depth guide he made a few days ago about her. I've spoken with him directly, and it's his take that this patch is an overall buff for her in so many ways. Yes, this is a long video, but it's an in-depth guide its worth it to watch it, especially if you plan to play Sadako going forward, or play against her.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    This. Thank you. I'd much rather see buffs on useless perks to add lore variety than just nerf nerf nerf. It gets so stale and boring I had to step back from this game for a while.

    I've perk bloat to deal with, homenogized medkits and what's next, our last useful item, toolbox maybe. When I first started playing this game had a lot of variety. Now it's just...depressing.

    It's a shame too because there could be so many fun options, but again, what do I know?

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 562

    Have you... played the Onryo?

    Clearly not... do it.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913


    I didn't forget you, I'm just lazy.

    I'll start a cooking thread in the off-topic section before too long. Going on an extended fast so my fat ass can drop a few pounds, and my favorite thing to do when I'm fasting is watch cooking shows and read cookbooks all day.

    I do have a bunch of my favorite recipes stored somewhere, also.

    Well, the cookbook calls it a "crispy egg", but it's really just poaching an egg halfway and then deep frying it. It looks good; haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I'm more excited about the recipe that's on the page after that one. That is probably going in the cooking thread, if you're interested.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636
    edited August 2023

    Sadako is a certified pub-stomper now, brother. I don't know what game it is you're playing...

    Edit: To be fair, I say we do have to wait a month or two to fully judge her. Once survivors adapt to her new play-style it might be a different story.

  • BillToLast
    BillToLast Member Posts: 73

    Literally wrong. A bunch of ungrounded complaints from a survivor main.

    • 60% killrate is what the devs are aiming for and it takes into consideration that the survivor team is 4x more likely to make a blunder that costs them the match. Therefore, if both sides are equally strong, the killer is 4 times as likely to win.
    • Dead Hard is still a strong and viable perk that pairs well with MFT and Balanced Landing, and now the killers won't even wait it out.
    • Decisive Strike is a decent perk, as long as you use it correctly and go down near a good tile. It requires skill to use and isn't a free win if the killer has to tunnel.
    • COH is still a very strong perk, especially after they increased the altruistic healing bonus. You can set up a safe reset area for the entire team for a single perk slot.
    • Iron Will is still fine and completely prevents you from being heard inside lockers while injured.
    • Prove Thyself nerf doesn't mean much, because doubling up on gens is a bad idea to begin with.
    • BNPs are even stronger than before and can counter most regression perks, watch Otzdarva's explanation.
    • Gens take 10 seconds more, meanwhile all passive regression perks have been gutted severely.
    • Self Healing is heavily nerfed and that is a good thing. Survivors are meant to work as a team, not be 1 man armies.
    • Coldwind maps have been reworked from being extremely survivor sided to being slightly survivor sided.

    Your post proves that survivor main opinions are ignorant of the experience of the other side.

    Killers have taken many severe nerfs with the last 5 patches:

    • COB and Overcharge both massively gutted, making them completely worthless even in dedicated builds. COB is now straight up a much much weaker version of Surveillance.
    • PainRes nerfed. It's still good, but is a lot weaker and less reliable.
    • Survivor basekit massively buffed with fast vault changes.
    • Killer basekit nerfed with hook grab removal, guaranteeing an easy trade that most killers cannot prevent. Even team Eternal complained about it being too easy for them now.
    • Survivors received very powerful A- and S-tier perks:
    • Made For This gives you passive speed boost with no skill required, Scavenger gives potentially infinite toolbox charges, Troubleshooter is an all-round good team perk, Plot Twist can let you force the killer into a lose-lose situation, new Buckle Up can be paired with FTP to make survivors literally unstoppable with no counter from the killer.
    • Killers received trash or very niche perks:
    • Genetic Limits is garbage, as explained by Otzdarva, Forced Hesitation is decent, but not strong enough to justify a perk slot outside of slug builds, and Machine Learning is so useless I had to actually look at the wiki right now to see what it was even called.

    For context, I play both sides almost equally, but I have much easier time when playing survivor, even in soloQ.