If you could effectively kill off any killer, and not have them in the game again, who?
sequel to my last survivor post from 2 and a half years ago, oh boy these answers will be good.
also, the """teachables""" (calling them that since I'm old gen) WILL get removed as a result of this, so choose wisely.
Skull Merchant. Nobody cares about her anyway, including her teachables.
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agreed oml
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Skull Merchant is an obvious one but I have to say I audibly groan to myself when I see a Legion or Plague... not a big fan of Alc Ring Blight either.
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I really like game afoot, it pairs really well with STBFL and PWYF. Thwack is also really fun on killers who can break pallets quickly
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Skull Merchant obviously
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hot take the legion is not that bad UNLESS they run sloppy
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Dont be that person, we dont do this here.
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okay maybe i shoulda prefaced this by not including her in the answer pool but youre still free to answer
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Maybe add "except Skull Merchant". Otherwise you will only get the same response from everyone.
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A part of me just wants to say Skull Merchant, but in all honesty, I barely go up against once per week, go next deals with her just fine. Now Blight and Wesker on the other hand...if I never saw those two killers ever again in any game of mine, I'd be happy. Yes, I'd take more Spirits and Nurses gladly.
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Sloppy doesn't even work on Legion other than normal M1's, so it's not good on Legion.
Thana is much more effective and I see it a lot but what I really hate about Legion is mending and the fact he gets cheap hits you can avoid for the most part.
But the mending is so annoying and so boring.
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Obvious answer - Skull Merchant
Non Meta Answer - Artist - Her sound design gives me genuine headaches and it's been an issue since she released - I have to lower my volume to 5% to play against her which basically screws me the entire game but it's to avoid getting a headache. I also don't particularly find her power to be fun to play with or against but the main reason is the sounds she makes.
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I'd second this. Artist is one killer I don't enjoy from either role.
Another would be Clown, or Pinhead, but they have some decent perks at least.
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But I loooove using Thwack. :<
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Hag, I just abhor hag. She feels awful to play as, she feels awful to play against.
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Blight because he's untouchable by the game balance team. At least they've admitted skull merchant is a problem and will be changed eventually.
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Probbly Plague. I would miss Corrupt but at least I wouldn't have to face her again.
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Spirit... Not for any kind of balance reason, but just because when I was new to survivor she freaked me out. I'd spend the whole match as a nervous mess. I guess you could make the argument that this is a horror game, but for the most part...it's really just a horror theme rather than being horror genre.
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Blight is too fast for Nerfs.
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Agree with everyone saying Skull Merchant.
I doubt most people would even notice she’s gone.
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His perks suck and he's literally just a gigabuffed Demo while not that interesting and I'd rather just have Demo back.
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Her name begins with Dull and ends with Merchant.
Sometimes I wish I could just face camp her instead of the survivors...
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Easiest question to answer ever since they introduced SM into the game.
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obvious answer: sm
another one: knight.
*they are the same picture.jpg* but whatever
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All killers that are completely breaking the game design - SM, Nurse, Blight.
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There is a counter to Knight, your teammate not in chase need to trigger the ghost or take the flag
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Skull merchant or trapper, skull merchant because she shouldnt exist and trapper because I never play him and never see him he is also just a meme character, so him being deleteed wont be even an issue.
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This game would be so much better without Skull Merchant in it. Not surprised 80% of comments were voting her out.
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Wesker and Huntress.
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Hmmm. A very tricky question indeed. Probably the Freddy wannabe.
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As someone that primarily plays survivor I would do away with ghostface. The only reason is I hate that there's a killer that can know where you are just because you look at them. It annoys me to death
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Other than the very obvious answer (Skull Merchant), I'm going with Wesker. He's annoying in every aspect and his perks kinda stink.
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Other than SM, probably Knight.
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knight. hate him. yes i hate him more than sm
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Sorry i cant pick just one. Skull merchant knight legion huntress singularity bubba dredge artist are who i would pick. If i could pick which killers i could go up against a lot i would say Oni demogorgon blight pyramid head off the top of my head
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Trickster. Personally I hate playing against him 100% of the time and I can't play him either
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I care, I main sm
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Skull Merchant. The sooner the better. I don't care if she is rare, the moment I notice I am going against her I just wanna DC and eat the penalty instead of being trapped in what feels like an eternal match.
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There is only one answer to this question. Skull Merchant.
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mid merchant. garbage perks and garbage character.
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i did not know that thanks for telling me mb
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tough choice for knight and sm tbh
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SM and Wesker, the latter because he appears literally every other match.
Survivor - Claire, loud insufferable noises.
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Wesker. Then Wesker again, followed by a Wesker just to make sure.
I prefer nurse blinks that don't auto-attack everything along their trajectory - it leads to more strategy in both side's movement.
Even if he had the best teachables in the game - still Wesker. Always Wesker.
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No not my claire😢
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Definitely skull merchant. I haven’t played as her so I probably don’t have the best opinion, but I will say I think she has the worst character design of any killer in the game and in my eyes, she doesn’t aesthetically fit AT ALL. Plus everyone else hates her anyway so I just wouldn’t care if she’s gone.
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Either Wesker, Blight or Hillbilly.
Probably Wesker the most.
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why hillbilly