General Discussions

General Discussions

Is This Reportable?

Member Posts: 3,586
edited July 2023 in General Discussions

I had 2 Survivors using Made For This, Blood Pact, and Teamwork: Power of Two that refused to repair Generators and spent 40 minutes running around the main building of Gas Heaven. They would keep vaulting the window and would gain distance, and chase kept being broken so I was unable to build Bloodlust.

Since there were still Generators remaining, I was unable to open the gates for force EGC. Because of the main building, I was unable to gain distance. And even when I went AFK for 5 minutes, they spent the entire time tbagging and flashlight clicking and still never repaired a Generator.

I just ended up DCing since at that point I had spent 40 minutes in a match against my will and knew that they would force me to stay longer.

In the post-game chat, I got harassed by them for DCing and they said that I was "ruining their fun", despite the fact that the match was stuck in a stalement for 40 minutes and they would not do anything to stop it.

I was using Ghostface so I basically had nothing to help me.

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  • Member Posts: 419

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    IIRC you need video evidence of them not touching gens (at all) for 10 straight minutes, then you get them banned for holding the game hostage. Technically if they tap a gen every 9m50s it isn't bannable. Also they might have loosened the rules since Skull Merchant came out, so definitely double check the ban rules. The main thing though is you need to record the gameplay as Killer.

  • Member Posts: 937

    It's nothing against you by any means but who is going to record all their games like that incase something happens?

    I know there is a record so and so minutes back feature but it doesn't always work.

    This game needs to deal with it the way most other ones do. When I report someone in FFXIV they check logs (not chat) and ban cheaters very quickly. In a game like this one would think that would be a staple feature. It's not our job as players to record these things.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Well the person said they played for 40 minutes before DCing. After the first 5 minutes you could start the recording, at least on PC. Its not like they are gunna repair the gens and escape, you got the time. You could even take the time to alt-tab, google, and install recording software at that point. Same thing I do with blatant cheaters. Once they reveal their hand, that they plan on holding the game hostage, or someone else cheating blatantly, I start recording. I change my win condition to 'gather enough evidence for a ban'.

    I don't disagree that requiring a recording is a high ask of most players, but what else can be done? Part of the problem is the game originally was designed around P2P connection. Arguably all a server is programmed as, is a 6th player to host the match. While I would love a replay system, most games need to be designed from the ground up around replays. That basically means rebuilding the game from the ground up. We would more likely get a DBD2 with replays, than replays in the base game.

    Also I would recommend any mid level player (basically anyone who no longer considers themself a newbie, and can't win as Killer without gen slowdown perks on their best Killer) to record their own matches if they want to improve. I honestly believe you could learn more from analyzing a close or crushing defeat, than could be learned from any victories. Even then, the victories could have moments the player messed up, and the recording would help be objective evidence of how they could improve. That way the recording being available for a ban becomes a neat side benefit instead.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Unfortunately that's not gonna be possible for everyone. My little switch ain't recording a thing, lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    Man...people are so bored in this game.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I mean technically you do have a record function on the switch too. It's just not going to be sufficient posting a bunch 30 seconds clips.

    Anyways, I play on pc and I have never recorded my games. And to be frank, that shouldn't be expected. BHVR could track these things ingame (they even do it for skillchecks etc.) but for some reason they still don't. After 7 years.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I'm pretty sure I recall the devs saying on this forum before that refusing to do gens is reportable. Your situation sounds like exactly the sort of thing they were referring to.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Yes that’s reportable and it’s part of why Haste stacking needs to go.

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