Devs can you please give us the option to NOT censor chat?

I don't know why a M rated game with extreme and gratuitous gore and violence needs a censor anyway. I understand some people are sensitive to curses but I'm willing to bet the vast majority would turn the censor off if given the chance. Make it an opt in Option so no one is surprised by it, but please let us choose if we want a censor or not. Every other multiplayer game I have played has this option, it's time for this one to have it as well.

P.S. An advantage to this would be that I know to report someone for using slurs because I'll see the slur instead of a line of hashtags and know to report them.


  • BugReporterOnly
    BugReporterOnly Member Posts: 504

    The problem is the misogynistic, racists, homophobic people will say things to people in chat. They just need to fix it so things like GG won't be blocked.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The filter is insanely strict, but that consequence of the subsection of the community that finds itself overly comfortable saying slurs of all kinds with reckless abandon to the point there was consideration to just remove endgame chat entirely.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 747

    Would be nice, if the filter is limited and not too restrictive; especially with words like "Kill"

    I rather they simple gives us a option to censor our words in the setting. Give us the option to disable the chat.

    But then again... I am a playstation player, so i have no say in the matter since chat is unavailable. XD

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570
    edited July 2023

    Never gonna happen bud. Companies tend to do this to avoid toxicity and bad press.

    It doesnt reflect well on BHVR if they allow u to say racial/homophobic/anti semitic slurs without filter. And its not worth it to devise a system to not filter only a couple words

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,017
    edited July 2023

    Playing Devil's Advocate as I'm on PS5, so everything is silent for me anyway... xD

    However isn't kinda on the individual to decide if they want a filter on or not though? To manage what chat messages that they see?

    I mean sure, I don't like people saying any of these things ofc, but shouldn't it be my decision as to whether or not I want it censored? Especially as taking offense to something is subjective to the individual. You can have the filter on by default sure, but I should be able to turn it off if I desire, surely?

    For example, how can I ever assess whether I want to try and educate, challenge, or just ban/block someone if I can't even tell what they're saying?

    It's especially ironic considering a number of voice lines from Nicholas Cage himself contains swear words... 😏

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 425

    "Killer" is also often censored. The Censorship system sucks so bad.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570

    It would be individual IF it didn’t reflect on BHVR as a whole. You can decide what u see correct, but the game is not abt u or me. BHVR has a reputation and people they answer to.

    I remember once they had to ask some content creators to stop saying “kick the baby” when referring to Victor as it had several bad implications for them. With the chat censor it’s similar

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The swearing isn't the issue it is just something caught in the crossfire.

    There is a pretty heavily documented history of people being extremely horrible and even when the filter was a bit more lenient folks wouldn't take the hint to knock off with the actual hate speech and death threats instead constantly trying to subvert the filter. As a result now we have hair trigger filter.

    This game's also got a large public footprint that is probably harder to manage than it should be just by how it is designed when it comes to keeping players in check. If there were more ways to communicate directly you could weirdly enough bait the bad actors into getting themselves clapped more efficiently with an automatic system.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    It amuses me Nicolas Cage is allowed to swear, but the same words can't be used by us because they are offensive.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    That chat box has always seemed to be more trouble than it's worth, kinda glad those of us on console don't even see it.

    Easiest solution is to get rid of it altogether. Most of the playerbase can't use it in the first place, just a holdover from when the game was only on Steam.

    And it would be one less thing they'd have to monitor and moderate, saving them what they call "bandwidth" in the process.

  • KriszerK
    KriszerK Member Posts: 20

    We don't only need this, but many more quality of life settings that would improve the experience of a player, like more advanced graphics settings, like in any other game. Also idk why but VSync is one of the most important setting in gaming and the option to turn it off/on doesn't exist in dbd.

  • Chaotic_Wretch
    Chaotic_Wretch Member Posts: 94

    You can turn it off in your GameUserSettings.ini. I turned it off along with the awful anti-aliasing this game has.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    For real. It’s silly that it even exists. At least give us the option to turn it off for ourselves. I actually think most people would turn it off given the option.

  • shiroo
    shiroo Member Posts: 178

    I mean I wouldn't mind chat being censored if only it was actually working properly and not censoring random words...either make it work properly or give us the option to turn it off since sometimes it's impossible to say what other person is trying to type because the whole thing is just censored for no reason.