Buckle Up , For The People Meta , Made for This (meta perk SWF)

Buckle Up , For The People , Made for this Meta use by some random SWF is so strong especialy on high MMR.
Why BHVR always love to make perk to only bully killer .
Damn im leaving this game
I wouldn't really sweat it. There's no way in he'll this combo is staying.
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Don’t you think this is a tad bit over dramatic?
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Funny enough about this is that wesker can completely counter buckle up and for the people combo because if you just use your power to slam a enjured survivor you just pick them up so they can't do it which hilarious cause it completely counters there build
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While it's true that a survivor got off gens to assist a teammate, if the killer isn't allowed to keep any down they get, it really doesn't matter. You still have survivors doing gens and the killer is unable to maintain any pressure. The only way to actually stop this is to ensure EVERY survivor around is injured before downing anyone.
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if a survivor has endurance wesker just smacks them with his power, it doesnt pick them up
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10s of running = 40m of distance covered. Theres gonna be a pallet within 40m.
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They're talking about BEFORE that. You can't use FTP on someone being carried, and Wesker can skip putting someone in the dying state and go straight to carrying.
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current survivor meta kinda plays the game for you imo. MFT + WoO just makes chasing like playing 3d osu.
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Couldn't you have just complained about the synergy of FTP + BU instead of throwing a fit? You had plenty of time to reconsider whilst loading up the website and creating the thread. Storming out the house probably isn't even necessary as I'm sure it's synergy will be removed.
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They really should stop designing perks that can only be abused by SWFs.
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This isn't even really a SWF only combo. The only one who needs to really do anything is the person with the perks. Unlike other plays where you need to coordinate if they go down near a pallet or a locker or something, this has no such requirements. Only thing they have to do is avoid being grabbed. You can play Solo Q and pop this on ppl.
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Thank you for understanding that's exactly what I meant
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Bro if you read it I'm saying before that if your chasing them and you hit with your power and slam them while there injured you instantly pick up so they can't use for the people or buckle up please read throughly instead of jumping to conclusions
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ohh my bad, i misread. ty for clarifying
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No problem I'm just bringing awareness that if you are playing wesker and you see this perk combo always try and pick up with your power and they just wasted two perk slots 😂😂