Skull Merchant now confirmed to not be a failed Predator license

now will Ya’ll please learn how licensing works before jumping to conclusions with new characters?
(incase ur wondering, Predator and Alien have basically the same license holders aka Disney)
She is still a terrible designed killer.
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While she may not be the a failed Predator License, she does have a few things that give people that impression. Mainly her weapon and mori.
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How does this confirm anything lol? For all you know it is a failed chapter and they needed more time to work the details of the license out. Billy is Leatherface before they got the rights, Legion is practically Ghostface before they got the rights, who's to say Skull Merchant wasn't originally intended to be Predator?
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Anyone that wasn't an Alex Jones style conspiracy nutcase coulda told you that lol, it's just this community gets completely unhinged when something they don't like happens.
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I've never understood that take at all. She has some surface-level similarities to Predator, from what I've seen, but she pretty clearly isn't a failed license. Far too much effort went into her for that.
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i don’t deny that but my point still stands.
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Well yes, she’s very clearly inspired by Predator.
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The fact that she's nothing like Predator also confirms that.
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this argument is so bad lmao. they’re not going to work on a chapter (or atleast very minimally) until they secured the license. No way they’d have to make her completely similar to Predator just cause of that.
yes hillbilly is definitely inspired by Leatherface (truth), but that’s still like over a year and a half before hand that he was added. Ntm leatherface was a rushed mess 🤷
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yeah it’s just that this community is filled with people that can’t take a few minutes to research (to put it politely).
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Skull Merchant was a test to see if we wanted Predator instead after seeing something that closely resembles it. Predator is Ch 30! BOOYAH!! :D
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if Predator is C30 though, then that means they only spent 9 months on it if this funny theory were to be true lmao.
but in all seriousness, Predator has rlly high chance of being next chapter, no way in hell they got a deal with Disney and then didn’t also do a deal for Predator.
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You read my mind. MIND READERRR! Seriously, I'm telling you that's what they did.... IT HAS TO BE!! Why would you not ask for both while you're in there talking with them?! o.O
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FR like! Predator is def coming soon, whether it’s next chapter or the Alien chapter is a test for Disney and we’ll get it next year :D
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FR like! I’m predicting we’ll get it either next chapter after, or next year. Considering Disney might be testing Alien and then if it’s successful, we get Predator aswell! :D
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If she isn't, it's honestly worse.
Means they spent a full year on that Killer.
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I always found it funny when the rumor that SM was supposed to be Predator but BHVR lost license from leaks was being spread that the same people were saying Alien had to be next chapter due to Disney license guy interacting with DBD tweets. Like it made 0 sense why they'd take away one license but be totally cool with another one being released couple months later. 😂
While Predator would be a cool killer his lore would have him hunting the other killers not the survivor roster. To me it always made way more sense to have Skull Merchant as Predator influenced killer since they could have the aspects they like from Predator but change up the lore to kill the survivors.
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Devs it is now time for ewok from star wars.
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You know that all contracts aren’t the same right? There are many examples and instances the IP holders hold the right to pull their property at any point. Skull merchant is either a failed licensed chapter which would explain why she felt so rushed and terribly designed, or they legitimately spent time with on her and she still ended up being hot garbage. It doesn’t matter at the end of the day, SM is still terribly designed and thought of.
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Her mori definitely seems like it was supposed to be planned for Predator. It seems to me like he was supposed to come out of his camouflage and that's the reason the survivor has no clue she's behind them. Her current mori makes no sense and seems extremely rushed.
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That would be super underwhelming for a Predator mori, especially when you could have the survivor's spinal cord being ripped out instead.
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They don’t do gore like that and never have. They don’t want their game pulled for censoring purposes.
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Her mori is meant to be lore fitting, in her lore she’s known for placing her victims in elaborate scenario’s and planning out everything weeks in advance.
her mori doesn’t make sense in DBD but in lore it’s perfect as it’s an accurate way of her killing someone; oblivious and quickly.
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okay, this just feels like unnecessary hate.
her power is god awful yes, but nothing is even rlly that bad about her besides a wonky wall break anim and a “lackluster” Mori (despite it being lore perfect). there’s effort put into her, just not smart effort.
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idk, a spine pull is possible, BHVR did confirm part of the reason is gore isn’t super high is from technical limitations on the survivor models.
depends on how certain countries would react to a spine but otherwise ignoring laws it’s possible since a spine pull wouldn’t require tampering with the model and just summoning a separate prop.
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Intended for Predator, but they decided to give it to an original character is different from a "failed license." Failed license implies that they had the license and the license backed out and since Predator and Alien are owned by the same license holder, it wouldn't make sense for them to rip away Predator from BHVR and then say "but you can keep Alien." They would pull both licenses. That's why it proves it wasn't a failed Predator license. Also, that's how most people actually mean it when they say a failed license. Whenever people talked about it they would constantly talk about how Predator had the license but the license got pulled.
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if BHVR actually went for a contract like that then it would’ve been ridiculously stupid on their part.
NTM, why did Alien not get pulled but Predator did???
even it was a failed license, it could’ve only been early in development and wouldn’t have damaged her development severely.
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Besides her visual design, which is mostly personal taste (except for mask, no excuse for that)
Her animations are all bad. Not a single one of them is good. Her walk cycle is just the epitome of horrid. Her Mori sucks, especially compared to Knight and Singularity.
Her sounds are all horrendous. Every single one of them is a huge step down from Knight, the Killer directly previous to her. The sounds are all extremely annoying. Not even Artist's noises grate my ears that much. Her chase music is a half second loop that sounds like Ghostface's washing machine music we had a while back.
Her Kit feels rushed and hastily put together without proper testing. Her design feels rushed. So, like I said, it's honestly worse that there wasn't some extenuating circumstance that caused them to need to push out a Killer quickly. That means they had plenty of time to see these issues or make her better and they didn't.
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An unconfirmed assumption is not confirmed by the addition of something unrelated to unconfirmed assumption, just saying.
With Disney's stock heading south for the winter and production being up ######### creek after a long series of commercial failures, I think we could reasonably expect them to be selling off IP and licenses like they are candy.
I hope BHVR didn't over pay for the license because, as great a license it is to have, basically the mouse needs the money.
It's the great new attraction the Disney stock slide.
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I never assumed that Skull Merchant was a failed Predator. I do, however, assume that she was inspired by Predator. A lot of the killers in this game were inspired or based off of popular horror franchises.
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Exactly why I think Predator is Ch 30. Only makes sense. Getting those 20th century licenses one after the other. :P Here we gooo!!
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The survivor role is 10x stronger than the killer role. The Predator has every reason to want to hunt survivors.
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You just could not resist, could you
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Why is your comment about me personally? How about addressing the topic instead of other forum community members?
I'm just saying, the Entity holds killers back so that survivors actually have hope. If killers were actually strong, survivors would feel hopeless and the Entity would starve. That's the reason survivors would be fair game for the Predator, not just other killers.
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I mean the Survivors are pretty nerfed too. Vittorio and Mikaela can do magic which would render most of the not supernatural killers useless. All of the RE survivors are arms-experts too but they're not allowed to have weapons, even with just a knife I'm pretty sure they could beat all the normal killers.
I'm also pretty certain Cheryl can destroy most of the killers too based off her strength in SH3, even the supernatural ones.
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You turned something that wasn't even remotely about balance into "Killers are soooooo weak"
Even from a lore perspective, Survivors also get extremely nerfed.
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Someone said that the Predator, if added to DbD, would hunt the other killers. I was talking about that, not game balance.
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You literally said, "Survivors are 10x stronger than Killers"
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Wish we had Wicket instead of Adriana
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Still not how that works. Separate people are working on at least three different chapters at the same time and usually licenses are planned well in advance.
She's kind of the filler to keep people occupied after Knight and Wesker until Singularity and Alien
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Why would people think that even?
Her weapon was obviously inspired by Predator just like Wraith cloaking was, yet that doesn't mean Wraith was failed Predator licence too