Fix Endgame Collapse for Last Survivor

Dipper Member Posts: 153
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

When the killer closes the hatch, they often are in a position, where they can switch gates faster than one can open it. This leads to survivors knowing that as soon as the hatch is closed and they are alone, that they are doomed if the killer wants the kill. So closing the hatch should at least give some progress to the exit gates, so they can be opened faster. This also means that if 2 or more survivors are left, there won't be a hatch to close and the exit gates need to be opened like normally

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    The only thing I think needs changing is the gate spawns. They can either spawn on the same ######### border, or the farthest they can be. Imo, they need some regulating.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    This would be helpful.

    Killer’s powers being used on/ near the Gate Switches makes the process much more difficult in addition to the gates spawning on same or adjacent walls.

    Plague’s puke

    Clown’s Vomit

    Trapper’s Traps

    Demo’s Teleportation

    Doc’s Static Blast

    Spirit/Blight/Wraith/Billy/Legion/Nurse speed between gates

    Knight/Pinhead’s power providing quick visuals

    (Oni and Hag are easier to manage)

    …these are all extremely tough added pressures lessening the successful gate opening for players who aren’t always running Switch assist perks. There’s just too much work around for survivors vs the powers, plus the additional base speed each killer’s been granted from the Entity.

    Gates should always spawn on opposite walls.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    All I can say is learn the 20/80 technique.

    Depending on the killer, you can sometimes open the door up to 20% progress without the light coming on, wait for them to check your door and then immediately hop back on after they leave.

    It's very precise but it's gotten me out of so many matches. Obviously it's not very usually against killers like Nurse, Blight, Oni with rage, or Spirit, or killers who can lay traps but it works against the other 4 killers XD

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    As Rakim said your only hope is wide door spawns and doing 20% to avoid any giveaways and then remaining 80%. You could also lean into that and go slightly above 20 and sneak to the other gate and gamble that the killer will be scanning the red lit gate for a bit.

    But mobile killers and close door spawns kill that strat. But I think that's ok, the final survivor has up to two chances baseline. You could always (I don't actually think this is worth it for what you give up) bring a key or run a hatch/door perk as well if you regularly find yourself in the situation of being last survivor and hatch shut.

    I do think putting gates guaranteed on opposite sides will end up with a much worse outcome of bringing hatch standoffs back. Killers who find the hatch first won't shut it as opposite side gates will almost assuredly mean the survivor gets out if you don't have a info perk/power that blocks the gate/high mobility. Similar to slugging for 4k killers just won't allow that situation to happen and will just stand on the hatch and wait for the survivor to make a move.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,476

    Nah. The devs once said endgame collapse shouldn't benefit anyone as it's just a means to an end. The whole point of it is so the game comes to an end. I agree with them on that, and I'm a survivor main. Unfortunately certain rng make it harder for survivors to escape via exit gate during it but that's just the nature of rng. One trick is to open gate progress to just before the c in 'escape' on the progress bar then hide momentarily close by. The first light switches on after the c, so once the killer has checked the gate and left, hop back on and hope you can finish opening before they get back.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 646

    Add a new perk available to all survivors like Spine Chill. Which allows a player to open the hatch without a key. You have to pass very difficult skill checks for X amount of time before it successfully opens. Failing will notify the killer with a loud sound notification. Successfully doing so counts as if you exited through EG.

    That way a survivor could potentially get out of a situation where the exit gates are literally next to each other. Where the killer stands on a hill until you give yourself to them, or get impaled. Making it a perk slot instead of basekit is also very fair. You have to give up a useful power during the match for a EGC power that could become your ace in the hole. Even then the hatch could still spawn right next to the EGs. This would allow competent solo players to rank up.

    I usually run Wake Up, and Sole Survivor when I play solo. Then I use the hatch spawn add on as bait to lure the killer to the hatch. This gives me time to open it. If No Way Out triggers I have enough time to get away from that door, and hide. Ada’s move needs to be reworked to work indefinitely, or it activates when you’re the last survivor in the trial. What I noticed is her power activates when everyone else gets downed. I waste half the power while people struggle on the hook, or die.

  • Dipper
    Dipper Member Posts: 153

    I do that. But often Killers only need to walk a few meters to see the exit gate, so they then see you stand at the gate and instantly come towards you. Hardly a chance to open it completely

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    look, I'm already playing trapper. let me use my bad power on the gate when I somehow managed a 3k and found the hatch first

  • Ranch_Jello
    Ranch_Jello Member Posts: 99

    No...if your team did not finish the gens, you did not find hatch first, and the gates are in an unfavorable position. That's on you. At that point you lost. Best case scenario, killer is paying more attention to gates and you can search for a key in boxes.

    TLDR: if your team loses, hope for a miracle.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    And in other games the gates are so far apart that you cannot even protect them with high mobility killers like BIlly or Blight. It goes both ways.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    This is only a problem if the exits are too close.

    Just use the 25% tech (or Wake up/sole survivor) and you will mostly be fine.

  • Captain_Dickärd
    Captain_Dickärd Member Posts: 14

    Stop opening the gate when the progress bar is right before the "S" in "escape" and the light won't pop up. If the killer comes to interrupt let go right before they try to grab to force them to perform a basic attack. This may buy you enough time to escape between their attack cooldown.