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[PC] Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000018

Here are the steps of what happen before my game crashes:
Step 1: Start Game.
Step 2: Wait for game to load assets and play cutscenes.
Step 3: After cutscene, I get into lobby and are given the choice to play killer or survivor and my game crashes.
Notes: I play Dead By Daylight on Steam. This issue happens EVERY TIME I start the game. I also used the Windows Command Prompt and checked for corrupted Windows Files using the command sfc/scannow, It found some and helped Dead By Daylight Run a little better but it still crashes. Other games work perfectly fine but for some reason Dead By Daylight doesn't, It's frustrating to not be able to play one of my favorite games.
Error Message:
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000018
dxgi {0x0000000000000000} + 143698 bytes
dxgi {0x0000000000000000} + 866000 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 99371875 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 99407933 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 112975291 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 112976827 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 93125355 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 113455051 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 94546151 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 94520065 bytes
kernel32 {0x0000000000000000} + 75437 bytes
ntdll {0x0000000000000000} + 371304 bytes
I'm having the exact same issue. I cannot get past the lobby anymore. Last night, I was able to join friends' parties and load into matches, but I would only crash during the last stage of loading in to the match.
Something definitely went wrong with this update. I can't even play now :(
Re-installing, sfc/scannow, and updating drivers haven't helped :( All of my other games work normally
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Exactly, as soon as I load into the game my game crashes, other games work perfectly fine. I've restarted, checked for corrupted files, and looked up countless tutorials to no avail.
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To anyone on this forum having this same problem, open the command prompt in administrator mode and type "sfc/scannow" to check for corrupted files. If you already used the command sfc/scannow, consider looking at these videos I found, they might help you. These videos will show you how to use the DISM commands to check for possible corrupted windows images on your operating system and hard drive.
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I have the same issue,
I was on my old Windows 10 PC updated the game when Nicolas Came out on the 25th, No issues at all like normal, then on the 26th my New Gaming PC arrived Windows 11, Excited I installed and set up the PC, thought I'll have a game of DBD...
Unfortunately Brand new Powerful Machine straight out the box cant play DBD because of this exact issue, crashes if in Lobby, loading in a match, during a match...Most times there isnt even an error message when it puts me back at Desktop and sometimes its the above...
Only difference is my new machine is Windows 11, tried the usual restart, reinstall DBD, Verify the files, full clean wipe of the PC and start again, but no....every other games fine, just DBD...
Currently playing on my old Windows 10 6 year old PC with no issue so its a bit of shame.... Obviously something in the update and Windows 11 don't agree.....
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Did the DSIM commands fix your problem? @Dopexile
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@BotError404 No, but you should still try them to see if they help you.
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The problem has to be related to Windows 11 or the new Dead By Daylight patch. This is because all other games work for me but for some reason dbd doesn't. This tells us that the problem is not our computers but yet probably a problem with the new dbd update or windows 11.
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Just a quck bump as the bugfix patch 7.1.1 was just installed on my PC but the issue for me still persists.
Loaded up fine, everything seemed Ok, made a coffee came back game was still on... then started scrolling through Survivors and the game just crashed without warning and message back to Desktop Shrugs
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@Lions Yeah that's basically the same issue everyone and I in this forum are having. I don't think there is anything we can do except wait for someone to give us an answer or solution to what's happening. Another thing, check if other games work except for Dead By Daylight. If those other games do work, like mine do, we know it's probably not a problem associated with our computers. But yet a problem with Dead By Daylight or Windows. We know this especially if a decent amount of people in this forum are having other games work but not Dead By Daylight.
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I just think the new update has some very important issues that need fixing.
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Most the time when the game crashes, it doesn't even give me an error message. It instead sends me immediately back to the homescreen.
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Yeah Every other game works fine, computer works fine, as its brand new literally just got it last week, just cant play DBD... as it crashes without warning may last 30 seconds, may last 5 minutes, but it always crashes, as I mentioned earlier Im still playing DBD on my old Windows 10 machine with no issues, just wish there was an ETA on this or acknowledgement that there is a problem and a small minority of us arent just making it up... As I dont believe there is anything we can do at our end to fix the issue. its a DBD/ Windows 11 conflict somewhere....
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@Lions Yes, I do also believe that reshade may be causing some issues too. Try uninstalling reshade and starting Dead By Daylight. If the same issue keeps occurring after that, then the problem isn't associated with reshade. And most likely an issue or bug out of our control. This doesn't seem to be a logical answer as I have other computers with reshade on DBD that play DBD completely fine. But also DBD dev's probably didn't make DBD to comply with reshade so it still could be the problem.
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@Dopexile I believe its Reshade, It crashes the easy anti cheat since the update, for me anyway when I watched it boot up on Norton, Ive read in a few Discords it was crashing some peoples DBD, some have unistalled, others have installed an earlier version. Again my old Windows 10 PC that is playing DBD without issue also has Reshade installed and the same configs etc so i dunno....
Ive uninstalled it, loaded the game and it seems to be working, just finished 2 matches without incident. Hopefully it is/was the issue.
Post edited by Lions on0 -
I'm having this issue too and I'm on Linux. I could play with reshade just fine before the last bugfix patch.
The error say that the pakchunk get corrupted (I'm not sure if was the pakchunk 143, I should keep playing until I get the error again, then I'll confirm what number exactly is). Veryfing the game files help solve the issue momentarily until the game crash again.
I'm on ReShade 5.9.0